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REV o.
Revoltillo, «»«. jomble; medley; tripes of a sheep
Revólto, m. viue-frelter; TÍi.e-tfrui,íliitle ii.sect)
Revoltoso, -a, 'idj. factious; seditious; turbulent
Revolución, »/. revolution; sedition; commotion
Revolucionadór, -a, sm/. revolutionist; revolter
Revolucionar, «. 1. to commove, ascitate a country
Revolucionarse, ?;. re/, to rise ■
Revolucionario, -a, iidj. revolt
Revolvedero, »»i. coursing-ground
Revolvedor, -a, smf. revolter; ' -'-•
Revolver, vi. 2. to move up ar
Ribazo, tin. sloping bank, ditch
Ribera, tj. shore; stra-' '* "'
Ribera (ser de monte ;
turbulent person
urn swiftly
«c.o.vcr'cáldos, to excite, stir up disturbances
Revolverse, r. to move to & fro; chanije (weather)
Revolverse, to copulate; perform a revolution
>. waliov
; roUiii;
n the IT
Revuelo, w. flyinir to and fro (bird); disturbance
Revu' lo (de), -/i. by the way; promptly; speedily
Revuelta, n. second turn: return; revolution
Revuélti, delay; reBection; commutation
Rrvu, K:; (á), ad. in union; together; conjointly
Kevi..ito, -a, «rf;. perverse;
Revuelto, -a, wrapped up; c
y turned (horsp)
a,/, con
ivc. U..1..U, -^..J, -a, iiilj. revulsive; ,
Riñ', m. king; sovereign; swineherd; Span, dance
Rey', man, magnanimous & libera, in his conduct
Rpy de armas, king at arms; king of arras (h eral.)
Rey ec el nombre, nominal king
Rev (DÍÓS guarde al), God save the king
Rey de bastos, wooden king; king without power
Rey de bá.>.tos, copas, king of clubs, of hearts
R.'v de banda, partridge, that leads the covey
R,V de codornices, large quail, guiding others
ReVecico, -illo, -ito, im. dimiit. petty king
Reyerta, sf. dispute; contest; debate
Reyertar, vn. 1. to dispute; contend; contest
Reyes (las), if. plnr. Epiphany; Twelfth-night
Reyezuelo, sm. petty king; golden-crested vrren
Rezadero, -a, ndj. praving often; reading prayers
Rezado, sm. prayer; Divine service; praving
Rezado, -a, itdj. praved; quoted; foretold
Rezador, -a, Jin/, one, who prays often
Rezaga, »/. rear-guard; hinder troop of an army
Rezagante, a. & ndj. delayer; leaving beiund
Rezatrár, va. 1. to defer; leave behind; outstride
Rezago, i;n. remainder; residue; rei
Rezar, ni. 1. to pray; read prayers;
Rezar, to grunt; grumble; murmur
Rezeladór, .»>«. stone-horse; horse n
Rezelamiento, »m. dread; suspicion;
Rezelár, vt. 1. to apprehend; fear; suspect
Rezelár, to bring a stone-horse to a mare
Rezelárse, v. rej. to startle with fear, be afraid
Rezéio, tm. dread; suspicion; mistrust; jealousy
Rezelóso, -a, «</;. fearful; apprehensive; jealous
Rezno, sm. tick;' dog-tick; sheep-tick (f—'i "- ^
. praver; praying; Divine office
rn. grappling; fastening (naut.)
tj. grumbler;
m grumble; mi
..v.—s— -, -. " & '"'.Í- iruniljler: muttering
Rezumadero, im. dripping-place; dripping
Rezumarse, i'. rtf. 1. to ooze; leak; transpire
Reziira,/. stronghold; fastness; rigour of season
Ria, «/. mouth, of a river, where it runs into the
Riachuelo, Riatillo, .»«. rivulet; brook [sea
Riba, >/. bank between a higher & a lower field
Ribadoquin, tm. small gun (not now in use)
Ribalderia, t(. ribaldry; indecent language
Ribildu, -a, t. & «rfj. ribald; wicked; libidinou!
