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Flagrar, ra.l. to flagrate; burn; consume with fire
Kláma, »/. flame; blaze; excessive ardour; love
Flamante, a. flaming; blazing; bright; quite new
Flamear, vv. 1. to flutter; sl.iver (sails naat.)
Flamenco, im. flamingo (American bird)
Flamenquilla, í/. dish of a middling size; mangold
Flameo, tm. kind of yellow veil, used by a bride
Flamígero, -a, arfj. flammiferous; producingflame
Flámula, »/. sweet-scented virgin's bower(plant)
Flámulas, sf. pi. streamers at the top-mast head
Fláiico,S(r.flank,of a bastion, army; sideof aship
Flándes, sm. most valuable thing
Flam-la, sf. flannel, fine soft woollen stuff
Flanquear, va. 1. to flank; defend by fortifications
Flaón, custard; piece of metal ready to be coined
Flaqueár,7!.l. to flag; grow feeble,riejected; slack
Flaquecér, vn. 2. to weaken; make thin, lean; fade
Flaqueza, sf. leanness; feebleness; importunity
FlaquiUo, -ito, a, adj. dimin. not very lean
Fiasco, sm. flask; bottle; vessel; powder-horn
Flato, sm. putfof wind; breath; the body
Flatoso, -HÜS0, -a, «.windv; flatuous; full of wind
Flatulencia, sj. windiness; flatulence; flataosily
Flauta, «/ Uutch flight, three-masted ship(uaut.)
Flauta, flute, wiiid-iastrument; pipe of an organ
Flocadura, sf. fringe-trimming (for dress, Sec.)
nóia (seda), sf. soft, untwisted silk
Flojamente, adv. slowlv; sluggishly; carelessly
Flojear, 7/.1. to slacken; flag; grow weak; dejected
Flojedad, sf. weakness; laxity; laziness; sloth
Flojel, sm. wool shorn from the cloth; down
Flo era, sf. weakness; laxity; sloth; negligence
F1ÓJ0, -a, ad. flexible; lax; weak; remiss; slothtul
F1ÓJ0 (vino), »m. flaggy, insipid w me .
Flómis encarna ia, purpúrea, sf. purple phlomi-
Flómis fruticósa, Jerusalem sage-phlomis (plant)
Flómis tnrmósa. si. tuberous phlomis (plant)
, udj. s
tes; playt
lall rtute
a flute
on the
u.o luruiuaa, •/• -">/».. "JS phlo....^ vr—
ña, sf. futiUty; silliness; trifling thing_ _
Flautyio, i
Flaútos, Jw./"'"- ais:ipiJiniiLcu «.Í..CO, ..^j-.
Flavo, -a, «.of a sallow, pale yellow, lioney-eolour
Flébil, adj. lamentable; mournful, deplorable
Flebotomía, sf. blood-letting; phlebotomy
Flebotomiáno, sm. phlebotomist; who lets blood
Flebotomizir, va. 1. to let blood; phlebotomise
Flebótomo, s,n. phlebotomist; who lets blood
Flecha, >f. ' = ■■ - '"' — ^-'""
Flechá?,^'a''l?'to'dart;"woun3, kill with
Flechar! insult with rude language; detract
Flechar, vn. to have a bow ready to shoot
Flechastes, sm. plitr. ratlings, ratlines (naut.)
Flechazo, sm. blow, stroke given with a bow, arrow
Flechería, /.number of darts, arrows shot at once
Flechería, body, party of archers, bowmen
Flechero sm. archer; bowman; fletcher;bow-mak.
