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They came after that to the other town, and it was pleasing to
Columcille, because it was full of God's grace, and he asked of the
mormaer, to wit Bede, that, he should give it to him ; and he did
not give it ; and a son of his took an illness after [or in conse-
quence of] refusing the clerics, and he was nearly dead [lit. he was
■dead but if he were a little]. After this the mormaer went to
entreat the clerics that they should pray for the son that healtli
should come to him, and he gave in offering to them from Cloch
in Tiprat to Cloch pette mic Uaruait. They made the prayer, and
health came to him. After that Columcille gave to Drostan that
town and blessed it and left as (his) word, " Whosoever should
come against it, let him not be many-yeared [or] victorious."
Drostan's tears (deara) came on parting with Columcille. Said
Columcille, " Let Dear be its name henceforwai-d."
Modern Gaelic Version. ^
Colum-cille agus Drostan mac Chosgraich, a dhalta, — thàinig
lad a h-'I mar dh' fhoillsich Dia doibh gu ruige Abar-dobhair ;
agus (b' e) Bedhe Cruithneach bu mhoirear Bhuchain air an
ceann ; agus is e thiodhlaic doibh a' chathair sin an saoradh gu
bràth o mhoirear agus o thòiseach. Thàinig iad air sail sin 'na
chathair eile, agus thaitinn ri Colum-cille si, oir bu Ian do rath de
(Ì), agus diC iarr air a' mhoirear, eadhon Bedlie, gun tabhradh (e)
da Ì, agus cha tugadh. Agus ghabh mac dha galar air euradli
nan cleireach, agus bu mharbh (e) ach ma beag. Air sin chaidh
am moirear dh' atach nan cleireach gun deanadh-siad ùrnuigh leis
a' mhac gun tigeadh sh'iinte dha : agus tlnig (e) an lobairt doibh o
Chloich an Tiobairt gu ruige Pit-mhic-Garnait. Rinn-siad an
ùrnuigh agus thainig slàinte dha. Air sin thug Colum-cille do
Dhrostan a' chathair sin agus bheannaich (e) ), agus dh' fhàg am
briathar : " Ge b' è thig ris, na ba bhliadhnach, bnadhach (e)."
Thainig deòir Dhrostain air sgaradh ri Colum-cille ; labhar
Colum-cille : " Biodh Dear '«a ainm (dha) o .so a mach."
Coluincille = Colum-cille = Columh-cille.
Columb = [from] Lat. Columbus, Coluviha, dove [whence
Gaelic caiman, columan, dove ; Calum, Malcolm.]
cille (of the cell, church), gen. of cell, [from] Lat. cella.
acus or ocus = ankas-tu, cognate with Gr. enekes, Goth, nehv,
O.H.G. ndh, Eng. ni<jh. [Ad-gos-tu, Lat. aggestus, gero (Zim.;]
Drostan, W. Drystan, [Drustagnos (on inscription); cf. Eng. triist.']
1 By Ed. The words that do not reiDresent the MS. Gaelic are in italics ;
inserted words are in parenthesis.

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