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Forzar, im. h to force; compel; urge; oblige
Forzosa, sf. decisive move at the game of cTiess
Forzosa, necessity of acting against one's will
Forzosamente, adv. by force; necessarily
Forzoso, -a, a. necessary; needful; indispensable
Forzudo, -a, adj. strong; robust; viirorous; stout
Fosa, »/. pit; hole; hollow part; ditch; fosse
Fosado, sm. large pit, hole; ditch; ancient tax
Fosado, -a, «. enclosed with a ditch, moat, fosse
Fosadúra, s/. ditch; trench; pit; foundation
Fosal, sm. church-vard; cemcterv; burial-place
Fosdr, va. 1. to make a pit, moat, trench, ditch
Fosca, sf. thick wood, grove, plantation of trees
Fosco, -a, adj. brow-beaten; frowning; stern
Fosfórico, -a, adj. to, of phosphorus; phosphoric
Fósforo, sm. phosphorus (inflammable substE
t, trench, ditch, &c.
letallic substance)
[very small fish)
coot (small blac
Fósil, sin. fossil (i
FÓSO, swi. pit; hole; bog; marsh; ten; moat
■ . - the pollen of flowers
; shutter; blade of a
Fora,' sf. oven full of charcoal [sword
FÓ/0, sm. hole; pit; grave; inequality of a surface
Fracasar, a. break into pieces; be lost(sh!p)
Frscaso, m. destruction; ruin; unfortunate event
Fracción, sf. fraction; broken part of an integra!
" ■---■- -, rtrfj. fractionary; fracti '
Fovila, sf. e
Fosa, sf. CO
Foxa, leaf;
. sf fra,
;r of asi
Frása, Fragaria,»/, s
Fra^nr- '
. ing(ofa
racture; break (a bone)
; feebleness; importunity
pecies of raspberrv (friiit)
dour; commission of arrime
VfA^nle.ndj. fragrant; odorous; actual; present
Fragjnte (en), adr. in the act itself
Fragtria, sf. strawberry (rtavorous fruit)
Fragita sj. frigate (small ship of war)
Fragita de aviso, sf. packet-boat (naut.)
Fra^lta ligera, sf light fast-sailing vessel (i:aut.)
Frágl, adj. brittle; easily broken; decaying
Fragiidád, sf. fragility; frailty; weakness
Fragihiente, ndr. with frailty, great weakness
Fragitento, sm. fragment; imperfect piece; scrap
Fragoluo, sm. sea-fish less than a bream
Fragoidád, sf. craggedness; roughness
FragoS), -a, adj. craggj'; rugged; full of briers
Fragráicia, sf. grateful odour; reputable fame
Fragráite, a. sweet of smell; odoriferous; sweet
Fragua,,?/', forge; furnace; place of intrigues
Fraguaair, J)H. forger; counterfeiter; schemer
Fraguáite (en), adv. in the act itself
Fraguar a. 1. to forge; plot; machinate; contrive
Fraguare, v. r. to unite in a mass (clay, mortar)
Fragura,^, roughness, of a road; imperviousness
FraUáda^/. monkish trick; rude, uncivil action
Fraile, «ii. friar; plait in petticoats; sea-fisb
Fraile, upight post of a flood-gate in water-mills
Fraile, reuse of the suirar-cane in sugar-miils
Fraile, pat of a printed'sheet pale for want of ink
Frailes, í«.;;/Hr. pulse resembling kidnev-beans
Frailes, fumes under the bolter; fraises (firt.)
