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HOB 2;
Hobús, íHi. howiuer (sort of short cannon)
Hucicáda, sf. fall on the face; smart repriiiiautl
Hocicá break up the ground witb the snout
Hocicar, vn. to fall with the face to the ground
Hocicar, to stumble, slide, fall into errors
Hocico, »m. snout; projectinii mouth; pouting-
Hocico en tódo(metér el), to meddle in all things
Hocicos (de), adv. by the nose; upon the face
Hocicudo, -a, adj. loiig-snouted; blubber-lipped
Hocino, sm. bill; hatchet; narrow bed of a river
Hocino, skirt of a mountain, stretching to the sea
Hocino, garden laving on the skirt of a mountain
Hocino, brick arch supporting a flight of steps
Hociquillo, am. dimin. little snout
Hogaño, Hogañázo, sm. this present year
Hogar, Jin. hearth; fire-place; home; residence
Hogaza, sf. large loaf of household- bread
Hoguera, .»/. bonfire; transitory blaze [blade
Hoja, sf. leaf; scale of metal; shutter; sword s
Hoja, each part that composed an armour
Hoja, ground tilled one year and at rest the next j
Hoja de lata, tin. Hoja de lata negra, iron-plate
Hoja de papel, de uulibro, leaf of paper, of a book
Hoja de tocino, sf. flitch of bacon
Hoja de estaño, sheet of bismuth and quicksilver
Hoja (doblemos la), adv. eap. no more of that
Hoja (volver la, 2 ), to change the conversation
Hoja (volver la), to turn a new leaf
Hojas,/./?/, leaves; greens; thin plates; lamina
Hojas (vino de dos, &c.), wine 2, &c., years old
Hojas de las puertas, sf. plur. port-lids (naut.) ,
Hojalatero, sm. tin-man; manufacturer of tin
Hojaldrado, -a, «. laminated; made of puff-paste |
Hojaldrar, va. I. to make of puff-paste 1
Hojaldre, sf. sort of pancake, paste ]
Hojaldre al pastel (quitar la) , to detect a fraud I
Hojaldrista, sm. maker, seller of buttered cakes ]
Hojaránzü, stn. common hornbeam-tree I
Hojarasca, sf. withered leaves; foliage; trifles
Hojear, va. 1. to turn the leaves, of a book, &c.
Hojear, vn. to form metal into sheets; foliate
Hojecer, «. 2. to leaf; shoot forth leaves (plants)
Hojica, -ilia, -ita, sf. dimin. small leaf
Hojoso, -údo, -a, adj. leafv; leafed; full of leaves
Hojuela,/, small leaf; puif-paste; skins of olives
Hola! <•«/. holla! hollo! stop! ho, ho! hoy! (naut.)
Holán, sm. cambric (fine linen from Cambray)
Holanda, sf. hoUand (fine Dutch linen)
Holandilla, -éta, /. lead-coloured lineufor lining
Holgadamente, adv. widely; fully; loosely
Holgado, -a, a. loose; at leisure; well off; at ease
"Holgado (andar, estar), to be well to pass
Holganza, sf. repose; ease of mind; diversion
Holgar, I'.l. to rest; cease from labour; live at ease
Holgar, to take delight in; be well entertained
Holgar, to be laid up as useless (things)
Holgarse, v. ref. to sport; play; trifle; idle
Holgaz:iii, -a, smf. lounger; loiterer; idler; rover
Holgazán, -a, adj. lazy; indolent; inactive
Holgazanear, vn. 1. to idle; loiter; lounge; rove
Holgazanería, »/. idleness; inactivity; la/.iness
Hólgiu, -a, a. charming; pleasing; very attractive
Holgón, sm. egregious loiterer iic waster of time
Holgorio, sm. mirth; laughter; noisy merriment
Holgueta, sf. merry-making; mirthful festival
Holgura, sf. country-feast; width; ease; repose
Holladura,/, trampling; tax for the run of cattle
Hollar, va. 1. to tread on; trample under foot
Holleca,/. small bird with blue back & red breast
Hollejico, -illo, -ito, sm. dimin. small pellicle
