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Erradicar, a. 1. to era-licate: puU up by the roots
Erradizo, -a, adj. wandering to and fro; rambling
Errado, -a, adj. mistaken, in errour; erroneous
Errante, adj. errant; wandering; rambling
Erránza,/. mistake; errour; deceit; deficiency
Frrár vn 1. to err, mistake; misjudge; offend
Errar vri to ramble; 8troU; wander about; rove
Errar' el camino, to miss the right way; strav
Errar el golpe, to miss, not hit the blow; fail
Errata, sf. errour (in writing, printing); errata
Errático, -a, adj. wandering; irregular; erratic
Errátil, a. wavering; unfixed; not firm, steady
Vr.i^ ,„i i-oai marie of the stones of olives
E'rre que erre, aav. oDsiinaieiy; t,cji»..»v..>.-ov
Erróneamente, adv. by mistake; faultily; false
Erróneo -a adj. erroneous; not conformable to
Erronía.'í/.' opposition; resistance; hatred
Error im errour; mistake; fault; deceit; defect
Erubescencia, sf. blush; redness; erubescence
Eructación, sf. sudden emission of wind
EÍúcto,'sm. sudden emission of wind; eructation
Erudición, sf. erudition; learning; knowledge
Eruditamente, adv. in a learned manner
Erudito -a,a. learned; full of knowledge; well read
Eruginó'so, -a, a. thick & knotty; coppery; rusty
Erumnóso, -a, adj. laborious; painful; miserable
Erupción, sf. eruption; bursting forth; pustule
Eruptivo, -a, adj. eruptive; bursting; pustulous
Erúto%™'sudden emission of wind ; eructation
Erráto, sm. sea-sulphur-wort; hog's fenuelípla.)
Ervelláda, sf. bean-trefoil (plant)
Ervilla, sf. seed of the bitter vetch (plant)
E'sa, sf. demonstrative, pron.fem. that
Esbatimentar, va. 1. to delineate a shadow [ther
Esbatimentar, vn. to cast a body's shade on ano-
Esbatiménto, sm. shade in a painting
Esbelteza, sf. tall and elegant stature, figure
Esbelto, -a, adj. tall and genteel;' well-shaped
Esbirro, m. bailiflf; petty officer of courts of law
Esblandecer, a. 2. Esblandir, 3. to brandish; whiri
Esbozo, stn. sketch; rough draught; outline
E'sca, sf. food; nourishment; nutrition; support
Escabechar, va. 1. topickle; steep in pickle; souse
Escabeche; m. souse; pickle of salt: pickled fish
Escabel, sm. foot-stool; stool to put the feet on
Escabelillo, sm. dimin. small footstool, seat
Escabiosa, sf. meadow, field-scabious (med.pla.)
Escábro,m.scab,mange,in sheep;amphibious crab
Escabrosamente, adv. ruggedly; rouglily, rudely
Escabrosearse, r. 1. to take offence; be irritated
Escabrosidad, sf ruggedness; roughness
Escabroso, -a, adj. scabrous; rugged; rough; rude
EscabuUimiénto.'jin. evasion; slipping away
Escabullirse, i'. ref. 3. to evade; escape; slip away
Escacádo, -a, adj. chequered; variegated
Escacho, sm. thorn-back (sea fish)
Escala,/, ladder; scale; stair-case; port; bay
Escala del alcázar, quarter-deck ladder (naut.)
Escala real, J/. accommodation-ladder (naut.)
Escala de la toldilla, sf. poop-ladder (naut.)
Escala de comercio, sf. sea-port (naut.)
Escala franca, sf. free port; free harbour
Escala vista (á), adv. openly; at day-light
Escalada, sf. scalade; scalado; storming a place
Escalada a escala vista, if day-light escalade
Escalado, a, a. cut open to be salted, cured(fish
Escalador,»!», climber; who scales the walls (mi .)