of the sea; bank
fit for anything
Ribereño, -a, ndj. to, ¿f'the sea-shore
Riberica, -ilia, -ita, »/. dim. small shore, strai.d
Riberiego, -a, «. grazing on the banks of a river
"■■ iégo, in. grazier of sheep, on banks of nvcrs
o, tm. bank, of a dam of water
;, if. currant-tree (frugiferous shrub)
e. m. ribbon: binding; cantle; embellishment
ear, va. 1. to border; embellish; hein
tf. vetch (kind of pea, leguminous plant)
■ho, -a, adj. very rich; very opulent
Ricadueña, j/. lady, daughter, wife
Ricafembra, Ricahembra, J of a noble
Ricahombría, tf. dignity of the ricos hombres
Ricamente, ndv. rictily; opulently; excellently
Ricázo, -a, ndj. an^m. very rich; most opulent
Ricial, nd\. growing again (aftercrop ot cornj
Ricino, tin. palma christi (plant)
Rico, -a, ndj. noble; rich; pleasing to the taste
Ricohombre,! grandee; peer; nobleman
Ricohome, J * ' ^
Ridiculamente, ndv. in a ridiculous manner
Ridiculez, if. ridiculous speech, action; folly
Ridiculez, extreme nicety, sensibility
Ridiculizar, va. \. to ridicule; laugh at; mock
Ridiculo, -a, ndj. ridiculous; laughable: strange
Ridiculo, -a, extremely nice and sentimental
Ridículo, Jin. ridicule; mockery: scoff
Ridiculoso, -a, a. ridiculous; fit to be laughed at
Riego, jin. irrigation; watering; moistening
Riel, Jin. small ingot of gold, silver, unrefined
Rielado, -a, ndj. reduced to ingots (gold, silver)
Rielera, tf. mould (to cast in ingots of gold, silv.)
Rienda, tf. reins (of a bridle); moderation
Rienda suelta (á). ndv. loose-reined; violently
Riéndas./.p/. government; reinsof the fore-horse
Riénte, ndj. smiling; laughing; expressive of joy
Riesgo, jin. danger; peril; hazard; jeopardy
Rieto, tm. impeachment; challenge; threat
Rifa tf. scuffle; contest; dispute: raffle (gamel
Rifadór. m. disputer; quarreller; one who raffles
Rifadúra. tf. splitting a sail (naut ) . , ,
Rifar, vn. 1. to raffle; cast dice for a prize [na.l
Rifar, to split a sail, owing to a violent storm
Rifar, vn. to dispute; contest; quarrel; jangle
Rileo, -a, ndj. always covered with snow(mount)
Rifirrafe, Jm. short quarrel; hasty words
Rigidaménte, adv. in a rigid manner: severely
Rigidez, tf. rigiditv; severity; inflexibility
Rigido, -a, adj. rigid; severe; inflexible: austere
Rigodón, Jin. rigadoon (kind of French dance)
Rigor, sin. rigour; cold; severity; strictness
Rigor, intensity; cruelty; last push; extremity
Rigor fá todo), let the worst come to the worst
Rigor (en), adv. at must; let it be as it will
Rigorismo, tm. moral too severe; ngidness
Rigorista, tmf. severe, rigid sectarian
Rigorosamente, Rigurosamente, adv. rigorously
Riguridad, tf. rigour; severity; strictness
Riguroso, -a, ndj. rigorous; strict; severe; harsh
Rija, J/, lachrvmal listula; scuffle: quarrel
Rijador, -a, orfj. quarrelsome; irascible; litigious
Rijénte. "</;. rough; cruel; horrid; ilreadfal
Rijénte. "</). r ^ .
Rijo, Jin. libidinous wish; concupiscei.--. .
Rijoso, a, ndj. quarrelsome; lascivious, wanton j
Rima, tf. rhyme; poetry; regular arrangement _
Rimado, -a, ndj. versified; rhymed; investigated (
Rimbombante, ndj. resounding; resonant ,
Rimbombar, I'n. 1. to resound; echo; nng aguiu
Rimbombe, -ómbo, J»n. resounding; resonance
Rimero, in. things put regularly over each other
Rincón, in. inside corner; place of privacy; house

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