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SfotiPftlsfeflel, n. T, main-sail,
SFotj a. easily broken, brittle, short,
fragile. -^lEt, /. brittlt-ness.
Sf oraFtig, a. libidinous, lustful, lewd.
— Ijrtj f- lustfulness, libidinousness. —
Sf orleftKjb 1 f. adultery, fornication,
prostitution. '
SFcrafPj m. SEcrbbfaj /. tinder-box.
SEotbtugg, m. scm-sT-. -sgras, «.
scurvy-grass, scurvy-cress.
SFctb) m. harvest, -eflnf, /. harvest-
time. — email) m. reaper, harvest-
man, -etnatiabj m. the mouth of Au-
gust, -aj V. a. & n. to reap.
Sf Otei n. tinder, [cockle-spar.
Sf0tI,OT. shirl, cocUe. -fjjat, m.
Sfort, n. shirt, -4 upjJj v. a. to gird
up, to truss up.
SFct, m. T. comer of a sail.
SFotiJ) ♦'. a. to tend, to nurse, to take
care of; to manage; to cultivate,
-re ) m. waiter , keeper , tender. —
SEctetfTa,/. nurse. - SEbtfcI, m.
niu-siug, care. [together.
SFota, V. a. to join. - tl^Op , to join
SFote, 71. bosom, lap.
SEotebref, a. T. bill of emption.
SEctfpigg, m. porcupine-fish.
SIsbbertsfTa, /. chatter-box.
SIsbbta, V. n. to chatter'.
Slflbbnmg, /. T. rounding.
Sk&b, m. roller, cyUuder ; T. the end
of a rope, -a, v. n. to roll.
Slabber, n. flam, stories, idle tales. -
Slabbta, V. n. to teil stories.
Slaf, m. slave, tluall, drudge. -5an=
belj m. slave-trade, -ra* v. a. to
slave, to drudge, to toil. -t>eti, n.
slavery, -pinna, /■ slave, woman-
slave. -t)if?, a. slavish, servile.
Slaffa » ♦". n. to lap ; to swallow up
Slag, 72. blow, stroke, knock, slap;
battle ; swath ; beating ; warbling,
trilling; turn, circuit; kind, sort,
breed ; apopoplexy, palsy ; T. board.
- pa flaSer, facing, -bom, m. boom
to fell down, —but, m. trapcage.
-banga , /. ballad, -bctrac j m. pi.
folding doors. -<Iu#, m. apoplexy,
-fait, n. field of battle, -gulb, «.
fulminating gold. -{)oEj m. honey-
buzzard. -Eampe, m. bully, hector,
-lob, n. solder, soder ; striking
weight, -emal, n. fray, -sotbning,
/. order of battle, battle-array,
-rcgn, n. storm of rain, gush. -ru=
ta , /. di^-inatory wand, -flba, /. T,
heel. — iJt, n. a clock that strikes.
-ratten, «. palsy-drops, -abet,/.
Slaga, /. flail. [artery.
Slagg, n. dross, slag, -a, f . a. to re-
duce to dress, to convert into scoria.
-I)og, n. dross-lieap. [gether.
Slagga, v. n. to rain and to snow to-
Slagt, m. killing of cattle. -bofFap,
m. cattle that is to be killed, -banf,
m, butchery, butcher's board. — ^U8,
72. slaugliter-house. -manab, m. Oc-
tober. -Offet,72. victim, -a, «••. a.
to kill, -ning, /. killing, slaughter ;
battle, -ate, m. butcher.
Slaf, a. slack, loose. -\it , /. slack-
ness, looseness, -jiba, /. the thin
flank, -nay f. n. to slack, to slacken,
to flag. [separate by washing.
Slam» m. mud, slime. -ma> v. a. to
Slammet, n. clank, noise; flam. -ta=
fJa, /. prating gossip. - Slamta, V.
n. to gingle ; to chatter.
Slampig, a. shabby, shabbily clothed.
Slams, n. negligence.
Slang, m. long pipe of leather.
Slanga, /. culverin; T. hose; spout,
SlanEa, v. n. to saiuiter.
SlanEig, a. lank.
Slant, m. stiver, farthing.
Slapp, a. lax. —a, V. a. to loosen, to
mollify, -bet, /. laxity, laxness.
Slarf, SlatfPet, m. a careless fellow.
-aEtig, a. negligent, careless. -aE«
tigbet,/. negligence. -Pa, v.n.Xo
slubber, -pa i talctj to blander when
one speaks. [ged.
Slatfpa, /. rag. - Slarfpig, a. rag-
Slaf?, n. wet, filth, -pabet, n. wet
weather, dirty weather, -a, f . n. to

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