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Deslomar, a. 1. to break the bark; strain tlie loins
Ueslucidamente, adv. inelegantly; uselessly
Ueslucido,-a, adj. unadorned; inelegant; useless
Deslucimiento, jm. disgrace; want of splendour
Deslumbramiento, Deslumbre, un. glare
üeslumbrár, va. 1. to dazzle the sight; puzzle
Deslustradór, m. tarnisher; defamer; slanderer
Deslustrar, v'l. 1. to tarnish; blast the reputation
Deslustre, i«i. spot; stain; ignominy; disgrace
Deslustroso, -a, a. unbecoming; improper; ugly
Desmadejamiento, em. languishment; weakness
Desmadejar, vi. 1. to enervate; produce languor
Desmadejarse, v. ref. to languish; be enervated
Desmajolar, va. 1. to pull out vines by the roots
Desmajolar, to loosen, untie the shoe-stnngs
Desmaliadór, im. who breaks a coat of mail
Desmalladúra, »/. breaking of a coat of mail
Desmallar, va. 1. to cut, destroy a coat of mail
Desmamar, va. 1. to wean; put from the breast
Desmamonar, a. to cut the young shoots of vines
Desmamparar, vu. 1. to forsake; abandon; quit
n the fl
indido, -a, adj.
.o.iour; disgrace; -^^^.nvy
Dcsmandamiruto, s'm. countermand; disorder
Desmandar, «. l.tocouutermaud; revoke a legacv
Desmandarse, v. n-j. to transgress the bouiiüs of
Desmandarse, to disband (troops); go astray
Desmanear, unfetter; free from fetters (am.)
Desmangamieuto, | j^^j^ ^jf t^e haft
Desmaugue, ) ^
Desmaugar, }„„. take off the handle, haft
Desmanotado, -'a, a. unhandy; awkward; cramped
Desmantecar,^!/. 1. to take off the butter
Desmantelado, -a, adj. dismantled; ruinous
lar, a. 1. to dismantle; forsake; '
L, »/. c
I. 1. t
1Í the riuds of olives
ejected; exhausted
'.; eradicate; frighte
ictedly; ^~ '•' -
adj. pale; wan weak; dismayed
Desmavár, nu.l. to dismay; dispirit; frighten
Desmayar, vn. to be dispirited; want courage
Desma'várse, v. ref. to faint; sink motionless
Desmayo, sm. dismay; swoon; decay of strength
Desmazalado, -a, adj. weak; dejected; spiritless
Desmedidamente, ad. dlsproportionably; hugely
Desmedido, -a, adj. disproportionate; unsuitable
Desmedirse, 3. to transgress the bounds; exceed
Desmedrar, va. 1. to impair; make worse; injure
Desmedrar, vn. decline; grow less; decrease
Desmedro, »m. diminution; decay; detriment
Desmejorar, va. 1. to make worse; bring to decay
Desmejorarse, ref. to decline; grow worse; decay
Desraelancolizár, va. 1. to remove melancholy
Desmelar, va. 1. to take the honey (from a hive)
Desmelenar, va. 1. to dishevel; disorder the hair
Desmembración, \tf. dismembering; dismember-
Disuiembradúra, Jraent; division
Desmeuibradór, >m. divider; who dismembers
Desmembramiento, sm. dismemberment; division
Desmembrar, «. I. to dismember; separate; divide
Desmemoriarse, v. ref. 1. to forget; neglect
Desmenguar, va. 1. to lessen; defalcate; decline
Desiueutida, af. giving the liei contradiction
Dciinciitidór, tm. who convicts one of falsehood
Desmentir, a. 3. to give the lie; counterfeit
Desmenu/.ablc, adj. brittle; e
Desmenuzador, -a, tmf. s — *'
ily powder
)X\ investigator
imbie; reduce to powder
ft; examine minutely; searcli
f. to crumble; fall into pieces
«m. taking out of the i
ár, tm. undeserver (of a thing)
va. 2. to be unwortbv, undeserving
iénto, $in. demerit; ill-desert [of
Desmesura, »/. excess; impudence; insolence
Desmesuradamente, adv. immensely; uncivilly
Desmesurado, -a, adj. excessive; gigantic [del
Desmesurar, va. 1. to discompose; put out of or-
;o behav
Desmesurarse,' to be forward; act impudently
Desmigajar, va. 1. to crumble; break into bits
Desmigajarse, r. to crumble, fall into small bits
Desmigár, a. 1. to crumble bread into small pieces
Desminuir, a. 3. to diminish; lessen; detract from
Desmirriado, -a, a. lean; exhausted; melancholy
Desmocár, vn. 1. to wipe, blow one's nose
Desmocha, »/. cutting, lopping olT; diminution
Desmochadura, sf. lopping off; mutilation
Desmochar, va. 1. to lop off; mutilate; dishorn
Desmoche, sm. cutting, lopping off; mutilation
Desmocho, sin. heap of cuttings, loppings
Desmogar, vn. 1. to shake, c— •*•» '■"-"' ''
.,.. ,. ,„ „ , the horns (deer)
^ _^ iin. casting of the head, horns (deers)
Desmofádo', -a, a. toothless; having no grinder»
Desmoler, va. 2. to digest; examine carefully
Desmontár,a. fell (wood) ;uni:ock (fire-arms)
Desmontar, dismount a troop of '
Desmontar, v
hing ci
Desmoñár, va. 1. to undo the toupee; loosen tl
Desmoralización, sf. demoralization; depravitv
Desmoralizado, -a, adj. demoralized; depraved
Desmoraliiár, va. 1. to demoralize; render ir
Desmoronadizo, -a, a. easily mouldered [moral
Desmoronar, va. 1. to destroy by little ar-* '• ~
Desmostolar, a. 1.
Desmotadera, wom
Desmotador, -a, J. I
Desmotar, va. 1. te
Desmi ■•
dwindle, moulder off
moulder; be turned to dust
irate the must from grapes
I'dimiuish; lessen; decrease
1 taking off knots from cloth
rson taking knots from cloth
lear cloth of knots
loss of grinders, teeth
o separate from a wife
_ol to clean wool of grease
. 1. to clean wool, cloth of grease
. to pick, gather olives [bland)
1. to discompose (a thing s
m. mouser; cat that catches mi
1. to c:
Desraugerar, i<a. 1. t
Desmugradór, ivi. to
Desmu^rár, i ' ""
Desmuir, va.
Desmullir, v
Desmurar, ví .
Desnarigádo, -a, adj. noseless; w
Desnarigár, va. 1. to cut off the i
Desnatar, va. 1. to skim milk; take the choice.^i
Desnatár la hacienda, to live in abundance
Desnatural, adj. unnatural; repugnant; foreiirn
Desnaturalizar, a. 1. to disnaturalize; make aiiit
Desnaturalizarse, ref. to abandon one's country
Desnecesário, -a, a. unnecessary; superfluous
Desnegar, va. 1. to contradict; deny; retract
Desnegarse, v. ref. to unsay; retract; recant
Desnervár, i'«. 1. to enervate; deprive of strength
Desnevado, -a, a. without snow; thawed; melt
Desnevar, va. 1. to thaw; melt; dissolve
Desnivel, sm. uneveiiness; inequality (of grouii
Desnivelar, va. 1. to make uneven; unequal

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