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Espaldón, .?•;
Espaldudain* , . . .
Espaldúdu -a, adj. broad-shoulJered
Espalera, sj. espalier (dwarf trees in rails)
Espalmadúra, »/. hoofs (of quadrupeds)
Espalmár, va. 1. to clean & pay a ship's bottom
EspáJto, sm. dark-coloured paint; esplanade; talc
Espansibilidád, sf. expansibility; expansion
Espantable, adj. frightful; terrible; wonderful
Espantablemente, adv. in a frightful manner
Espantadizo -a, adj. timorous; easily frightened
Espantador -a, smj. bugbear; frightful object
Espantajo, sm. scarecrow; image to fright birds
Espantalobos, sm. bladder; bastard-senna(plant)
Espantamoscas, sm. net on horses to scare flies
Espantanublados, sm. rake, beggingin long robes
Espantar, vti. 1. to frighten; chasel drive away
Espantarse, v. ref. to marvel; be surprised
Espantavillanos, sm. glittering gaudy stuff
Espanto, sm. fright; threat; wonder; horror
Espantosamente, ndv. frightfully; wonderfully
Espantoso -a, adj. frighltul; horrible; wonderful
Español, i;«. Spanish language; Spaniard
Española (á la), adv. after the Spanish manner
Españolado -a,rtrf;. like a Spaniard in manners, Sec.
Españolar,». 1. to make Spanish; speak the Spanish
Españolarse, r. to adopt the Spanish manners, &c.
Españolería, sf. Spanish manners, taste, customs
Españoleta, sf. ancient Spanish dance [&c.
Españolizado, -a, a. like a Spaniard in manners,
Españolizar, a. 1. to make Spanish; speak theSpan.
Españolizarse, r. to adopt the Spanish manners
Espár, sm. spar (kind of aromatic gum)
Esparagón, sm. grogram (sort of coarse stuff)
Esparauiarin, sm. serpent crawling on trees
Esparaván, m. malanders (horses' dis.); sparrow-
Esparavel, snu kind of fishing-net [hawk
Esparceta, sf. sainfoin; fenugreek; trefoil (herb)
Esparcidamente, nJ¿i. in a scattered manner; gaily
Esparcido -a,«. scattered; spread; cool;serene;gay
Esparcilla, sf. spurry; alsine; chickweed (plant)
Esparcion, sf. dispersion; scattering; diffusion
Esparcir, va. 3. to scatter; disseminate; divulge
Esparcirse, !'.rc/.to amuse; make one's self merry
Espargánio, J/1. burr-reed ; branching broom (plant)
Espáro, sm. gilt-head (sea-fish; genus of fishes)
Esparragado, stn. dish of asparagus (plant)
Esparragadór, sm. cultivator of asparagus
Esparragar, va. 1. to guard, collect asparagus
Esparrago, sm. asparagus; pole to prop an awning
Esparragón, sm. silk-stuff stronger than taffety
Esparraguera, sf. asparagus-plant, stem, bed
Esparraguero -a,j«i/.gatherer, seller of asparagus
Esparrancado -a, adj. wide-legged; with legs open
r.^pirrancárse, f. r.l. to open one's lees to excess
E^I irt.U, sm. field of bass-weed (plant)
F,^p;llt■•rla, sf. sandal made of bass-weed
Espartería, sf. place where bass-mats are made
E-parti'ro-a,.iin/.maker, seller of bass-weed wares
EsiKirtiUa,.?/. handful of bass to rub, clean animals
Esparto, sm. bass-weed; sedge; rush (plant)
Espasmo, sm. spasms convulsion; violent twitch
Espato, sm. spar (calcareous mineral)
Espátula, sj. spatula; spattle; slice (surg instr.)
Espátula, gilt-head; espátula (sea-fish)
Espavorido -
Especería^ j/. groce
Especia, >/. spice. Especias ytp/.uiedicinal drug;
Especial, adj. special; particular; peculiar
Especial (en), adv. specially; in particulai
Especial, adj. special; parti
Especial (en), adv. speciall,, ... ,, ,....
Especialidad, sf. speciality;partieul.irity
Especialmente, adv. specially; particularly
Especiar, vn. 1. to spice broth, food, &c.
Esp. cíe, /.species; kind; sort; image; event;cause
Especiería, sf. grocer's shop; grocery; spices,&c.
Especiero, sm. dealerin spices, aromatics; grocer
Especificación, «/. specification; full notation
Especificadamente, adv. distinctly; expressly
Especificar, va.\. to specify; state minutely; name
Especificativo -a, «rf;. specifying; distinctive
Especifico,.?»/, specific (reniedy for one disease)
" '■" -" ■■";; for one disease only
Espectable, orf/!^ eminent; noble; conspicuous
Espectación, i/. expectation; wishful hope
Espectáculo,»»//, spectacle ;show;objectof wonder
Espectador, s///. spectator; beholder; looker on
Espectro, sm. spectre; ghost; phantom; apparition
Especulación.y'.speculation; view; contemplation
Especuladór,-a, /;//. speculator;observer;theorist
Especular, va. 1. to speculate; view; contemplate
Especulário, -a, adj. specular; assisting sight
Especulativa, */. theory; power of viewing
Especulativamente, adv. ideally; speculatively
Especulativo -a, adj. speculative; contemplative
Esped.azár, iia.l. to cut into bits; lacerate; destroy
Espedirse, v. ref. 3. to take leave; go away; depart
Espe ado -a, a¿j. like a mirror; rellecting; shin
= sm. spf
Espe ársi
Espe i
's self i!
a looking-glas
Espejuela, sJ. z . „
Espejuelo, 5//i. dintin. small looking-glass,mirr<)r
" " , .T/n. leaf of talc; bird-catcher's glass
kind of transparent sweet-meat
dirt round combs of beehives in winter
i, sm. piar, crystal lenses, spectacles
. cienfuegos wheat; one-grained corn
Espeiteo, -a, adj. of spelt; belonging to spelt
Espelunca,./, cave; cayern;hollowplace;den;grot
Espeluznarse, v.ref. 1. to have the hair set on end
Espeque, sm. handspike; wooden lever
Espeque de la bomba, sm. pump-brake (naut.)
Espera, sf. expectation; waiting; pause;prudence
Espera, respite; patent; kind of heavy ordnance
Espera (estar en 1.), to be in expectation of
Espera (hombre de), sm. cool composed man
Esperáble,". expectable; to be hoped for; sperable
Espectadór-a, smf. expectant; who hopes, expects
Esperanza, sf. hope; expectation; expectancy
Esperánza(áncora de la),í/. sheet-anchor(naut.)
Esperanzar, va. 1. to give hope; make expect
Esperar, va. 1. to hope; expect; wait for; stay; fear
Esperarse, v. ref. to eiitertainhopes;wait; expect
Esperezo, sm. stretching one's self after waking
Esperiégo -a, adj. sour; tart (pippin-apple)
Esperiego, sm. tart apple-'
smelt ismall s.

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