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Albardádo, -a, a. of a differentcolour at the loins
Altordár,». 1. to put a pack-saddle on; lard fowls
Albardéla, sf. small saddle (to break m colts)
Albarderia, si. shop where pack-saddles are made
Albardéro, sm. pack-saddle-maker, seller
AlbardUla, sf. small pack-saddle; border; batter
AlbardiUas, plur. ridges on the sides of toot-paths
Albardin,sm. mat-weed ;lygeum spartum (bot.)
Albardón, sm. pannel; kind of rustic saddle
Albardoncillo, sm. aimin. small pack-saddle
Albaréjo, Albarigo, sm. sort of very white wheat
Albaricóque, sin. apricot (kind of peach, orpluraj
Aibaricoquéro, sm. apricot-tree (.wall-tree)
Albarillo, sm. counter-dance played on the guitar
Albarino, white paint (formerly usedby women;
Albarráda, sf. drv wall; fence; ditch for defence
Albarrána (cebolla) */. squill; sea-onion (plant)
Albarrána (torre) sf. sort of watch-tower
Albarráz, sm. white leprosy;lousewort; larkspur
Albatára, sf carbuncle, pimple in the urethra
Albatóza. sf. small covered boat (to cross over)
A.bavaldádo, -a, adj. covered with white-lead
Albaválde, sm. white-lead; cerusei sort of paint)
Albazáno,-a,a. ofadarkchesnutcolour,darkhay |
Albáxo, sm. assault, attack at day-break (mil. tcr.)
Albeár, vj. I. to whiten; make white; bleach freewill powerto choose good.evU)
Albeitár, sm. farrier; horse-doctor; veterinary
Albeiteria, sf. veterinary art; farriery
Albellón, sm. sewer; gully-hole; gutter; drain
Albénda, sf. hangings of white linen
Albendéra, sf maker of white hangings; gadder
Albengala, sf. light crape, gauze worn in turbans
Albentola, sf. net of thin thread (for small n»h)
Albérca, sf pond; pool; conduit; dram; gutter
Albérchiga,s/. Albérchigo, m. almond-tree, fruit
Albercón, sm. augm. large pond, pool, conduit
Alberengéna, sf mad-apple; egg-plant
Albergadór, -a, smf lodging-housekeeper
Albergar, va. 1. to lodge; harbour;let lodgings
Albergarse, vref to take a lodging; reside; dwell
Albergue, sm. lodging; lodging-house; hospital
Albergueria, sf hospital for poor travellers
Alberguéro, sm. innkeeper; landlord; host
Albericóque, sm. apricot (kind of peach, or p um)
Albéro, s. whitish earth; cloth for cleaning plates
Alberquéro, s. who takes care of the soaking-flax
Alberquilla,s/-. dimin. little pool; small pond
Albicante, adj. whitening; blanching; bleaching
Albihár, sm. ox-eye; ox-head; black hellebore
AlbiUa,'»/ Albillo, m. early white grape
Albillo, -a, adj. of the early white grape (wine)
Albín, sm. blood-stone (precious stone)
Albina, sf. marshv ground covered with nitre
Albino, -a, borno'f a white man and black woman
A'lbis (quedarse in vref 1.) to be disappointed
A Ibo, -a, adj. eminentlv white ; snowy ; very tair
Albogalla, sf nut-gall (excrescence of an oak)
Albogue, sm. shepherd's flute; music on cymbals
Alboguéro,-a, smf maker nf, player on cymbals
Albohol, sm. species of bind-weed (plant)
Albóndiga, sf forced meat-ba 1, with eggs, spice
Albondiguilla, sf dimin. small forced meat-ball
Albor, sm. whiteness; white; dawn; break of day
Alborada, sf twilight; first dawn of day; music
Alborear, vn. 1. to dawn; begin to grow light
Albórga, sf sandal made of mat-weed (loose-shoe)
Albornía, sf large glazed earthen jug, vessel
Albornoz, sm. sort of coarse woollen stuff; cloak
Alboronia.s/. dish of love-apples, pumpkins, &c.
