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by travelling, or eftablifh amanuenfes, to coi-
led what his time may not allow himfelf to do.
Others, of far fuperior abilities, promife their
aid and encourage his perfeverance. And if he
is fortunate enough to gain the approbation of
the Right Honourable and Honourable the
Highland Society, he doubts not of engaging
more in fupport of his delign.
In addition to what is already faid, he begs
leave to call farther attention to the fubjecfl
propofed. He conceives it worthy of notice.
Curiofity may in fome meafure be fatisfied ;
wifdom enforced by example ; amufement re-
ceived by every clafs of men ; induftry and
future exertion excited ; and cavils and fcepti-
cifm, regarding fome points in our hillory,
iilenced, converted, or reproved.
Arts and fciences have now attained a degree
of improvement unknown before ; is it not
laudable, under their aufpices, to explore the
ages that are pad, do juftice to the memory of
our fathers, and preferve from ruin what re-
mains of other years, undefaced by time, vm-
plundered by violence ?
* Luath,

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