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Tapídíllo, one reeister in the tube of an orgnn
Tapadillo (de), adv. iv-ithout ceremony; secretly
Tapadizo, m. hiding the face with a raautle (wo.)
Tapador, -a, s. one who stops; shuts up; stopple
Tapador, -a, father of a hack: keeper of a brothel
Tapadura, \sf. stopping; hiding; covering; hold-
Tapafogón, m. cap of a gun, put on the vent-hole
Tapafúuda, sf. holster-cover of pistols
Tápana, Tapara, »/. caper; caper-bush (plant)
Tapapiés, $m. ancient rich silken petticoat
Tapar, va. 1. to stop up; cover; hide; conceal
Tapar la boca, to stop one's mouth
Tapar una abertura de agua, to fother a leak (na.)
Tapatán, Taparapatán, sm. sound ~' - '-
.. ref. 1
s face
Taperujo, >m. ill-shaped plug, stopple, stopper
Taperujo, awkward manner of putting on a veil
Tapetado, -a, a. of a dark-brown, blackish colour
Tapete, sm. small floor-carpet
Tapia,/, raud-wail; mad-wall of fifty square feet
Tapia real, wall made of earth and lime
Tapiadór, tm. builder of mud-walls
Tapial, >m. mould, for making mud-walls
Tapial (tener el, 2.), to have patience, rest
Tapiar, va, 1. to stop up with a mud-wall
Tapicería, /. tapestry; office of tapestry-keeper
Tapicero, sm. maker, weaver of tapestry
Tapicero mayor, tapestry-keeper in a palace
Tapiería, sf. arrangement of mud-walls
Tapínes,-inos,»¡.¿i/. stoppers forvent-holes (na.)
Tapisote, sm. vellow-flowered pea (pulse)
Tapiz, sm. tapestry; grass-plot full of flowers
Tapizar, va. 1. to hang with tapestry
Tapón, sm. cork; bung; stopper; stopple; plug
Tápsia, sf. deadly carrot; thapsia (plant)
Tápsiaveliósa, villous deadly carrot (plant)
Tapujarse, v.r. 1. to muffle one's self in a cloak
Tapujo, sm. muffle; cover for the face
Taque, sm. noise made by the flapping of a door
Taquetes, sm. plur. cleats (pieces of wood, naut.)
Taquigrafía, sj. short-hand writing; tachygraphy
Taquígrafo sui. short-hand writer
Taquín, .»«!. hoof (of cloven-footed animals)
Taquinero, Jwi. plaver with a bone
Tara, sf. tare; allowance in weight: tally
Tara (menos de), making an allowance for
Taracea, sf. inlaid, variegated work; marquetry
Taracear, va. 1. to inlay; veneer; variegate wuod
Taragállo, sm. clog, to prevent beasts straying
Taragontia, sf. dragon's-wort (plant)
Tarambana, smf. giddy; foolish person
Tarando, »wi. rein-deer, used for drawing sledges
Tarángana, sf. black pudding; hog's pudding
Tarantela, sf. powerful impressive tune
Tarantela (dar la), to excite inordinately
Tarántula, sf. tarantula (venomous spider)
Tarantulado, -a, adj. bit by a tarantula, amazed
Tarará, sj. sound of a trumpet; signal for action
Tararear, n. 1. to sound the trumpet, as a signal
Tararear, to chuck under the chin; fondle
Tarasca,/. 6g. ot a serpent borne in processions
Tarasca, crooked, ugly, lewd, & impudeutwoman
Tarascada, sf. bite; pert, harsh answer
Tarascar, va. 1. to bite; wound with the teeth
Tarascón, sm. augm. veryu^ly impudent woman
Tarascón, very large 6g. of a serpent on a banner
Taravilla, sf. clapper, of a mill; great prattler
Taravilla, wooden latch for shutting doors, &c.
