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BRA '1
Brizo i brazo, arm to arm; with equal weapons
Brazo partido, (A) with the arras only
Brazo de m4r, (hecho un,) with great show
Brazo de candeléro, sm. branch of a chandelier I
];ráZo de una trompeta, m. branch of a trumpet I
Et:'izo de mar, sm. arm of the sea
Brazo de silla, srn. arm of a chair
Brazo derecho de, (ser el) to be the right hand nf |
Brazos del Reino, sm. plxtr states of the realm
Krázos a uno, fdár los, 1.) to embrace one ,
Brazos, infucrzade)ad.byforce of merit, labour j
Brazos (abiertos con los) with open arms; trladly i
Brazos, (cruzados los) with the arms fok|i>d |
Erazólas, sf. plur. coamings of th? hatchways I
Brazuelo, m. dim. small arm; shoulder of beasts I
Brazuelo, branch of the mouth-bit of a bridle I
Brea, tf, pitch; tar; coarse canvass; sackcloth |
Brear, va. 1. to pit<'h; tar; tease; vex; cast» joke :
Breháge, sm. beverage; drink; potion medicine
Breca, sf. bleak; blay, (small river-fish)
Brecha, sf. breach; opening; impression
Brecha, (batir en, S.) to batter a breach; pursue
Brecho, sm. one who has distorted feet
Brédo, sm. wild amaranth (plant)
Brésa, sf. strife; contest; pun; jest; trick
Brega, (dar, 1.) to play a trick upon
Bregar, vn. 1. to contend; struggle with; strive
Bregar, m. to work up dough with a rollin¿-pin
Bregar el arco, to bend the bow
Bren, sm. bran (husks of corn ground)
Brenca, sf. maidenhair; sluice-post; filn.ment
Breña, sf. ground craggy, full of br;imbles
Brefíál, lirefiár, sm. place full of brambles
Brefloso,-a. adj. craggy; full of brambles, briers
Breque, sm. bleak; blay (small river-fish)
Breque, (ojos de) sm. plur. weak, bloodshot eyes
Bresca, sf. honey-comb (cells to store the honey)
Brescadillo, sm. small gold, silver-tube
Bretadór, sm. call-bird; whistle; pipe to call birds
Bretaña, sf. sort of fine linen
Brete, »m,' fetters; shackles; want; Indian fnod
Brete, (estar puesto en un, I.) to be hard put to
Breva, s'. early fig (of the common fig tree)
Breva, (mas blando que una) brought to reason
Brevál, sm. early fig-tree
Breve, sm. brief; card of invitation; ticket
Breve, adj. brief; concise; laconic; summary
Breve, (en1 arh\ shortly; in a little time
Breveclco,-illo,-ito. sm. dimin. somewhat short
Brevedad, sf. brevity; conciseness; shortness
Brevemente, adv. briefly; concisely
Brevete, sm. short annotation; memorandum
Breviario, sm. breviary (Roman church-book)
Breviario, memorandum-book; brevier: epitome
Brezal, sm. heath, (place covered with shrubs)
Brezo, sm. heath; ling, (sort of shrub, plant)
Briaga, sf. rope, (of the shaft of a wine-press)
Briál, sm. rich silk petticoat jworn formerly )
Briba, sf. tniantship; idleness; neglect of duty
Briba, (á la) adv. in an idle, negligent manner
Briber, rn. I. to play the truant; loiter about
Bribia, sf. beggar's tale of misery, distress
Bnbia, (echar la, I.) to go a begging; ask charity
Bribón, -a, smf. & adi. vagrant; impostor; rogue
Bribonada, si. knavery; beggar's trick; roguery
Bribonázo.m. aug. great impostor, rogue, beggar
Briboncillo, sm. oimtn. little impostor, rogue
Bribonear, en. 1. to lead a vagabond's life; rove
Bribonería, sf. vagrant's life; beggar's trade
Bribonzuélo, sm. oíiní»?. little vagabond, rogue
Brico, sm. spangle (small plate of shining metal)
Brida,/ bridle; reins of a bndle; horsemanship
bridar, va. 1. to bridle; curb; check; restrain
Bridón, $m. horseman riding a bur-saddie
