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Sexrbaid, sherV-aj, »t.m. boat-thwart,tota.
SeaRsh, sherrv, adj. sour, tart, bitter;
measan searbh, bitter fruits ; pungent,
acrid ; tha e searbh, it is pungent or acrid;
<iisagreeable,disgusting; gnotliach searbh,
a disagreeable business; tlia mi searbh
ilhetli, / am disgusted with it ; 'nuair a
bu shearbh leam eisdeachd ris, when I
found it intolerable to listen to him.
Se\rbiiachd, sherv'-achg, n.f. bitterness.
-Searbhadas, sher'-ad-as, n. m. disgust,
Seardhag, sherv'-ag, n.f. refuse of liquids,
Searbbdaich, shèrd'-èch, v. disgust, tease,
embitter ; shearbhdaich e mi, he teased
or disgusted me; shearbhdaich iad mi,
they annoyed or teased me, they embitter-
ed my life ; searbhdaichte, teased, embit-
.Seardhanta, sherv'-ant-a, n. /. servant,
maid. French.
!5EARBnANTACHD, sherv'-ant-achg, n.f. ser-
vice, office of a maid.
Seardair, shèrd'-àèr, n. m. hand towel,
drudge; a' brath seardair a' dheanadh
dliim, meaning to make me his slave or
Searg, shergg, v. wither, decay, fade,
shrivel ; v. n. pine away ; shearg na lus-
an, the flowers or herbs faded, or wither-
ed ; tha an duine sin a searg air falbh,
tliat man is pining away ; n. m. a shriv-
elled or decayed person. H.
SBARGAiRE,shergg'-ur-à,n m. pining person
Seargadh, shergg'-A, pt. fading; pining.
Seargte, sherg'-tya, pt. withered, faded.
Searmoin, sher'.mènn, n.f. a sermon, dis-
course, lecture, pleading ; N. searmaid.
Searmonaich, shei'-mènn-èch, v. preach,
lecture, discourse; deliver a discourse.
Seabmonaiche, sher'-mun-ech-ii, ji. m.
Searr, shyàrr, n. m. a shearing hook,
sickle; cona.n, Macdonald; coll, Sh.;
V. reap, cut, hash,
Searrach, shyarr'-ach, n. m. foal, colt.
Searrao, shyarr'-ag, n. m. a bottle. Arg.
Searraigu, shyàrr'-è, n f. colcwort. Irish.
Seas, shàs2, v. stand, stop ; an seas thu am
fhainuis, shalt thou stand in my pre.
sence ? maintain, endure, support ; cò a
sheasas tu, who shall support you Ì seas an
coir, maintain their rights, B.; adh'aind-
eoin CO a sheasadh tu, iti defiance to all
that will take your part ; cha 'n urrainn
mi so a sheasadh, I caimot endure this ;
seasaidh mise thu an coir 'san eucùir, /
wilt support you, whether in the right or
wrong'.'.'. (THE STERLING, OLD Ilicn-
iAND chieftains' CREED.)
Seasach, shàs'-ach, adj. steadfast, firm.
Seasadh, shàs2'-](, -yn. m. standing pus
Sheasamh, shàs2'-uv, J tare ; 'na s/ieas-
amh, he standing; 'na seasamh, she
standing; pt. enduring, maintaining, ic.
Seasaireachd, shàs'-aèr-achg, n.f. penance
in church.
Seasg, shasg, adj. without milk, as a fe-
male; barren, unprolific; ni 'sam biih
seasg ad thir, any thing barren in ;hy
land, B. ; n. m. barrenness, sedge, water-
sedge; a' buain seasg, cutting sedge.
Seasgacii, shasg'-ach, n. m. farrow catlle.
Seasgaire, shàsg'-ur-à, n. m. lazy person.
Seasgaireachd, shasg'-ur'-achg, n.f. in-
dulgence in ease ; quietness, peace.
Seasgab, shàsg'-ur,arf;. quiet, comfortable,
at ease, as weather, settled ; bi seasgar,
be quiet ; fan seasgar, keep quiet.
Seasglach, shasg' Uach, n.f. a barren cow
Seasmhach, shas'-ach, a. steady, settle.
Seasmhachd, sims'-achg, n. /. firmness,
settled state, as of weather ; stability,
Seathadh, shè'-X, adj. the sixth.
Seathnar, shèn'-ar, n. c. six persons or
Seic, shàèchg, n. /. manger. North ; see
Seiceal, shachg'-ul, n.f. heckle. Scotch.
Seiche, shach'-a, n. f. a hide; v. skin.
Seiciieadair, shàch'-ad-aèr, n. m. a cur.
rier, skinner.
Seichearnach, shach'-arn-ach, 71. /.tan.
Seiceil, shachg'-èl, v. dress flax; beat or
scold lustily.
Seiclear, shàchg'laèr, n. m. flax.dresser.
Seid, shajj, n.f. plethora, tympany, swel-
ling in a person from luxurious livinjj
and deep potations ; nach arm a tha 'n t-
seid, how the fellow is puffed up with good
living .' V. blow, become a storm ; shiiid
e, is shiid e, it blew and it blew, it blew
into a hurricane; instigate, prompt to
evil, puff; is tusa a tha 'ga sheideadh, it
is you that instigate him ; breathe ;
sh^id e an cuineinibh a shròine anail na
beatha, !ie breathed into his nostrils the
breath of life. B.
SEin, shajj, n.f. a complete bellyful, sur-
feit ; fhuair e a sheid, he got his bellyful ;
pallet, couch ; na laidhe air seid, sleep-
ing, or lounging on a pallet.
Seideadh, shajj'-A, pt. blowing, puffing;
n. m. storm.
Seidhir,, n.f. a chair. North.; (Fr.)
Seidire, shàjj'-èr-a, n. m. a swell, puffed
SEiniiicH, sh.ìjj'-rèch, n. / hissing of ser-
pents, &c.
Seidte, shàjj'-tyà, pt. blown, puflied. -
T 2

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