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n. 2. to corrupt; reduce to putridity
i, sj. Drood of bees
Empoltrünecérse, v. ref. 2. to ^ow lazy;
Empolvar, va. 1. to powder; sprinkle powder
Empolvoramiento, »»«. covering with dust [der
Empolvorar, -izar, va. 1. to cover with dust, pow-
Empouer, vii. 2. to teach; train up; instruct
Emponzoñadéra, »]'. poisoner; one who poisons
£mponzoñadór,-B, mf. poisoner; one who poisons
Emponzoñar, va. 1. to poison; kill by poison
Emporcar, va. 1. to soil; dirty; daub; bemire
Emporio, sm. emporium; place of merchandise
EmpiJs, adv. after; behind; in pursuit of
Empotramiento, J»n. joining of two timbers
Empotrar, va. 1. to mortise; join; splice; scarf
Empozar, va. 1. to throw into a well
Empradizarse, v. ref. 1. to become a meadow
Empremir, va. 3. to print; imprint; get printed
Emprendedor, sm. enterpriser; undertaker
Emprender, va. 2. to undertake; attempt; set to
Emprensár, a. l.topress; put into press; calender
Empreñar, va. 1. to impregnate; make prolific
Empresa, sf. symbol; enterprise; design; purpose
Empresario, tm. manager of a theatre
Emprestado, sm. lending money; loan; tax
Emprestado, -a, ndj. lent; granted the use
Emprestillador, Emprestillon, sm. borrower
Emprestillár, va. 1. to borrow; ask the use of
Empréstito, m. lending nionev; loan; tax; impost
Emprima, if. first-fruits; first-fruits' offering
Emprimado, sm. last combing (given to wool)
Emprimar, va. 1. to print linen, cotton; card
Emprimerár, va. 1. to place in the first rank
Empringar, a. 1. to baste; grease; wound; meddle
Emprisioudr, va. 1. to imprison; shut up; confine
Empuchár, a. 1. to put skeins of thread into a lye
Empues, adv. after; afterwards; next; following
Empuesta (de), adv. behind; in the absence of
Empujamiento, sm. pushing away; using force
Empujar, va. 1. to push; press torwarri; shove off
Empujo, -úje, sm. impulsion; impulse; pushing
Empujón, sm. impulse; push; shove [away
Empujones (a), «d. in a rude manner; with a push
Empulgadúra, sf. stretching the cord of a bow
Empulgár, a. 1. to stretch the cord of a cross-bow
Empulgueras, sf. plur. wings of a cross-bow
Empulgueras, iustr. to tie the thumbs together
Empuñadór, -a, smf. grasper; griper; who clutches
Empuñadura, sf. hilt, handle ol a sword
Empuñaduras, sf. plur. ear-rings (naut.)
Empuñaduras del gratil, head ear-rings (naut.)
Empuñaduras de rizos, reef ear-rings (naut.)
Empuñar, a. 1. to grasp; gripe; clutch; hold fast
Empuñar el cetro, to begin to reign; govern
Empuyárse, ref. 1. to prick one's self with nails
Emulación, sf. emulation; rivalry; contention
Emulador, sm. emulator; competitor; rival
Emuladora, /. female competitor, emulator, rival
Emular, va. 1. to emulate; rival; imitate
Emulgente, ad/, emulgent; milking; draining out
E'mulo, m, competitor; emulator; rival; imitator
Emulsión,»/, emulsion (lubricating medicine)
Emundación, sf. mundation; cleansing [part
En, pre/), in; for; on; upon; after
En (place), estar en Londres, to be in London
En (place), En el otro lado, on the other side
En ¡time), En un año, in a year's time
En (time). En adelante, for the future
En (time). En Domingo, on, upon Sunday
En decir, diciendo esto, in, after saying this
!3 EXC
En (before adjectives as). En alto, on high
Enaceitarse, v. ref. 1. to become oily, rancid
Enacerar, a. 1. to steel; edge with steel; harden
Enagenáble, adj. alienable; transferable
Enagenacidn, »/. \alienation; absenceof mind
Enagenamiento, «/./change of affection; rapture
Euagenár, va. 1. to alienate; transfer; enrapture
Euagenárse, v. ref. to withdraw one's affection
Enagenárse, to be deprived of the use of reason
Enaguarchár, a. 1. to load with water (stomach)
Enaguas, sf. plur. sort of linen under-petticoat
Ená baize tunic (wornby men in mour.)
