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poems of Ossian, and a collection of ancicnt poems translatcd from
the Gaelic of Ullin, Ossian, Orran, &c. by John Smith, D. D. Edin-
burgh, 1780. Thc originals of those poems wcre publishcd in 1787,
and dedicated to the Noblemen and Gentlemen of the llighland Society
of London.
Antìquitics and Scencry of the North of Scotland, in a scries of
lettcrs to Thomas Pcnnant, Esq. By the Rev. Charles Cordincr,
ministcr of St. Andrcw's Chapel, Baraf, 1780, 4to.
Druidism revivcd, or a disscrtation on the characters and modes of
writing uscd by the (antient) Irish. Wm. Beauford. Dublin, 1781,
Chincse and Japonese Languages collated with the Irish, by Lieut.
Coloncl Charles Vallancey. Dublin, 1782, 8vo.
+ Origin and Progress of Writing, as wcll hieroglyphic as elemen.
tary, illustratcd by engravings takcn from Marbles, Manuscripts, and
Chartcrs, ancient and modern, by Thomas Astle, Esq. Keepcr of the
Rccords in the Tower of London, 1784, 4to. An improvcd cdition
of this valuable work was printed in London, 1803, 4to. This work
and Mabillon's Re-Diploraatica, already noticed, arc regarded as
chef-d'ocuvrcs in the art of decyphering ancicnt writings, and thcy have
bcen quoted in thc Rcport of the Highland Socicty of Scotland, as
well as in some of the Notcs and Observatìons to Cesarotti's Disserta-
tion, to prove the antiquity of scveral Gaelic MSS. in the possession
of the Highland Socicty of Scotland. Sec Notes E. and N. to Ccsa-
rotti's Disscrtation, Supplemental Observations, p. 439, ,et seq. and
Catalogue of Gaelic MSS. in possession of the said Highland Society
inserted at the end.
* + Historical Mcnioirs of thc Irish Bards. Walkcr, 1786.
* + Miss Brooke's Rclicts of Irish Poctry.
+ The Life and Miracles of St. Coluniba, by the Rev. John Smith,
D. D.
* + Poems of Ossian, latcly discovcred by Edmund dc HaroUI,
Colonel in thc service of thc Elector Palatinc, &c. Dusseldorf, 17S7,
8vo. An account of this collcction is givcn in Notc I. to Ccsarotti's
Dissertation, p. 344.
Antiquitìcs of Scotland, by F'rancis Grosse, Esq. 1789. 2 vols.
Archaeologia Cornu-Britannica, or an Essay to prcscrve the Rudi-

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