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JttlfcaftXJj /. fool-stones, fool's parsley.
iltiafVOt)f-pl- gestures, actions, be-
liavioiir, demeanour, manners, car-
_^riage, looks.
aLtt)a(t, m. the near liorse.
itfomfl, m. acquisition.
IttlytA) V. a. to obey, to comply with,
to be obsequious to, to strike in with,
to yield to.
ilt\'i\<f n. laughter, laughing-stock,
^.ttnifijlene, ad. at least.
itttljuta, f . a. to enjoy, to indulge, to
itnoj* fiB) V. r. JttnoJAS tneb, to be
^contented with, to acquiesce, toreslin.
iLtt«. <lfi» f . r. to alter one's mind ; to
call back one's word, to recede. -
2tttfltlfee> n. retraction.
attfA, /. desire, thirst, avidity. -, v. a.
to desire, to covet.
%m&-, f. face ; the left side.
iitfPtlif; , V. a. to distinguish , to dis-
cern ; to part, to separate ; to discri-
minate, —n'be t n. distinction ; sepa-
ration, division, dissolution. - itfTiI=
itliSi a- separable, discernible, dis-
tinguishable. - ntftiai^ , a. several,
different, simdry, various, diverse,
distinct. -]&et ,/ diversity, variety,
dissimilitude. - ntniMai , /. dif-
ference, distinction ; space, iuterv; "
iitfFilS) ad. separately, asun
apart, taga -} to take to pieces. fflt=
tA -) to put separately, lagga -
lie separate ; to sleep apart.
Utfp'itJAy V. a. to ask.
iitt&i a. eight. - ^flgfltJ sennight,
eight days, -bllbbel > -fAlbifl-.
eightfold, -l^btnig, -Efitttig, a. oc-
tangular, -horning, m. octagon.
-mattttitig > m. octandria. -jibigj
a. octagonal. - ittattO , a. eigh-
ty, fourscore, -ube, a. eightieth.
-Atig, a. eight years old. - Jit--
rtng, m. the eighth part of a barrel. -
Jlttonfee, a. eighth, (tatl t>en -,
^Charles the eighth.
ittPACUflj V. a. to forewarn, to pre-
caution, to warn, to warn beforehand,
to caution.
iivetl^ny f. depredation, waste.
iiSdy m. loathing, disgust. - TiitUj f .
a. to tiu-n the stomach. -S ■, v. d. to
nauseate. - ijtflig, a. nauseous. -\)itt
f. loatlisomeness.
^ibel) a. noble, great, elevated, gene-
rous, houomable; liberal; precious.
-l>et) /. nobleness, preciousness.
-tno&> n. generosity, magnanimity,
-mobig, -llnnabjo. generous, magna-
nimous. — jlett) w. precious stone.
iifjfl, /. mud.
iiflaS) V. d.Xo endeavour, to attempt. -
iiflAtl&e, n. efl'ort, endeavouiing,
iifreti, -lebes, -etf, -t>fll, c. also,
likewise, even, too. -fom, ad. even
as, in the same manner ; as if. -fS)
ad. as, in the same manner, -ffl v'iX
„fom) as well as.
iifpcntyt) n. adventure, Sccident, ha-
zard, risk, danger ; story, tale, f ajlA
({jj j _, to expose one's self to danger.
tin -9, by chance, -fl, v. a. to ven-
ture, to hazard, -flte, m. venturer,
adventurer. -lig, a. liazardous, pe-
rilous, dangerous.
itgaj f . a. 6t n. to own, to possess, to
enjoin, to be worth ; to have a right
to ; to be able to , to may. -rCj m.
owner, proprietor. - jtgo, l)a i jitt
-, to be possessed of. -telat) m. pi.
wealth, riches, substance, -tpijij m.
controversy about lands. — tj f- pi-
lands, premises, grounds. pa}}(in9-t->
in his ground.
iiggi «• egg. forlocabc -, poached
eggs. -fllllCflltbe, a. oviparous.
-blommflj f. -gula. -fetmigj a.
yolk. -^>intl<l, /. film of an egg.
-\)viU, f. white of an egg. -Iag=
gatite, f. -fllflrattbe. -rora, / but-
tered eggs. -fPfll, n. egg-shell,
-jlotf, m. ovary, -ol, n. aleberry.
JiftAjfl. genuine, true, pure, unmixed ;

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