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■ '.■ ro, sm. nursery for rearing young plants
ir, adj. like a half moon; semilunar
io, »m. half-moon (moon at the quarter)
til, sm. half metal; semimetal
^ U, adj. seminal; cont
Seminarista, s. scholar brought up in a seminary
Seminima,/, crochet (mus.); thingof no moment
Semioctava, s/. four verses in alternate rhymes
Semiordenáda, */. half the ordinate (math.)
Semipedál, udj. of half a fout; semipedal
Semiplena, sf. half-proof; imperfect proof
Semiplenamente, adu. in a half proved manner
Semipleno, -a, adj. half full: half finished
Simipoeta, sm. poetaster; vile petty poet
Semiprobanza,/, half proof; imperfect evidence
Semiprueba, $/. semiproof (law)
Semiputrido, -a, adj. half rotten; half putrid
Semiquintil, tm. semiquintile (astr.)
Semiracionál, adj. stupid; dull; ignorant
" ' ■ ' 2rfi. of forty-five degrees (angle)
daifa pound weight; half
■; half instructed
Semisábio, -a, adj. half lean
Semisestil, m. semisextile (distance of 30 de
Semiterciáua, .if. semitertian (ague, med.)
Semitono, sm. semitone; half a tone (in music)
Semivibración,/. half a vibration of a pendulum
Semivivo, -a, adj. half alive; half dead
Semivocal, adj. "of a semivowel (as f, 1, m, n, r, s,)
Seraivúlpa, sf. animal like a wolf
Sémola, sf. bran; grits; refuse of flour, oats, &c.
Semoviente, adj. self-moving; self-impelling
Sempiterna, sf. sort of serge; everlasting
Sempiternamente, adv. eternally: for ever & ever
Sempiterno, -a, adj. eternal; perpetual; endless
Sen, Seua, /. senna (purgative) ; 6 marks on dice
Senado, sm. senate; parliament; senate-house
Seuado-coi:súlto, sm. decree of a senate, council
Senador, m. senator; one of the chief magistrates
Senara,/, sown ground,forpart of servants' wages
Senarero, m.servantgiven apiece of sown ground
Senario, sm. number of 6 units; verse of 6i:unbics
Senas, sf.plur. sixes in the game of backgammon
Senat(3rio, -a, adj. senatorial; of the senate
Senciente, udj. sensible; perceiving; sentient
Sencillamente, adv. simply; plainly; slightly
Sencillez, sf. simplicity; silliness; slightness
Sencillo, -a, a. simple; silly; slight; ingenuous
Seuda, sf. path; way; roaii; foot-path; means
Senderear, an. 1. to make a path; walk on a path
Senderar, 1. to guide on afoot-path; make a path
Sendero, sm. foot-path; way; road; pad; means
Sendica, -ilia, -ita, sj. dimin. little pathway; tract
Sendos, -a, pron. whichsoever of the two; either
Sene, sm. old man; man much advanced in years
Senectud, sf. old age; years; age; aucientness
SenescáJ, am. seneschal; lord chief justice [war
Senescal, chief commander of a town in time of
Senescalía, sf. place, dignity of a seneschal
Senil, adj. of old age; consequent on old age
Senites, sf. selenites (kind of fossil) [mistress
Seno, sm. breast; bosom; heart; lap of a woman
Seno, cavity; gulf; deceit; security; purgatory
Seno, curvature of a sail; divinity of the Father
Seno todo, total; total sine, radius (geom.)
Sensación, »/. sensation; feeling; perception
Sensato, -a, adj. sensible; judicious; intelligent
Sensibilidad, sf. sensibility; feeling; sense
Sensible, adj. sensible; perceptible; painful
Sensiblemente, adv. sensibly; judiciously
Sensitiva, sf. sensitive plant (mimosa, bot.)
Sensitivo, -a, adj. sensitive: sensible; ticklish
uéla, sf c
slight SI
,_ _^ full of brambles & briers
Sentidamente, adv. feelingly; sensibly
Sentido, -a, adj. feeling; sensible; putrid; split
Sentido (darse por v. ref.), to show resentment
Sentido, sm. sense; understanding; acceptation
Sentido, wrinkles, represented in painting, &c.
Sentimental, adj. sentimental; pathetic; moving
Sentimiento, sm. sentiment; feeling; perception
Sentimiento, opinion; resentment: grudge; chink
Sentina, sf. sink of a ship; sink of wickedness
Sentir, va. 3. to feel; hear; smell; perceive
Sentir, to suffer; grieve; judge; foresee; taste
Sentir (sin), ad. without being seen, felt, known
Sentir, m. feeling; sentiment; perception; sense
Sentirse, v. ref. to be moved, sensible of; resent
Sentirse, to be in a ruinous state; have a flaw
Sentirse, to acknowledge the obligation, &o.
Seña, sf. sign; mark; token; sigual; password _
S Tias(por, por mas), ad. as a strongerproof of it
Señal, sm. sign; landmark; symptom; footstep
Señal, image; earnest; standard; wonder; signal
Señal (en), adv. in proof of; as a proof of
Señales de brama, sm. piar, fog-signals (naut.)
Señales de hacerse á la vela, sailing signals
Señales de estar en peligro, signals of distress
Señaladamente, adv. especially; signally
Señaladamiénte, -iéntre, adv. especially
Señalado, -a, adj. famous; notable; signalized
Señalamiento, sm. assignation; appointment
Señalar, 1. tomark; sign decrees; point out; name
Señalar, to fix; mark in the face; make signals
Señalar con el dedo, to point with the finger
Señalar los motivos, to account for
Señalarse, v. r. to distinguish one's self; excel
Señaléja, sf. dimin. little sign, mark
Señalero, stn. royal ensign-bearer; king's ensign
I. lord; £
'; singularly
Señor mayor, old man; man advanced in years
Señora, s/.lady; madam; mistress; mother-in-law
Señora mayor (una), old, aged women
Señora (nuestra), the Virgin Mary
Señoráge, \sm. seignorage; acknowledgment of
Señoreáge, / power
Señorázo, -a, smf. pretender to nobility

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