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Stolt, a. lofty, hauglify, stately; uo-
blc, generous, excellent, -^et, /.
loltiuess, haughtiness.
©torn, Stomme,TO. sliell, carcass, ske-
leton, wire, framing.
Stop ) «. a liquid measure containing
about three pints.
Stopp, m. stopple ; darn, -^titn j n.
darning -yarn. —tlaX'y f. darning-
needle. -iiH, f. -wool used in quilt-
ing. - Steppaj f.a. to quilt, to stuff;
to darn ; to fill ; to cram ; to stop, to
glue up ; to occasion costiveness. —
Je$ fig, j)a fig, to pocket. - i^^en^ to
stop up ; to darn. - itiy neb, to tuck
in, to thrust do-wn. -, f. ?2. f. Si^'
fift- -Cf, m. T. stopper.
Stor, a. great, big,vaste, large, grand.
-boFflaf, capital, capital letter. U
fiote , the grandees, gotfl fig - , to
take state upon one. t>ata - ya fig
OfPCC tlSget, to value one's self upon
a thing. - fflF, no luatttr. flotre cD-
fOtfla fcelen, the most pai-t. -t, ad.
greatly. lefPa -t, to make a figure.
Vt&tA -t, to talk big. cj -t, not
much, -flinitfll, m. lord high admi-
ral. -befPenlTatnfegel, n. main top-
gallant royal sail, -btfltnlafegel,
1. main top -gallant studding-sail.
' -furftc, /. grand-duke, -furfiento^
me, «. gieat-dutchy. -fltrfiiuilfl , /. I
grand-dutchess. -gtjta, /. the great
street, —gob) a. self-conceited. —\)et-
tiQ^ f- -flirfle. -^et, /. giandeur,
i majesty; quantity. -I^utlbtabe, n.
\ ' liuudred twenty, six scores, -f Ivfra=
te, m. standing jib. -Icf , m. gieat-
pitch; enormity. -lemtllAb, a. hav-
ing large limbs. -ligeit , ad. greatly,
vastly, largely, to a great degree.
-Ijugare, m. a great lier. -lattfl, a.
ostentatious, boastful, -tttfifl, m.
mainmast, -ttiobtg, a. haughty, ar-
rogant. -mebig^Ct, /. liaughtiness,
anogance. -niiigtig, a. highpotent,
most potent, -ttlatsfcgel, n. main
topsail. -in»fl»(re, m. grand-master.
-TftAtStXty m. swaggerer, -ta, /.
main-yard, -fcgelj n. main -sail,
-jtnt, a. generous, noble, lofty. -fittt«
]&et,/: magnanimity, generosity. -frtf=
te, n. separation of common grounds
into distinct possessions. -fToI«, /.
cathedral-school. -fTwttA , v. n. to
laugh outright. -fFrif (!, v. n. to cry
witli great vehemcncy. -(Trytflte,
m. boaster, -flijgtflb , a. illustrious,
kindred, -tflltg, a. speaking in a
lofty style, loquacious, talkative. -ta=
liglbet, /. braggardism. -tflttn, m.
the gieat gut, colon, -tjuf, ot. ar-
rant thief. -tCUt, m. bucco (a bird).
-tutimy m. the grand-turk. -tanft,
a. magnanimous, generous, -rcrf,
Ti. gieat achievement. -tJittgCj m.
fore wing of insects, -pitfe, n. lim-
ber. -Ptfic, m. grand-visier. -flnbfl,
/. the butend , the big end. -atACe,
m. glutton, -iittflb, a. of an illus-
trious family, -ogb, a. goggle-eyed.
StOCf,"J. stork. -n«f,77i. St n. crane's-
bill (plant). [ning, /. sullocation.
StorFud, V. n. to be choked. - Storf =
StorXigett, ad. very much, greatly.
Storm, m. storm, assault, tempL-st,
foul weather, ga titt -S, to scale the
walls of a fort, -galert, a. an ant
fool. -.-.Ftig, a. stormy, tempes-
tuous, -fotf, m. T. forestay-sail.
-giffegel, n. trysail, -latty m. mo-
rion, steal-cap, helmet, headpiece;
gua -Uttj aconite: US -l^att, blue
aconite, monk's hood, -flotffl, /
alarm-bell. -flyfPflte, m. second
flying jib. -Iu*iJ ,/. T. dead-light.
-pwm|), m. chainpump. -flegc , m.
scaling ladder; T. gallery -laddei-,
quarter-ladder. -Pinb, m. -vHicTi
n. storm, -piibersfflgel, m. petrel,
gourder. -(?, v. n. & a. to storm ; to
make a noise, -flttbe, a. storming,
turbulent, a raging. -atCfm. blus-
terer, -ig, a. stormy, tempestuous.
Stotgflrn, n. cabum.
Straff, n. pain, punishment, penalty,
-tflt, a. punishable, blamable. -bat-

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