Taravilla, (soltar la), to talk much to no purpose
Taray, sm. tamarisk (flowering tree) [cellar
Tarazáua, sf. arsenal; public dock-yard; shed;
Tarazaná ¡public dock-yard shed;cellar
Tarazar, va. to bite; molest; harass: mortify
Tarazón, sm. large slice, particularly of fish
Tarazoncillo, stn. dimin. small slice
Tarbea, sf. large hall; large entrance-room
Tardador, -a, smf. delayer: putter off; deferrer
Tardamente, adv. tardily; slowly; dilatorily
Tardanaos, sf. sea-lamprey; obstacle: remora
Tardanza, sf. delav; stay; hiuderancc; lingering
Tardar, va. 1. to delav; stop; hinder; prevent
Tardar, vn. to stay: tarry; loiter; dally; forbear
Tarde, /. afternoon; evening (first hours of night)
Tarde, adv. late; past the time; out of time
Tarde en tarde (de), now and then; occasionallv
Tarde (hacerse, v. rej. 2.), to grow late [never
Tarde que nunca (mas vale) better late than
Tarde (algo), somewhat late, latish; lateward
Tardecica, -ita, sf. dimin. close of the evening
Tardecillo, adv. a little late; tardily; slowly
Tardíamente, adv. too late; out of time
Tardío, -a, adj. late; too late; tardy; slow
Tardo, -a, adj. slow; sluggish: lazy; inactive
Tardón, -a, adj. augm. very slow; phlegmatic
Tarea, sf. task; work to be done: toil; drudgery
Targ:úra, sm. Chaldaic version of the Bible
Tan, m. Indian liquor drawn from the cocoa-nut
Tarida, sf. Mediterranean ship with war-stores
'J'arifa, sf. tarif; list of prices; book of rates
Tarima, /. movable platform; low bench, bedstead
Tarimilla, sf. dimin. small bedstead, footstool
Tarimón, sm. augm. large bedstead, footstool
Tarín, sm. silver real of eight and a half quartos
Tarina, sf. middle-sized dish (for meat)
Tarja, sf. ancient Spanish coin (fourth of a real)
Tarja, tally; shield; target; sign-board; blow
Ta!rjefo''j»ñ*' *"'-^ jííeeper, marker of a tally
Tarjar, va. 1. to mark, score on a tally
Tarjeta,/, small shield of arms; sign-board; card
Tarjeta de visita, visiting-card
Tarjeta de despedida, farewell card
Tarjéton, sm. aug. large shield, buckler, target
Tarlatána, sf. sort of thin linen, thread-crape
Tárma, sf. wood-tick; wood-fretter (insect)
Tarquín, sm. mire; mud; filth; dirt; siime
Tarquinida, sf. rape; violent defloration
Tarreña, sJ . cup; dish; vase; platter
Tarreñas, sf. plur. kind of snappers of slate, &c.
Tarro, s¡n. glazed earthen pan: earthen milk-pan
Tarro (cabeza de),/, big-headed fool; blockhead
Tarso, sm. ancle-joint of the foot; tarsus (anat.)
Tarta,/, tart (small fruit pie); pan, to bake tarts
Tártago, am. spurge (plant) : incident; severe jest
Tartajear, vn. 1. to stammer; stutter; balbatiate
TartamudetT'sm'^ J***"""^""'^' st""^""S; I'sp
Tartalear, vn. 1. to reel; stagger: be perplexed
Tartaleta, sf. kind of light paste, to cover tarts
Tartaletas, sf. plur. fruit-pies; fruit-pastry
Tartamudear, vn. 1. to stammer; stutter; lisp
Tartamudo, -a, ». & adj. stutterer; stammering
Tartana, sf. tartane (small coasting-ve.ssel, na.)
Tartana, long covered carriage with two wheels
Tartáreo, -a, adj. of tartar; tartarcous; infernal
Tartarí, 1 sm. tartar; lees of wine; Tartarus;
Tártaro, /hell
Tartarizár, vi, 1. to impregnate with tartar
Tartera, sf. baking-pan for tarts; dripping-pan
Tariiga,/. taruga (sort of Peruvian vigon, anim.)
Tarugo, sm. wooden peg; spigot; plug; stopper
Taruguillo, sm. dimin. smallwooden peg, spigot
Tas, sm. kind of anvil (used by silversmiths)
Tas, clapping of hands; plaudits; applause
Tasa, sf. rate; measure; valuation; settled price

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