HoUt-jo, sm. pellicle, peel, thin skin of grapes
Holli, sm. balsam (imported from New Spain)
Hollín, sm. soot (condensed residue of smoke)
Hulliiiiento, -a, adj. sooty; smoky; full of soot
Holocausto, sm. burnt sacrifice; holocaust
Homarráche, sm. mimic; butfoon; merry-andrew
Hombracho, sm. squat and square thick man
Hombrachóu, m. aitg. very tall, square, thick man
Hombrada, sf. manly action; ridiculous action
Hombrázu, stn. aug'm. large bulsy man
Hombre, sm. man; mankind; husband; subject
Hómbre.wooden horse,to clean & brushclothes on
Hombre de bien, »;«. honest, respectable man
Hombre de bigote, sm. grave and spirited man
Hombre de buena capa, sm. well-dressed man
Hombre de burlas, sm. foolish, empty jester
Hombre de calzas atacadas, very rigid just man
Hiimbre de capa y espada, gentleman of fortune
Hombre de capricho, m. fanciful, whimsical man
Hombre de gran corazón, sm. courageous man
Hombre de chapa, m. man of judgment, abilities
Hombre de días, old man; man advanced in years
Hombre de negocios, sm. man of business, affairs
Hombre de pro, provecho, m. worthy, useful man
Hombre de puños, sm. very strong powerful man
Hombre de su palabra, sm. man oí his word
Hombre hecho, sm. grown man; man full grown
Hombre honrado, sin. worthy, honest man
Hombre seco, sm. thin and spare man
Hombre sin dolo, sm. plain-dealing man
Hombre (no tener, 2.), to be without protection
Hombre (ser muy), to be a man of spirit & courage
Hombrear, n. 1.' to assume the man prematurely
Hombrearse, v.r. to level one's self, vie with ano.
Hombrecico, ím. dimin. young man; youth
Hombrecillo, Hombrezuelo, «n.ífifnín. mannikin
Hombrecillos, rn. pi. hops, plants used for brew-
Hombrecito, sm. young man; youth [ing
Hombredád, sf. masculineuess; manly conduct
Hombrera, sf. ancient armour for the shoulders
Hombría de bien, sf. probity; honest dealing
Hombría de España (-rica) , old nobility of Spain
Hombrillo, gusset, strengthening patch of cloth
Hombro, sm. shoulder (upper part of the arm)
Hombro con hombro, adv. cheek by jole
Hómbro(á, sobre los hombros), on the shoulders
Hombros (encogerse de), to shrug the shoulders
Hombros (llevar en, 1.), to protect, support
Hombrón, m. aug. big, huge man; eminent man
Hombronázo, sm. augm. huge, vulgar man
Hombruno, -a, a. manly; virile; of the shoulders
Home, sm. man; mankind; husband; subject
Homecillo, -io, m. hops (plant used for brewing)
Homenáge, i/n. homage; service; obeisance
Horaenáge (render, 2.), to pay homage, service
Homenáge (torre de), tower of the oath of fealty
Homicida, smf. homicide; murderer
Homicida, arf/. homicidal; murderous; bloody
Homicidio,»!, murder; homicide; ancient tribute
HomicUlo, sm. fine (paid for wounding, killing)
Hoiuildád, Homildánza, sf. humility; modesty
" ■" s/. homily, disc '" ' " "
.. homi
. collec
uof h.
of homilie!
ardly fellow
Homogeneidad, sj. sin
Homogéneo, -a, adj. of the same nature
Homologación, sf. publication of a judicial act
Homólogo, -a, adj. of the same manner; syno-
Homonimia,/. equivocation; ambiguity [nymous
Homónimo, -a, adj. equivocal; ambiguous
Honda, y. sling, missive weapon; paruuckle(na.)
Hondamente, adv. profoundlv; with deep insight
Hondárras, sf plur. dregs; lees; sediment
Hondazo, sm. cast, throw with a sling
Hondear, va. 1. to unload (a vessel)
Hondero, m. slinger (soldier ¡u-incd with a sling)

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