Escalamiento, -n. escalade; assault; scaling walls
Escálamo, m. iron pin witharingto put the oars in
Escalante, a. scaling; climbing; storming wa is
Eicalár ua. 1. to scale; climb; by means of ladders
Escaldada, tf. prostitute; hireling; strumpet
Escaldado, -a, adj. cautious; prudent; 8uspiciou.s
Escaldar, va. 1. to burn; scald; make iron red-liol
Escaldrántes, sm. plur. kevels (wooden pins, na.)
Escaldrido, -a, adj. cunning; artful; sagacious
E3caldufár,a. 1. to take broth out of a pot too tul]
Escaleno, sm. triangle with three sides unequal
Escalentamiénto, m. inflammation, in anim s-feel
Escalentar, a. 1. to foment, keep the natural heal
Escalera, sf. staircase; flight of steps; ladder
" le caracol, sf. winding staircase
1, f. small ladder; drenching instrum.
, sm. auf;m. large staircase
Escaleta, */• engine to lift cannons on carnages
Escalfado, -a, a. full of blisters (whiteucd walls)
Escalfador, sm. barber's pan; chafing-dish
Escalfar, va. 1. to boil eggs; warm; keep warm
Escalfar el pan, to put bread in too hot an oven
Escalfarótes, m. p/. wide boots (lined with hay)
Escalfeta, sf. brasier; chafing-dish; water-ttish
Escalimárse, r. 1. to be worked out of the seam;
Escalio, Jin. ground abandoned for tillage
Escalmo, in. iron pin with a ring to put the oarsn
Escalofriado, -a, adj. shivering; trembling
Escalofrió, m. shivering fit; cold turn of a lever
Escalón, >«. step of a stair; scale; degree of dig.
Escalpelo, sin. scalpel (surgical instrument)
Escalplo, srn. currier's knife _
Escama, sf. scale (of fish) ; thin lamina; grudge
Escamada, sf. embroidery in figure of scales
Escamado, m. work wrought in the form of scale:
Escamado, -a, a. tutored by a painful expenenui
Escamadura, sf. embroidering like scales
Escamar, wa.l. to scale fish; otTend; molest; aiiirci
Escamar, vn. to embroider in the form of scales
Escamarse, r. to be tutored by experience; resem
Escambronál, sm. plantation of buck-thorns
Escamel, sm. instrument used by sword-makers
EscamiUa, -ita, sf. dimin. small scale, shell
Escamocheár,.n. 1. to swarm; quit the hive(becs,
Escamocho, sm. broken victuals; leavings
Escamonda, sf. pruning, lopping of trees
Escamondadura, sf. useless branches of trees
Escamondar, a. 1. to prune, lop trees; cleans
Escamondo, sm. pruning 1
js of useless branches
nony; offended
,„, „. ,^j. .. — resent; be offended
I, adj. scaly; covered with scales
.moneado, -a., adj.
i.sL»mv.>„,..- juggle; trick; make disappear
Escampado, -a, adj. disengaged; free; open; clear
Escampar, n. 1. to cease raining; leave off working
Escampar, va. to clean, clear out (a place)
Escampa (ya), it is importunate babbling
Escampo, sm. cessation; escape; flight; evasion
Escamujar, va. 1. to prune olive-trees; lop oft
Escamujo, sm. lopped off branch of olive-tree
Escanciador, Escanciúno, sni. cup-bearer(otficer)
Escanciar, va. 1. to pour out wine into a vase
Escanciar, vn. to drink wine, &c.
Escanda, sf. spelt-wheat (sort of grain)
Escandalár, sm. apartment for the compass
Escandalizadór, sm. one who scandalizes j
Escandalizar, va. 1. to scandalize; give offence
Escandalizarse, t. to be scandalized; irritated
Escandalizativo, -a, adj. scandalous; shamcfuJ
Escandallar, a. 1. to sound; try depth with alead
Escandallo, m. deep sea lead; plummet; proof
Escándalo, jm. scandal; offence; admiration
Escandalosa, sf. gaff-sail (naut.)
Escandalosamente, adv. in a scandalous manner
Escandaloso, -a, adj. scandalous; shameful
Escandecéncia, */. growing hot; passion; ang(
Escandecer, a. 2. to provoke; put in a passion

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