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eulogy, commendation ; cha dean mi
tuilidh moladh ort, / will not speak more
in thy praise ; cha moladh do mholadh,
your eulney is uo praise.
Moil, moll, tu m. chaff; mar mhòU air
'fhuadachadh le gaoith, as chajjdi iven
by the wind; leaba mhiiill, chaff-bed.
MoLLTE, raoli'tyà, pt. praised, lauded.
Molt, moltt, n. m. wedder ; muilt, wed-
MoLTAcn, raolt'-ach, adj. praiseworthy.
MoLLTAiR, bolltair, multure, mill. dues.
Mo.MiiA, mò'-a, dcg. greater, greatest ; cha
mhomha ni thu fheiii a gheibheadh e,
none but a friend like yourself would get
it — no less important a person than your-
self nould get it
MoMHAiDE, mò'-èjj-à, deg. mòr, cha
mhomhaide, perhaps; cha mhomhaide
e sin, it is not greater for that; cha
mhomhaide gun dh' thig e, per/mps he
uill not come ; contracted mòide.
MoNABH, mon'-i, «. m. moor, heath.
MoNAUiiL, m6n'-ad-al, adj. moorish, hilly.
MoNAB, mòn'-ar, 71. m. refuse, contempti-
ble jierson or object ; tha 's, cha b'e r)i07iar
e, yes, and it is not the refuse— yes, and
he is net the contemptible person, he is a
great man or person.
MoNMiioB, mòn'-vur, n. m. murmur. B.
Mob, mor and mor, adj great, of great
size; tall; and important; duine jwdr,
a great man, a tall man, considerable per-
sonage; great, numerous; sluagh mor,
a great or numerous people or multitude ;
important, weighty, considerable ; ni
mor, an important or weighty affair ;
mighty, overbearing, self-important; cho
mhòr as f hèin ris a mhac-mhallachd, as
self-important as Lucifer ; familiar, inti-
mate, much attached, gracious; tha iad
mor aige a chèile, they are great chums ;
tha iad cho mkòr aige chèile is urr-
ainn iad, they are as gracious as can
be they are as familiar as possible ;
much valued, esteemed much, thought
much of; bu 7?i/iòr aca fhèin c, i< was
much valued by themselves— they thought
much of it themselves; much, great in
degree; is mor a dh' fhuilneas cridhe
ceart ma'm brist e, a well-regulated
heart suffers much ere it break; adv.
and n. m. much, many; is mor learn, /
think it too much; is mor learn sin a
dheanadh, I think it too much to go that
length; is mor a dh' fhuilinn mi, greatly
did I suffer ! tha e ra-mhor, it is too big,
it is too much; cha nihùr a chi e, few
shall see it ; cha mhor math a th' air, it
is not worth much ; am mor leat na dh'
itheas c, do you grudge what he eats? do
you t/tink him a goniiandiser ? is momha
esan, he is greater or taUer'; cha mhor,
almost; cha mhiir nach do bhual e mi,
he almost struck me; the great, the
mighty, the chivalirous, the renowned,
the famous ; cò tha coltach ri mor nan
cliii, who is like the mighty n/ renown Ì
am bcag is am mi/r, both great ami small,
the mighty and the feeble-handed; great
number, great deal.
MoRACHR, mòr'-achg, n. /. greatness,
mightiness ; majesty, dignity, rank.
MoRAiL, m6r'-al,fl<y. majestic, magnificent.
Mohan, mor- or mor-an, n. m. great deal,
great number, many, great quantitj' ;
mòran aca ag radh, many of them assert;
mòran eile, many more; mùran nithe,
many things j mòran cuideachd, a great
company; moran èisg, great quantity of
Jish; moran nighean, great number of
daughters ; adv. by a great deal ; moran
na 's fhaisge, by a great deal nearer;
moran eile, great number of others.
MoRciii'is, mòr'-chùsh, n. /. ambition,
pomp, pageantry, magnificence.
MoRCHUisEAcii, mor'-chush-ach, adj. am-
bitious,pompous,splended, high minded.
Morchuiseachd, mor'-chùsh-achg, «. f
ambitiousness, splendour, pomposity.
Morroinn, mor'-raOenn, n.f. province. B.
MoBT, mort, n. m. murder, massacre ; i'.
murder, slay; tnort Ghlinne-Chomha,
MoBTACH, m6rf-ach, •» adj. murderous,
MoRTAiL, mòrt'al, / murdering.
MoRTAiR, mòrt'.àr', n. m. murderer, killer,
assassin ; am mortair, the murderer.
MoRTAiREACHD, mort'-ar'-achg, n.f. mas-
MoRTiiiR, mor'-hcr, n.f. mainland.
MoBTniBEAcii, mòr'-hyèr-ach, n. c. person
belonging to the mainland ; a belonging
to a continent.
MoR-UAtsLE, mor-ùàèsh'-lyà, n.m nobHity.
MosAcn, mos'-ach, adj. filthy, nasty; ni
f mosach, ajilthy thing ; mean, inhospita-
ble, not liberal ; is tu a tha n.osach, how
inhospitable you arc .'
MosAG, mos'.ag, n.f. filthy or dirty fe-
male ; parsimonious niggardly female.
MosAiciiE, mSs'.èch-à, \ n. f. filthiness^
MoaRAicHE, mos'-rcch, / niggardliness. '
MosG, m6sg, "1 n. m. dry-rot ; a.
MosGAiN, m5sg'-àèn,3 having dry-rot, as
MosGAiLL, mosg'.ily , v. arouse, rouse.
MosGALACK, mOsg'-al-ach, adj. watchful.
MoscALACHD, mOsg'.al-achg, n. f. vigi-
MostiLADH, mosg'-lX, pt. rousing, awaking;
u. m. rouse, rousing.
MosRAicHE, mos'-rceha, n.f. smuttiness.
.MoTiiACiiAUH, my-ach-i, n. m. feeling,

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