Enaguazar, va. 1. to irrigate; cover with water
Euagüelár, va. 1. to have grand-children
Enaguillas, -'Mas, J. plur. short linen petticoats
Enalbar, va. 1. to make iron white by great heat
Enalbardar, 1. to lay the pack-saddle (on a beast)
Enalbardar, to cover meat with a batter of eggs
Enalforjár, va. to put into a saddle-bag
Enalguaciládo, -a, adj. dressed like an alguacil
Enalienáble; adj. unalienable; untransferable
Enalmagrado, -a, adj. coloured with ochre; vile
Enalmagrar, va. 1. to colour with ochre [rets
Enalmenár, a. crown with battlements, tur-
Enaltecérse, r. 2. to boast; extol, exalt one's self
Enamarillecerse, v. ref. 2. to become yellow
Enamorada, sf. hireling; public strumpet; jade
Enamoradamente, adv. in a loving manner
Enamoradillo, -a, adj. a little inclined to love
Enamoradizo, -a, adj. of an amorous disposition
Enamorado, -a, adj. enamoured; filled with love
Enamorado (un), jm. inamorato; lover; wooer
Enamorador, sm. lover; wooer; one in love
Enamoramiento, sm. courtship; being in love
Enamorar, a. 1. to inspire love; court; make love
Enamorarse, !•. ref. to fall in love: be enamoured
Enamoricarse, !J. ref. 1. to be slightly in love
Enamorosamente, adv. lovingly; amorously
Enanchar, va. 1. to enlarge; increase; widen
Enanico, -il'lo, -ito, -a, adj. dimhi. very little
Enano, -a, adj. dwarfish; small; little; diminutive
Enano, sw. dwarf (one below the usual size)
Enante, Enantes, adv. first; before; rather; late
Enante, sm. water-drop-wort; oenanthe (plant)
Enaparejár, an. 1. to match; equal; level; be equal
Enarbolar, va. 1. to hoist; raise high; hang out
Enarbolar la bandera, to hoist the colours (na.)
Enarbolarse, ref. to rise on the hind feet (hor.)
Enarcar, va. 1. to hoop barrels; arch; arcuate
Enardecer, va. 2. to inflame; fire with passion
Enardecerse, v. ref. to be inflamed; animated
Enarenación, »/. washing with lime & sand(wall)
Enarenar, va. 1. to fill, choak with sand
" ' ' stranded; run on shore
; eleva
hind feet (horse)
Enarración, sf. recital; relation; account
Enarrár, va. 1. to relate; tell; give an account
Enartár, va. 1. to narrow; compress; deceive
Enastar, va. I. to haft; set a handle to
Enatieza, sf. inelegance; unhandsomeness
En acunas, adv. without having taken any food
En balde, ad. in vain; to no purpose; to no end
Encabalgamiento, sm. gun-carriage
Encabalgar, vn. 1. to parade on horseback
Encabalgar, va. to provide, supply with horses
Encabelladiira, sf. long hair over the shoulders
Encabellár, vn. 1. to begin to wear a wig
Encabellecer, -érse,«.r. 2. to have again fine hair
Encabestrar, a. 1. to put a halter to; force to obey
Encabestrarse, r. to be entangled in the halter
Encabezamiento, m. I roll of persons liable topay
Encabezonamiento /a tax; enrolling; impost

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