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Dictionnaire et Colloqucs Fian<;ois et Breton. Guil. Quicqucr.
Morlaix, 1626, I2mo.
+ The Life of St. Columba, written in thc 7th contury in Gaelic
or in Latin, but, according to Sir Robert SibbaUl, in the former
b) Adamnanus, Abbot of Icolmkill. It was first published in English
in Jerom Porter's Flowers of the Saints. (4to. Duac. 1632.)
+ The Life of King Malcolm Kenmore, or Ceanmore, of Scot-
land, and Queen Margaret, written at the close of the llth, or early
in the 12th century, by Turgot, Bìshop of St. Andrews, who had
becn preceptor to their children. He died in 1115. This Life could
not be but well written, for the reasons justly assigned by Hector
Boethius. " Conscripsit (say he) vernacula quidem linguà, sed non
mìnori elegantià quam pietate veritateque, ut qui illis familiarissi-
mus, dum viveret, fuerit, optimusque testis utrique vertutura suarum
extiterit." It was published in English in Jerom Porter's Flowers
of the Saints (4to. Duac. 1632) ; also in Spanish by Juan de Soto
(4to. Alcal. 1617); and in Italian by Guliclmo Lcslie (8vo. Roma,
Histoire de France depuis Pharamond jusqu' à la paix de Vervins sous
Henri IV. en 1598, avec les portraits iles Rois Reynes et Dauphins,
lcur Medailles et leur Explications par Francois Eudes do Mczerai.
Paris, 1643, 3 vols. folio. Successive editions of the works of this ce-
lebrated historian were printed in 1646, 1651, 1685, in folio. In 1668
an abridgment of this history was published, in 3 vols. 4to. and in 1672
it was published in 6 vols. 12mo. As an historian he is valued
very highly and dcservedly, for his integrity and accuracy in relating
facts as he found them. The cdition publishcd in 1685, in 3 vols.
folio, is the most valuablc to tlie Celtic antiquary, as, among other
mattcrs, there will be found a separate dissertation on the origin of
the Gauls or Franks, on the state of the Gaulish religion until the
reign of Clovis, and remarks concerning the history of the first race
and cbangcs in chronology. There is also a varìety of other additional
mattcr interspcrsed in thc tcxt of this valuable edition.
Lexicon Hibcrnicum, praisertim pro vocabulis antiquioribus et
obscuris. Michacl Clery seu O'CIeirigh. Lovanii, 1643, 8vo.
• * -^ TriadcsThaumaturga;, sivCiDivorumPatricii Columba; etBrigidaì
trium vetcris ct majores Scotia; seu Hibernia; Sanctorum Insula;
cmmunium Patronorum Acta. J. Colgaiius, Lovan. 1647. — 3 vols.
folio. The learned author, JohnColgan, an Irish mcndicant friar and

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