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"Cneap, a button = [from] Norse Tcna^pr, button.
cnuimh, worm ; see cruimh, the proper form.
CO, who, cognate with Lat. q%ii, quod, Eng. who.
cobhais, conscience, Bk. of Deer cidms = con-jios, " co-knowledge,"
where _^fios, knowledge = vid-tu, root vid, see. Hence coguis
[ = con-ciihus.']
COguis, conscience ; see above.
COgull, cockle, from the Eng.
coibhdhean, a troop, anc. coheden, from con-ved, root vadh, bind
coimheart, comparison ; con-her-t, root her, Lat. con-fero.
coinnlein, stalk, anc. coinniin, from conn, allied to Lat. canna,
reed, Gr. kana, whence Eng. cane [D.]
COireal, coral, is from the Lat. corallinm, Eng. coral [D. From
the Eng. first.]
COirneal, colonel, from the old Eng. coronet [D.]
COitchionn, common, 0. Ir. coitclienn, from con-tcrk-m, from teck,
house [D.]
col, sin, Lat. culpa, colpa (Stokes Fel.).
COmaidh, mess, 0. Ir. comithi, commensationes, comitk, "co-
eating" [D. The preserved ??i ( = mvi) is fatal to this ety-
mology ; rather com-bifh, " co-being."]
COmhairc, cry out, 0. G. comarc ; root pare, Lat. precor, etc.
comhalta, foster brother, 0- Ir. comalta ; root al, as in altrum q.v.
COmharba, protection, successor ; 0. \v. comarpi, coheredes ; root
arh ; see earb.
companach, companion, as Eng., from coni-jKinis, " co-bread" men.
conacli, ricli, 0. Ir. conaicid, felicior ; further *cuno, high, W. cwn,
root ku [D.]
.conlach, straw ; see coinnlein, above.
COnspaid, a dispute = [from] cnnsputatio, as triohlaid from trih-
ulatio, etc. [D.]
cop, boss of shield, [from] Norse Icoppjr, bell-sha])ed crown (jf
helmet, Ger. hopf, head, Ag. S. copjp [D.]
COpan, a cup, dim. of cop, Norse koppr, cup, from Lat. cupa [D.]
core, coirce, oats = Norse Tcorhi ; but which is borrowed? [D. Norse
is, as Vigfusson shows. Cf. Lit. hurkl, small grain.]
cord, agree, from Lat. cnr, cordis, heart. Cf. Eng. concord and
Gaelic comhchordadh.
cord, a sti-ing ; if not from Eng. cord, is from its ancestor, Lat.
chorda [D. From Eng]
COrruich, wrath ; cf. Fr. courroux [D.]
COSair, bed, from co-sair, where sair is from the root ^tfv, strew^,
Gr. atorennumi. Lat. sterno, Eng. strctv [D.]

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