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Frijó), ¡m. French-beau; kidney-bean (esculent)
Fringilago, sm. brown peacock (beautiful fowl)
Frio, -a, ridj. cold; frigid; impotent; insipid; null
Frio, sm. cold; cool; concreted beverage; dulncss
Friolento, -a, adj. chilly; somewhat cold; coldis'
Friolera, s/. insignificant speech, action; trifle
Friolero, -a, adj. chilly; sensible of cold; coldish
Frión, -a, iidj. atigm. very awkward, dull, insipid
Frisa, s/. frieze (sort of coarse woollen stuff)
Frisado, sm. silk-plush, shag (stuff)
Frisado, -a, a. fri¿zled; rubbed against the grain
Frisador, sm. frizzier; raiser of nap on frieze, .S:c.
Frisadura,*/, frizzling; shagging; raising nap
Frisar, va. 1. to frizzle; raise the nap on frieze, &c.
Frisar, to rub against the grain; be like; approach
Friso, m. frieze (part of a column); low tapestry
Frisol, sm. French, kidney-bean(esculent pulse)
Frison, ;n. large draught-horse; large-sized anim.
Frisuélo,sw. dry French-beau, kidney-beau (pulse)
Frisuelos, sm.plur. fritters; small pancakes
Frita, sf. frit (ashes, salt to make glass with)
Fritada, sf. dish of fried meat, of fish
Fritilária, sf. fritillery; crown imperial (plant)
Fritillas, sf. pliir. fritters; small pancakes
Frito, sm. dish of fried meat, of fish
Frito, -a, adj. fried; dressed in the frying-pan
Fritura, sf. dish of fried meat, of fish; frying
Friura, sf. frigidity; coldness; impotence
Frivolamente, ad. in a frivolous, trifling manner
lidád, sf. frivolitv; triflingi
■■ ' ■ ' ; triflii
- . ing of b
Frogár,'urt. 1. to make a wall of b
Frogár, ?;. to coat withmortarthe joints of bricks
Fronde, sm. twig with its leaves; frond
Frondescéucia, sf. leafing-season; frondescence
Frondescente, adj. bring forth leaves
Frondífero, -a, adj. bearing leaves; fronriated
Frondosidad, sf. foliage; redundancy of words
Frondoso, -a, adj. full of leaves; frondose; green
Frontal, sm. front ornament of an altar
Frontalera, sf. ornament for the front of an altar
Fronte,/, front; forehead; face; forepart; obverse
Frontera, sf. frontier; limit; fillet of a bridle
Frontera, facade; front; presence; frontispiece
Fronterizo, -a, adj. bordering upon; over gainst
Frontero, m. governor of a frontier-town; frontal
Frontero, -a, adj. bordering upon; contiguous
Frontil, m. bassweed-mat put on o.xen's foreheads
Frontino, -a, adj. marked in the face (animals)
Frontis, sm. frontispiece (front of a building,&c.)
Frontispicio, sm. frontispiece; face; visage
Frontón, sm. wall repelling the ball at fives
Frontón, frontispiece; forepart; title-page
Frontudo, -a, adj. broad-faced; with a broad face
FroDtúra, sf. front of a stocking-frame
Frotación, Frotadura, sf. rubbing; friction
Frotar, a. 1. to rub; stroke gently with the hand
Fructéro, -a, adj. fruit-bearing; producing fruit
Fructescencia, sf. fruit-season; fructesceuce
Fructíferamente, adv. in a productive manner
Fructífero, -a, adj. bearing fruit; fruitful
Fructificación, sj. bearing fruit; fruitage
Fructificadór, -a, smf. fructifier; fertilizer
Fructificar, va. 1. to fructifv; benefit; edify
Fructuosamente, adv. fruitfully; usefully
Fructuoso, -a, adj. fruitful; fertile; fructuous
Frugal, «. frugal; thrifty; parsimonious; sparing
Frugalidad, sf. frugality; parsimony; thrift
Frugalmente, ndv. in a frugal mhnñer; sparingly
Fruición, sf. enjoyment; possession; fruition
Fruir, v)i. 3. to enjoy; be delighted with: possess
