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Cruento, -a, adj. bloody; cruel; inliuman
Crujía, sj. midship; gang«!iy; large open hall
Crujía, passage from the choir tolhe high altar
Crujía de piezas, fliglit of successive rooms
Crujía, (pasar 1.) to run the gantlet; suffer mncl
Crujido sin. cracli; sudden noise; crackling
Crujir, vn. 3. to crack; break into chinks; split
Crúo, -a, adj. cruel; inhuman; oppressive; violent
" ' . gore; coagulated blood; cruor
Crural, adj. crural; of the leg
Crureo, »wi. muscle of the caff of the leg
Crustáceo, -a, adj. crustaceous; with shells
Crústico, -a, adj. beating; pulsatory; throbbing
Crustóso, -a, inlj. crusty; covered with a crust
Cruxia, sf. midsiiip gangway; large open liall
Cruxido, sm. crack; sudden noise; crackling
Cruxir, w. to crackle; rustle; make a sudden noise
Cruz,/, cross; trov
las bitas, c
Cruz tomada con los ciíbles, t
Cruz, (bracear en 1.) to square the yards
Cruzada, sJ. crusade; tribunal of tlie crus
Cruzada, cross-«ort; vallantia (plant)
Cruzado, m. cruzado (Spanisli& Portugués
Cruzado, crusader; knight of a military oi
adj. t)
e (n<
Cruzarse v. ref. to be knighted; cross and trip
Cuácaro, -a smf. quaker (sectarian^ [(naut.)
Cuaderna, sf. fourth part of (anytliing) ; frame
Cuaderna maestra .«/. midship-trame (naut.)
Cuaderna del cuerpo pop>-s, stern-frame (naut.)
Cuadernal, srn. block; pulley (naut.)
Cuadernales de carenar; m. pi. carcening-gears
Cuadernaléte,ím. short and double block (naut.)
Cuadernario, -a, adj. quaternary; of four
Cuadernas de la amura, /. pi. loof-frames (naut.)
Cuadernas de henchimiento, fiUing-tlmbers
Cuadernas reviradas, cant-timber (naut.)
Cuadernas á escuadra, square timbers (naut.)
Cuadernillo, m. 5 sheets of paper over each other
Cuadernillo, s. few sheets of paper made in a book
Cuadernillo, clerical directory for daily duty
Cuaderno, m. parcel of paper stitched together
Cuaderno.small memorandum-book; pack of cards
Cuádra,hall; saloon; drawing-room; square; stable
Cuadra, length of a street; quarter of a ship (naut.)
Cuadra, (por la) adv. on the quarter (naut.)
Cuadradamente, adv. exactly; completely
Cuadrado, -a, arfj. of 4 equal sides; square; perfect
Cuadrado, sm. square; gusset of a shirt-sleeve
Cuadrado, quadrate; square of a letter; die; clock
Cuadrado, (de) in front; opposite; face to face
Cuadragenario, -a, adj. 40 years old; of 40 years
Cuadragesimal, adj. quadragesimal; of Lent
Cuadragésimo, -a, adj. fortieth; fourth tenth
Cuadral, sm. timber crossing diagonally 2 others
Cuadrangulár, udj. with four right angles
Cuadrángulo, sm. surface with four right angles
Cuadrantal, adj. in the fourth part of a circle
Cuadrante, sm. quadrant; sun-dial-plate
Cuadrante, 4th of an inheritance; smallest coin
Cuadrante, (hasta el último) to the last farthing
Cuadrar, va. to square; fit; adjust; accommodate
Cuadrar, multiply a number by itself; quadrate
Cuadratín, tn. piece of type-metal to fill up blanks
Cuadratura,/, quadrature; reducing to a square
Cuadratura, first and last quarter ot the moon
Cuádrete, sm. dimin. small square
Cuadricenal, adj. done every forty years
11 CU.\
Cuadrícula,/, pentagraph (instr. to copy draw.)
Cuadricular, va. 1. to copy with a pentagraph
Cuadrienal, adj. comprising 4 years; quadrennial
Cuadrienio, sm. time, space of four years
Cuadrifórme, adj. having four faces, squares
Cuadriga, sf. carriage drawn by four horses
Cuadrir, sm. haunch-bone (in animals)
Cuadrilátero, -a, adj. with 4 sides; quadrilateral
(-'uadriliteral, adj. consisting of four letters
Cuadrilla, sf. meeting of four or more persons
Cuadrilla, gang; band of armed men after robbers
Cuadrillero, sm. member of la Santa Hermandad
Cuadrillero, commander of an armed band
Cuadrillo, m. .small square; kind of Jloorish dart
Cuadrilongo, m. oblong square; troops so formed
Cuadrilongo, -a. adj. in the form of a long square
Cuadrimestre, sm. space of four months
Cuadrinomio, m. quantity consisting of 4 terms
Cuadriple, adj. quadruple; fourfold
Cuadriplicado, -a, ff. quadrupled; 4 times as much
Cuadnsibibo, -a, adj. of four syllables (word)
Cuadrivio, m. place where four paths, roads meet
Cuadrivio, tiling feasible four different wavs
Cuadrivista, m. one trving 4 ways to gain his end
Cuadriyugo, sm. cart with four horses
Cuadro, -a, adj. square; with 4 equal sides; perfect
Cuádro,;«. square; painting; picture-frame; plateu
Cuadrupedal, adj, four-footed; quadrupedal
Cuadrupedante, c/.quadrupedant; going on 4 feet
r. 1. t
a thin
lultiply by lour
. , , ^ quadruple; 'fourfold
Cu.adrúplo, (al) adv. in a fourfold p/oport
Cuajada, sf. butter (food from the cream o
Cujadillo, sm. sort of silk gauze with How
Ciijádo, m. dish made of meat, herbs, fruits, sugar
Cuajaleche, yellow goose-grass; cheese-runnet
■), swi. coagulation; congelation
•unnet; calf's maw used to curdle milk
. . ) coagulate; curd; decorate too much
Cuajar, to succeed; please; like; choose
"-- arejo, sm. runnet; calfs maw to curdle milk
; coagulated fluid; clot; gore
fulate; curdle clot; concrete
en 2.) to be too dull and patient
r de 1.) to tear up by the roots
1) sf. yellow goose-grass (plant)
■- i; like; one; partly
•uthorize; attest
itever; whatsoever
Cual, adj. which; such;
Cualidad, sf. quality; iir
Cualificar - - ' ■ '
Cuilque, „^, ,
Cualquier, \adj. any one; some c
Cualquiera, J soever
Cuamáno, -a, adj. how great; so big
'' ''"■ '""" '~ ' — " - ily before nouns)
Cuándo, n
: (de :
■n) a
_ _ that; though
from time to time
st; how(
Cuándo, (hasta) «rfi'.untilwhen; to the time that
Cuándo acá, (de),!níprr. since when? what time?
Cuándo, sm. determinate period of time
Cuantía, sf. quantity; extent; number; rank
Cuantía, (hombre de gran) sm. man of high rank
Cuantiar, a. 1. to estimate the property (in pla.)
Cuantidad, s/. quantity; extent; number; weight
Cuantiosamente, adv. abundantly; in plenty
Cuentióso, -a, ai/j. numerous; copious; abundant
Cuantitativo, a, adj. estimable by quantity
Cuánto, -a, adj. as many as; as much as; the more
Cuánto? how much? Cuántos? how many?

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