FrailecicOiJin. little friar; wild pigeon; wedge
Frailecillo im. dimin. little friar; lapwing (bird)
Frailecillo,si«. child wearing a friar's habit
Frailecito, i«. little friar; boy's play with husks
Frailengo, -iño, -a, a. monkish, like a friar, monk
Fraileña, «/assembly of friars met together
Frailero, -A/tdj. very partial to, fond of friars
Frailesco, -nadj. monkish; like a friar; monastic
Frailezuelo, >». dimin. little friar, monk
Frailía, sf. mnastic life; regular clcrgv
Frailóte, sm. licentious friar, of loose morals
Frailuco, sm. despicable, contemptil)le friar
Framasón, sm. free-mason (member of a society)
Frambuesa, sf. raspberry (ñavorous fruit)
Frambueso, m. raspberry-bush (kind of bramble)
Framéa, sf. javelin: spear; half pike; dart
Francachela, .v/. dissoluteness; licentious joy
Francalete, sm. leather strap with a buckle
Francamente, nd. with frankness; freely; openly
Francatúra, s/'.Trank; free letter, iic; franking
Francés, sm. French (language of the French)
Francés, -a, s. & ndj. Frenchman; FrenchvyoniRii
Francesa (ala), adv. after the French fashion
Francesa (despedirse á la), to take French leave
Francesilla, sf. common yard crow-foot (flower;
Franchispán, m. perfume(used in dress & comfits)
Franciscano, -a, iirlj. Franciscan; grav-colouriil
Francisco, -a, s. & a. of the order of St. Francis
Franco, m. franc (French silver coin, lOd. Enul.)
Franco, fair time when goods are free from dnty
Francos, m.jil. Franks, people of western Eurojie
Franco, -a, adj. frank; sincere; free; exempt
Franca (lengua), trading jargon of the Levant
Franco (puerto), sm. free port (without duty)
Francolín, sjii. francolín (Afric, Ind. partridge)
Franela, sf. flannel, kind of fine woollen cloth
Frange, sm. division of the field of a shield (her.)
Frangeár, a 1. to fringe; trim; adorn with fringe
Frangente, s;h. accident; misfortune; disaster
Frangible, a. easily broken; brittle; frangible
Frangir, vii. 3. to break into several pieces
Frangita, sf. dimin. small fringe; trimming
Frangollar, va. 1. to do in a careless manner
Frangollar, to shell, grind corn coarse
Frangollo, sm. pottage of wheat boiled in milk
Krangóte, sm. bale of goods, merchandise
Frángula, sf berry bearing alder (tree) [i^c.
1-ranja, sJ. fringe, ornamental trimming of silk,
Fratijár, a. 1. to fringe; trim, adorn with fringes
Franjeado, -a, adj. fringed; trimmed with fringes
Franjear, a. 1. to fringe; trim, adorn with fringes
Fraujiju, sm. aiigm. large fringe, trimming
Franjuela, sf. dimin. small fringe, trimming
Franqueamiento, sm. giving freedom, liberty
Franquear, va. \. to exempt; frank; gratify
Franquearse, v. r. to comply with others' wishes
Fraiujueárse, to unl)osom one's self; grow liberal
Franqueza, .s/. freedom; frankness; sincerity
Franquía, sf. offing; deep water out at sea; main
Franquicia, sf. exemption from taxes; free place
Fraque, sm. coat; man's upper garment
Frasca, sf. dry leaves; small branches of trees
i; squar
./. phra
idiom; mode of expressio
■ heringrediem
Frasquera, s/. bottle-case; li^
Frasquera de fuego, sf. fire-case; fire-chest (na.)
Frasquerilla, -ita, sf. dimin. small bottle-case
Frasqut'ta, sf. frisket (of a printing-press)
Frasquillo, -ito, sm. dimin. small flask
Fratacár, va. 1. to lay a mortar-casing on a wall
Fraterna,*/, severe reprimand, lecture, lesson
Fraternal, adj. fraternal; brotherly; of a brother
Fraternalmente, adv. in a brotherly manner
Fraternidad, sf. state of a brother; brotherhood •
Fraterno, -a, n. brotherly; fraternal; of a brother
Fratres, sm.phir. brothers (appellation of friars)
Fratricida, s. fratricide; murderer of a brother
Fratricidio, m. murder of a brother; fratricide
Fraudador, sm. defrauder; cheater; cozener
Fraude, sm. fraud; deceit; trick; cheat; artifice

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