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snap; to leap from, -tettjtorun
away. - fafl ett. fatt> to overtake,
to outrun. - fram, to run forth, to
run forward. - fctbt fU. Ottt) to run
past one, to outrun one. — in i fTo=
getl) to take tile -wood. - }>ai to rush
upon, to riui upon. - fonber, to fly
in pieces. - titt, to run forth; to
start. - tinhafA) to run back; to
start back, to rebound, to retire. —
ti}JP) to blow up ; to start up ; to fly
open ; to rise, to spring out. - Sptitl=
g«, V. a. to leap upon, to cover, -tit
m. courser; grampus. - (Sptinp)
-fjUbeVy m. spring, -focn, n. caper-
spurge , arse-mat. -fiitta. , /. spring,
fomitain, source, -maft t m. ascaris.
-tib, m. spring-tide. -abet)/, foun-
tain-head, source of a spring.
©prinflflj /. chink, cranny; T. glottis.
©print, m. forelock.
©pritj m. spirit; scab.
Sptita, V. a. to shell. - fjabec, to
pick feathers, -iittcr, shelled
©pritfegel, n. spritsaii. [pease.
©pcitta J f. n. to start, to startle, to
Sprung) n. bung, bunghole. —]}(iU "•
Lunghole. -t«pp, m. stopple, bung.
-A, f . a. to bung.
Sptuta, V. a. & n. to squirt, to sy-
ringe, to sprinkle; to spout, to spatter.
—J s. f. squirt, syringe ; T. bridle. —
(Sprut) -l&US , n. house of engines.
-f annfl, /. sprinkling-pot. -inii|late,
m. engineer. - SpCUtate, m. ascidia.
SptcF, n. language, tongue ; discoui-se,
conference, conversation, speech, talk,
parley; sentence; test. — fcl, n.
grammatical fault, blunder. -fOtfFaCC,
m. critic of a language, pTiilologer.
-funnig, a. skilled in languages,
linguist. -funntg]&et, /. philology;
grammatical learning, -lynne, n. the
genius of a language, -lata,/, gram-
mar, -latare, 'n. grammarian. -lat&,
f. -funnig. -matlAte, m. language-
master, -regel , /• rule of giammar.
-turn, n. parlour, -totj n. speaking-
S p a 687
trumpet, -fam, a. talkative, loqua-
cious, -a, f • n. to discourse, to talk,
-as pib, V. d. to talk, to entertain
each other.
Sprang, n. leap, jump, career, run-
ning, run; spring, i fuUt -, in full
speed, jla pa -, to be upon iJie start.
-rem, /. martingal.
©prate, m. stick. [chinks.
Spriifa, V. a. to crack, to break into
Spratflig, a. motley, specUed.
Spranga, v. a. to spring, to blow up.
- en tiiil > to override a horse. - en
bil)ar&fuIa,to spring a billard-bill. -
(Sprang) -fifla, /. powder-chest,
-larb, a. full of learning. -Ott,/.
Spratt, m. beau, coxcomb, fop.
Sptatta, V. a. & n. - upp, to pick
out, to rip up ; to strut. - Sptattl)a=
ge, m. Uetch-bow.
Sprbb, a. brittle. -\tiy f. brittleness.
Sprbt, n. feeler.
Spy, V. a. to spew, to vomit, -fltiga,
f. blowing fly. — gatt, n, scupper. —
Spycr, f. pi. vomit.
Spa, V- a. to divine; to foretell, to
presage, to predict. - i fett, to tell
fortunes upon cards. - Spaboin , m
prediction, prognostic, presage, divi-
nation. - at faglar, ornithomancy,
auspice, auguration. - af tnelfPOt,
hepatoscopy. - i ^anfcert, chiroman-
cy. - (Spa) -Fonjl, /. art of divi-
ning, -faring, -c^vinna^ f. fortune-
teller, witch, -man, /«. fortunetel-
ler ; camel-cricket, walking leaf.
Span, TO. chip ; shingles, splints, -"bt'i*
be, n. T. hummer, -fla, f. a. to
cover with shingles, -taf, «. shingle-
roof. -ta(f are, m. slater, sliingler.
Spanab, /. spinning ; yarn.
Spang, /. a little bridge.
Spant, TO. groove, -a* v. a. to lop,
groove ; to chip.
Spar, n. track, prick, fusee, footstep,
folia pa -en , to trace. -Ijunb , m.
limer, drawiughound. — Spata, v. a.
to trace, to follow by the footsteps.

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