Alboroque, treat at the conclusion of a bargain
Alborotadamente, ad. noisily; loudly; confusedly
A borotádo. Alborotadizo, -a, a. turbulent; loud
Alborotador, -a, ««/. disturber; violator of peace
urd (plant)
vhite colour
15 ALC
Alborotapueblos, tm. mover of sedition, of feasts
Alborotar, va. 1. to disturb; excite tumults, not
Alborotarse, vref. to come over; fling out
Alboroto, sm. noise; tumult; riot; outcry; clatter
Alborozador, -a, smf promoter of mirth, gaiety
Alborozar, Jja. 1. to make merry, cheerful, joytul
Alborozo, sm. joy; gaiety; cheertulness; mirth
Albricias. s/. pi. reward for som •■ ""'-'' """-^^
Albudeca,.»/: pompion; pumpki
Albufera, */. l.irge lake formed
Albugíneo, -a, adj. albugineous;
Albuginoso, -a, a. like the «bite ... ii.. cgs ^. >..-
Albú albugo (disease in the eye)
Albuhera, sf fresh-water lake (from the hills)
Albúr,sín,dace(small river-fish), game at cards
Albura, sf. whiteness; w hite colour; being while
Alburéro, sm. player at the game Albures
Albures, s;n. plur. game at cards; Albures
Alcabala, sf excise; duty paid on saleable goods
Alcabala del viento, tax on goods sold by chance
Alcabalatório, svi. book of the rates of excise
Alcabalero, sm. collector of excise; tax gatherer
Alcabór, sín. flue, pipe, shaft of a chimney
Alcabuz, sm. arquebuse; hand gun; fire-lock
Alcacel, Alcacer, sm. green corn (not eared)
Alcachofa, sf. artichoke; instrument to stop blood
Alcachofado, -a, adj. resembling an artichoke
Alcachofado, mi. dish of artichokes
Alcachofal, sm. ground for rearing artichokes
Alcachofera, sf artichoke (esculent plant)
Alcahaz, sm. large bird cage (made of twigs, wire)
Alcahazáda, s. shutting up of many birds in a cage
Alcahazár, va. 1. to shut up birds in a large cage
Alcahuete, -a, smf. procurer; pander; pimp
Alcahuetear, Alcahuetar, ua. 1. to pander; pimp
Alcahuetería, sf. obscenity; immoral practice
Alcahuetillo, -a, smf dimin. little pander; pimp
Alcahueten, Alcahuetázo, -a, sii,f. great pander
Alcaiceria, sf. market-place for raw silk
A I caico, -a, alcaie; of two dactylesand trochees
Alcalde, sm. alcaid; judge; governor; jailer
Alcaldesa, sf wife of an alcaid, governor, jailer
Alcaidía, sf. office of alcaid, governor, jailer
Alcaldada, s/. imprudent action of an alcaid, &c.
Alcalde, sm. justice of the peace; judge; leader
Alcalde de barrio. Sin. head-borough; constable
Alcaldeár, vn. I. to assume the airof mock power
Alcaldesa, sf. wife of a justice of the peace, &c.
Alcaldía,?/', office, jurisdiction of an alcalde
Alcalescéncia, .s/". alkalescence; alkalization
Alcalescénte,adí. alkalescent; alkalizing
Álcali, sm. alkali; fermentable substance
Alcalino, alcalizado, -a, a. alkaline; of alkali
Alcalizar, va. 1. to alkalizate; make alkaline
Alcalización, sf alkalization; alkalizating
Alcám, sm. coioquinteda; violent purgative
Alcamonías, sf.plur. various kinds of aromatics
Alcana, sf bazar; place for the saie of goods
Alcance, overtaking; final payment; arm's length
Alcance (no dar un, va. 1.) not to get sight of
Alcances, sm. plur. profits; perquisites; gains
Alcances (ir á los, vn. 3.) to be at one's heels
Alcancía, sf. monev-box; cavalcade; stinkpot
Alcanciazo, sm. blow with a money-box, or ball
Alcándara, sf perch, roost of a trained falcon
Alcandía, sf. millet; lurkev-millet (seed)
Alcandial, sm- ground, field sown with millet
Alcanfor, sm. camphire (resinous substance)
Alcanforada, sf camphire-tree (sort oi willow)
Alcanforado, -a, adj impregnated with camphire
Alcántara, sf wooden cover for velvet webs
Alcantarilla, sf small bridge; drain; sewer
Alcantarillado, sm. subterraneous vault; arch
Alcantarillo, -a, adj. barefooted; Franciscan

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