Fléco,sm'. fringe (ornament of dress, &c.) ; flounce
Flegma, sf. phlegm; watery humour; du ness
Flegmitico, a, «. phlegmatic; watery, dull; cold
Flegmon, s,n. tumour; inflam.natioi,; phlegmon
Flema, sj. phlegm; wateryhumour; spittle: duliiess
Flemático, -a,«rfj. plilegmatic; watery; dull; cold
Florae, sf. phleme; fleam (instr. to bleed cattle)
Flemón, sm. inflammation; tumour; phlegmon
Flemón, sin. augm. great sluggishness
Flemoncillo, sm. dirnin. small tumour, phlegmon
Flemoso, -a, adj. pituitous; watery; phlegmatic
Flemudo, -a, adj. dull; sluggish; cold
Flequezuelo, Flequillo, -ito, -a, sm. little fringe
Flet, Flez, sm. halibut (large flat sea-fish)
Fletador, sm. freighter; who freights a vessel
Flctamento. -iento, sm. freighting (of a ship)
Fletar, va. 1. to freight; foliate a looking-glass
Flete, sm. freight; money for transporting good
Fiona, St. tutmty; sunness; iriumg i.u...k
Floqueado, -a, adj. fringed; adornea with fringe
FloqueciUo, sm. dimin. small fringe, trimming
Flor, sf. flower; blossom; prime; virginity; down
Flor, most subtile part of minerals; gram; trick
Flor, surface of the earth; witty, smart saying
Flor de la cdád, sf. youth; flower of life
Flor de la harina, sf. superfine flour
Flor del sol, sf annual sun-flower (plant)
Flor de la miel, sf. great honey-flower (plant)
Flor del cuclillo, sJ. ragged-robin lychnis
T^lór-de-lis, sf. flower-de-luce; lily amaryilis
^' - ■ ' tablero, sf. chequered frilillary (plant)
riénto, direction of a gale of wind (nau.)
ae agua (á), between wind & water (naut.)
. .... del agua (a la), even with the level of water
Flor (en), «d. in a state of infancy; in flower &c
Flor (tener por), to acquire a habit, custom (bad)
Flores, sf. plur. flowers of polite literature
T?!.;..» ¿g mano, sf. pliir. artificial flowers
(andarse en), to decline a discussion
riuiii, sf. flora (catalogue of flowers, plants)
Florada, sf. season of flowers, with bee-masters
Florales, adj. plur. floral; in honour of Hora
Flordclisádo, -a, adj. adorned with flower-de-luce
Flordelisár, va. 1. to flourish with flower-de-luce
Floreado, -a, adj. flowered; of the finest flour
Florear, ?/«. 1. to adorn with flowers; sift; bolt
Florear, to flourish (a sword); play on the guitar
Florear del naipe, to cheat at cards; not play lair
Florecer n 2. to flower; blossom; flourish; thrive
Florecerse, v. ref to must; mould; grow mouldy
Florecica, sf. dim. flowret; small flower; floret
Floreciente, adj. flourishing; flowery; green
■ci«-«..iii.. _i*a tf dimin. small flower; floret
Flor de
sUk stuff, firs
le pastime
xibilidád, sf. flexibility; pliancy; compliance
Flexible, ad. flexible; pliant; docile;
Flexión, sf. bending; fie:
; joint
of the lips in uttering words
Flexuóso, -a, a. winding; meandrous; flcxuous
Flibóte, sm. fly-boat; light vessel for sailing
Flin. sm. stone, for edging and polishing steel
Flinilón, SIM. fresh-colouied, con'ulciit man
y luxuriant redundancy of usele^
Florero, sm. flower-pot; artificial flower-maker
Florero, speaker who uses florid empty language
Florescencia, sf. florescence; season of flowers
Floresta, sf. forest; fine delightful place
Florestero, sm. forester, keeper of a forest
Floret?,, sJ. border of morocco-leather on a girt
Floreta, peculiar movement in dancing; flowret
Floretáda, sf. slap on the face; box on the ear
Florete, sm.foU, fencing-sword with a blunt point
Florete, adj. very fine and white (paper)
Floretear va. 1 to flourish; adorn with flowers
Floridamente, adv. in a florid, elegant style
Florido, -a «. florid; flowery; blooming; elegaut
Florido' (día), Jm. clear and cheerful day
Florido (dinero), sm. money easily earned
Florífero, -a, adj. producing flowers; floriferous
Florilegio, sm. anthology; treatise on flowers
Florin, sm. florin (silver coin of various count.)
Floripondio; sm. large flowers on cloth ill done
Florista, sm. maker of artificial flowers; florist
Florlísádo, -a, a. adorned with flower-de-luce
Florón sm. augm. large flower; flower-work
Flóscuío, sm. lesser floret of an aggregate flower
Flosculóso, -a, a. composed of flowers; flosculous

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