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Inhibitorio, -a, adj. prohibitory; forbidding'
Inhiesto, -a, n. intricate; entangled; perplexed
Inhonestamente, adv. in a dishonest manner
Inhonestidád, ;/. dishonesty; indecency
Inhonesto, -a, a. dishonest, indecent; immodest
Inhonorár, vii. 1. to dishonour; disg^race; insult
Inhospedable, Inhospitable, adj. inhospitable
Inhospital, «rfí. uninhabitable; unfit to dwell in
Inhospitalidad, if. inhospitality; unkindness
Inhumanamente, ndv. in a cruel manner
Inhumanidad, sf. inhumanity; cruelty
Inhumano, -a, adj. inhuman; unfeeling; cruel
Iniciación, if. initiation; introduction; admission
Iniciado, -a, ndj. initiate; initiated; admitted
Inicial, adj. initial; first; beginning
Iniciales (las, ut letras), sf. plur. initials
Iniciar, va. 1. to initiate; instruct; admit into
Iniciarse, v. rcf. to be initiated; do the first part
Iniciativo, -a, udj. initiatory; introductory
Inico, -a, adj. wicked; criminal; iniquitous
Iniésta, tf. broom (shrub)
Iniguál, n. unequal; dissimilar; uneven; abrupt
Inimaifináble, adj. inconceivable; inimaginable
Inimicícia, sf. enmity; aversion; malice; ill-will
Inimitable, adj. inimitable; not to be copied
Inimitablemente, adv. in an inimitable manner
Ininteligible, a. unintelligible; obscure; secret
Iniquainente, adv. in an iniquitous manner
Iniquidad, sf. iniquity; injustice; wickedness
Iniquo, -a, «. iniquitous: wicked; unjust; sinful
Injeridiira, sf. mark of the graft; grafting; graft
Injerir, a. 3. to graft; insert; introduce; enclose
Injertar, va. 1. to ingraft; insert; inoculate
Injerto, ira. graft; scion; tree ingrafted
Injuria, sf. injury; wrong; insult; mischief; hurt
Injuriado, -a, adj. injured; wronged; offended
Injuriador, -a, j. injurer; aggressor; wrongdoer
Injuriante, s. & adj. injurer; injuring; offending
Injuriar, va. 1. to injure; wrong; annoy; offend
Injuriosamente, adv. injuriously; hurtfully
Injurioso, -a, adj. injurious; hurtful; offensive
Injustamente, adv. unjustly; offensively
Injusticia, sf. injustice; iniquity; dishonesty
Injusto, -a, ndj. unjust; wrongful; dishonest
lulegible, adj. illegible; that cannot be read
Inllevable, adj. ifnsupportable; intolerable
Inmaculadamente, adv. without blemish; purely
Inmaculado, -a, adj. immaculate; pure; holy
Inmaduro, -a,\ . .
Inmaturo -a /"■ '™™'"'^' """"'P^! not perfect
Inmanejable, adj. unmanageable; intractable
Inmanente, adj. inherent; internal; immanent
Inmarcesible, adj. unfading; perpetual
Inmaterial, arfj. immaterial; incorporeal
Inmaterialidad, sf. immateriality
Inmediación, if. contiguity; actual contact
Inmediatamente, adv. contiguously; forthwith
Inmediato, -a, adj. contiguous; close; hard by
Inmedicable, adj. incurable: immedicable
Inmemorable, a. immemorable; unworthy of me-
Iimiemorablemente, adv. immemorably [inory
Inmemorial, adj. immemorial; out of memory
Inmensainénte, adv. immenselv; infinitely
Inmensidad,/, immensity; unbounded greatness
Inmenso, -a, adj. immense; unbounded; infinite
Inmensurable, a. immensurable; beyond measure
Inméritamente, ad. undeservedly; vrithout desert
Inmérito, -a, «. undeserved; unmerited; unfair
Inmérito, adc. undeservedly; without cause
Inmeritorio, -a, adj. undeserving; without merit
Inmersión, sf. immersion; dipping underwater
Inminente, a. threatening; imminent; impending
17 INO
Inmiscible, ndj. immiscible; immixablc
Inmoble, adj. immoveable; firm; fast; unshaken
Inmoblemente, adv. immoveably; firmly; fast
Inmoderación, sf. immoderation; intemperance
Inmoderadamente, adv. in an excessive degree
Inmoderado, -a, adj. immoderate: excessive
Inmodestamente, adv. without modesty
Inmodestia,/, immodesty; indecency; impudence
Inmodesto, -a, «. immodest; indecent; impudeat
Inmódico, -a, adj. immoderate; superfluous
Inmolación, sf. immolation; sacrifice offered
Inmolador, sm. immolator; sacrificant
Inmolar, va. 1. to immolate; offer up; sacrifice
Inmortal, adj. immortal; perpetual; endless
Inmortalidad, sf. inimortalitv; everlasting life
Inmortalizar, va. 1. to immortalize; perpetuate
Inmortalizarse, v. r. to immortalize one's name
Inmortalmente, adv. immortally; for ever
Inmortificación, sf. unsubduing of the passions
lumortificádo, -a, a. under the sway of passions
inmoto, -a, adj. unmoved; unaffected; still
Inmovible, Inmóvil, adj. immoveable; unshaken
Inmovilidad, */. immoveableuess; constancy
Inmudable, adj. immutable; unalterable: fixed
Inmueble, adj. fixed; immoveable (property)
Inmundicia, sf. uncleanliness; filth; impurity
Inmundo, -a, a. unclean; filthy; obscene; indecent
Inmune, odj. free; exempt; enjoying immunity
Inmunidad, sf. immunity; privilege; exemption
Inmutabilidad, sf. immutability; constancy
Inmutable, «(//.'immutable; unalterable; fixed
lnmuta';idn, sf. change; alteration; variation
Inmutar, va. 1. to change; alter; vary
Inmutarse, v. ref. to change one's appearance
Inmutativo, -a, a. changing; causing alterations
Innacible, adj. unborn; unbegotten
Innacieute, adj. not born of another
Innato, -a, a. lunate; inborn; ingenerate; natural
Innavegable, adj. innavigable; unable to sail
Innecesario, -a, udj. unnecessary; needless
Innegable, udj. incontestable; incontrovertible
Innoble, a. ignoble; mean of birth; not born noble
Innocentáda, sf. state of innocence [cuous
Innocuo, -a, a. harmless; doing no harm; inno-
Innominádo, -a, adj. nameless; having no name
Innóto, -a, adj. unknown; not known; strange
Innovación, sf. innovation; change; alteration
Innovador, -a, «;///. innovator; reformer
Innovar, ra. I. to innovate; introduce novelties
Inobeilesci-r, >■ ¡. 2. to disobey; refuse to comply
Inobediencia, sf. disobedience; inobedience
Inobediente, a. disobedient; perverse; indexible
Inobservible, adj. unobservable; unremarkable
inobservancia, sf. disobedience; heedlessness
Inobservante, ndj. not observant; infringing
Inocencia, sf. innocence; simplicity of heart
Inocentada, sf. simple, silly speech, action
Inocente, adj. innocent; pure; harmless; simple
Inocentemente, adv. harmlessly; without guilt
luocentico, -illo, -ito, -a, a. dim. little innocent
Inoculación, sf. inoculation; insertion, of matter
Inoculadór, sm. inoculator; one who inoculates
Inocular, va. 1. to inoculate; insert poison, &c.
Inofenso, -a, a. unhurt; uninjured; harmless; safe
Inoficioso, -a, adj. done unseasonably; irregular
Inojeta, sf. top of a boot, \ " ' ^ "^ '
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