Bridón, horse with a bur-saddle on; small br: lie
Brigada, sf brigade: division of forces; band
Brigadier, sm. brigadier; general of brigade
Brigadier en la real armada, commodore
Brigola, */. battering ram (to batter walls)
Brilladór, -a, adj. brilliant; sparkling; gaudy
Brilladúra, sí brilliancy; splendour; glare
Brillante, m. brilliant; diamond of great lustre
Brillante, ndj. brilliant; shinmg; glittering
Brillantemente, adv. brilliantly; splendidly
Brillantez, sf. brilliancy; lustre; brightness
Brillar, vn. I . to shine; sparkle; glitter; outshine
Brillo, sm. brilliancy; splendour; respleudence
Brin, $m fragments of fibres; sail-cloth; canvass
Brincador, -a, smf. one who leaps, jumps, skips
Brincar, vn. 1. leap: jump; skip; fly in a passion
Brincho, sm. manner of playing at reversi (cardsj
Brincia, »/. peel, thin skin of an onion
Bnnco, sm. leap; jump; bound; small jewel
Brindar, v. 1. to drink one's health; invite; allure
Bríndeles de chapines, s. plur. tapes (to tie clog^)
Brindis, sf. health; toast; wish of happiness
BringabAla, sf. handle (of a pump) ; brake
Brinqmllo,-iño, sm. gewgaw ; sweetmeat
Brio, sm. strength; force; vigour; spirit; courage
Brios á alg.'ino (bajar los, 1.) to humble; abase
Briol, sm. bunt-line (rope fixed to square-sails)
Briolin, m. slab-line (rope fixed to the main sails)
Brionia, sf. bryony (plant)
Briosamente, adv. vigorously; spiritedly
Brioso, -a, adj. vigorous; spirited; high-minded
Brisa, */. north-east; breeze; skin of grapes
Brisa carabinera, >/. vi,jlent gale
Brisca, s.f. brisque; ten and ace (game at cards)
Briscado, -a, a^ij of gold twist mixed with silk
Briscar, va. 1. to embroider with gold twist
Británica, sf. great water-dock (plant)
Briza, sf. breeze from the north east (naut.)
Brizar, va. •■. to rock the cradle; lull; quiet
Brizna, sf. fragment; broken part; splinter; chip
Briznóso, -a, adj. full of fragments, scraps
Brizo, sm. cradle; kind of sea-urchin
Bruca, sf. reel (to wind twist, &c); drill; button
Brocadél, sm. brocade (rich silk-stuff)
Brocadillo, sm. brocade with gold, silver-flowers
Brocado, sm. gold, silver-brocade
Brocado, -a, a brocaded; embroidered with gold
Brocadúra, sf. bite of a bear
Brocal, sm kerb-stone; metal rim of a scabbard
Brocal de Bota, mouth-piece of a leather-bottlu
Brocamantón, sm. crochet of diamonds
Brocárdico, sm. axiom at law
Brocatel, sm. stuff made of silk &hemp; marble
Btocáto, -a, <i brocaded; embroidered with gold
Brocha, st. pencil, jewel; button; cogged dice
Brochado, -a, adj. like brocade: embroidered
Brochadúra, sf. set of hooks and eyes, of clasps
Broche, sm. clasp; hook and eye; hasp; brooch
Brochón, sm. aug. brush; white-washing-brush
Brocúla, sí. drill (instrument to bore holes)
Bróculi, sm. broccoli (species of cabbage)
Bródio, sm. soup; broken meat; medley
Brodista, sm. poor scholar (begging his broth)
Bruma, sf. rubbish mixed with mortar; gruel
Broma, (, 1.) to indulge in jokes, in jests
Broma, ship-worm (boring the bottom of ships)
Bromado, -a, a. y. worm-eaten (bottom of a ship)
Bromjir, ra. 1. to gnaw (like the ship- worm)
Bromear, vn. 1. to jest; joke;make others laugh
Bromista, sm. joker; jester; droll, comical fellow
Bromo, sm. wild oats; brome-grass (herb)
Broncamente, adv. peevishly; waspishly; rudely
Bronce, sm. bronze; brass; trumpet;
Bronce, (ser un, t>. aux.) to be indefatigable

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