Fruitivo, -a, adj. enjoying; possessing; fruitive
Fromentáceo, -icio, -a, adj. made of grain, corn
Fruncido, -a, adj. frizzled; corrugated; puckered
Fruncidór, -a, smf. plaiter; folder (of clothes)
Fruncimiento, tn. gather, pucker, plait (of clot )
Fruncir, a. 3. to gather into plaits; hide the truth
Fruncir, to affect modesty and composure
Fruncirlas cejas, to frown; knit the eye-brows
Fruslera, sf. metal made of ¡atteu-filiiigs
Fruslería, .«/. trifle; futility; thing of no value
Fruslero, -a, a. trifling; futile; frivolous; slight
-a, adj. úseles
o be disappoi:
sappoint; baulk
Fruta, sJ. fruitage; fruitery; various fruits
Fruta nueva, sf. anything new; any news
F'rúta del tiempo, sf. fruit eaten in its season
F'rutáge, sm. fruitage; collection of fruit
F'rutái, 'idj. fruitful; producing fruit; fertile
Frutal, sm. fruit-tree: tree that produces fruit
Frutar, a. 1. to fructifv; fertilize; make fruitful
Fruteria, sf. fruilery; fruit-loft; all fruits
Frutero, -a, stnf. fruiterer; seller of fruit
Frutero, fruit-basket on the table; fruit-piece
Frutescénte, a. growing into a shrub; frutescent
Frútice, sm. perennial shrub (of any kind) ; frutex
Fruticóso, -a, ad/, oftheiiature ofashrub;shrubby
Frutier, sm. fruit-purveyor for the royal family
Frutificár, va. 1. to fructifv; benefit; edify
Frutilla,/, small fruit; round shell, nut, forbeads
Frutillar; sm. strawberry-bed, plantation
F'rúto, sm. fruit; product; profit; advantage
Fruto de beuediciún, child lawfully begotten
Frutos, VI. pi. seeds; grain; income; rent; profits
F"ú! iuterj. (of disgust) fy! fyupon it', forshame!
Fucár, svt. rich, opulent'man; man of opulence
Fúcia, /. trust; confidence. A' fúcia,in confidence
FÚC0, in. sea-lentils: gulf-weed; sea-weed
F'uego, sm. fire; conflagration; eruption of hum.
uego, I
arth; h.
san elm
1 Pollux flight, na.)
^ ." V, . • , ' fi""? (>""•)
Fuego Ureguisco, (juirguesco, sm. Greek-fire
F'uego á un navio (dar), to bream a ship(naut.)
Fuego (estar hecho un, 1.), to burn with heat
F'uégos, sm. pliir. lights: light-house; beacon
Fuego! Fuego dediosl int. blessmel whatisthis!
F'ueguecillo, Fueguezuelo, sv>. dimin. small fire
¥aélAn,pron. m. such a one (meaning a person)
Fuellar, sm. paper-ornament around wax-tapers
F'uélle, stn. bellows; puff for powdering the hair
F'uelle, leather curtain, of a chaise; tale-bearer
Fuellecico, svi. dimin. small bellows
Fuente, sm. fountain; spring; origin; first cause
Fuente, dish; flasket; fontanel; issue (incision)
í'uentecíca,-ílla,-ita, zuéla,/. dim. small fountain
Fuer de caballero (á), upon the word of a gent.
Fuera, adv. out; without; over and above
Fuera de si, adj. absent of mind; deranged
Fuera (de), ad. exteriorly. Fuera de, out of;forth
Fuera de éso, a. besides; moreover; over & above
Fuéra(estár, 1.), not to be at home, in some place
Fuera! interj. out of the way! clear the way!
Fueras, adv. out; without; over and above
Fuercecílla,-íta, sf. dimin. little strength
F'uero, m. statute-law of a country; jurisdiction
Fuero exterior, esterno, w. canon and civil laws
eriór, interno, tribunal of conscience
, 'id;-, according tolaw;de fuéro;of right
m. fort; fortress; hold; coin overweight
dj. strong; vigorous; firm; fast; hard;
dV. strongly; with force; stoutly [rude
:o,-illo,-ito, m. dim. small fortress;hold
Fuertemente, adv. strongly; with energy; firmly

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