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Aîlodiad i Lyfryddiaeth y Cymry. 377
Welsh language ; and the collection in the Bodleian at Oxford is still
more meagre. St. David's Collège, Lampeter, an institution which ought
to identify itself with everything that is national, possesses by far the
largest library in the Principality; but the number of Welsh books which
it contains is very small, and those few are neither rare nor of any par-
ticular value. Few private libraries are rich in this kind of literature,
and, with a few exceptions, the peasant's cot rewards the researches of
the bibliographer better than the nobleman's mansion. A Cambrian Mu-
séum, in which, among other things, ail the books in the Welsh tongue
might be deposited, is a great desideratum.
D. Silvan Evans.
1. Y Drych Christianogawl, yn yr hwn y dichon pob Christion gan-
fod gwreiddin a dechreuad pob daioni sprydawl, sef, gwybod modd i
wasanaethu Duw, drwy ei garu a'i ofni yn fwy na dim, ag i daflu ymaith
beth bynnag ar afo rwystr i hynny. Y Rhan gyntaf yn péri gwasanaethu
Duw drwy ei garu.
Rhotomagi apud haeredes Jathroi Faronis. 1 58$. 8vo. Pages xii-71.
A portion of the title will be found in Ll. y C. (under the year 1 584, 2),
but without any particulars. It is the work of Dr. Grufïydd Roberts, the
Welsh grammarian, and was published, apparently after his death, by Dr. Roger
Smith, who has prefixed to it a prefatory epistle to the Cymry. It is particu-
larly worthy of notice as being one of the few Welsh books printed on the Con-
tinent, and the only one yet known to hâve been executed at Rouen. The only
existing copy known to me is the one in the possession of the Rev. John Peter, of
Bala, which is imperfect, the title and introductory portion of the work being
suppHed in manuscript ; and it is to this gentleman I am indebted for a descrip-
tion of it. This is the first part ; but whether a second part ever appeared, is
at présent unknown. See Traethodydd for January, 1872, p. 90.
2. Hanes y Ffydd er Dechreuad y Byd hyd yr oes hon. 1666. 4to.
pp. 89.
This is undoubtedly the first édition of Hanes y Ffydd Ddifîuant by Charles
Edwards (Ll. y C. 1671, 1). It contains only the first part of that work.
The date is taken from the préface, the titlepage of the copy inspected being
wanting, as is too often the case with old Welsh books.
3. Testament Newydd ein Harglwydd a'n hiachawdr lesu Grist.
London. Printed by M. S. for John Allen at the Sun-rising in St.
Pauls Churchyard. 1654. i2mo. pp. 820, 134=954.
It contains the metrical Psalms as well as the New Testament.
4. Bwyd Enaid : sef Llyfr bychan yn bedair Rhan. Rhan I. Am Dduw
a'i Ddaioni iDdynol-ryw. Rhan II. Am Ddyled Dyn tuag at Dduw, a'r

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