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662 @ei
Sciffl, f. a. T. to furl ll.c s
Sefel) n. century.
&eitCt) n. privy-seal. -, a. f.^emltfl.
-a UtfTottct, tlie comittee of ijarlia-
lueiit. -tXatt-> m. secretary.
Qtltjf. sect. -erifP, a. cliismatical.
6ekj f- a. - |Ja, to harness. - af , to
unharness. - Scle, m. (Sel) -^on,
-tyg, «. liarness. -pintte, m. -jlitffi,
/. peg to put into the harness.
©eDcrt, n. celery.
Sfin£flerti&,m. time daring which the
officers of tlie army aie free from
Semlfl) /. wheat-bread, mauuhet-loaf.
©empel) m. Z". loom to make figured
stufls on.
Sempertirtj/n. onopordum acantliium.
ScJt) a. late, slow, long, backward.
CJ V&tA - &tt flora , to do quickly or
soon, -fctab, a. slow-footed. -far=
tig J a. slow of motion, dull, tardy,
dilatory, -fatbtfll^et, /. slowness,
tardiness, duhiess, sluggishness. -mO=
gen, a. lale ripe, -t, ad. late, -t })«
flftenm , late in the evening, -t pa
ttfltten, late at night, -t emjtbet , at
last, lastly, femma -t |)em cm n'at-
terna> to keep bad hours.
©ma,/, sinew. - (Sett) -^tflB,«.
cramp. -futt,-ig,a. sinewy, ner-
vous. -\'it\)tt, f. feebleness, impo-
tency. -^t'&nQt m. gutstring. -tra&,
ecttapj m. mustard. -«ftO , -efctn,
«. mustard-seed, grain of mustard.
Scn^cr. tnA -, one by one, by pieces.
SenneteHaO. n. senna, leaves of senna.
Si'tttrtira) /. sensitive plant,
©eitweffcrjm. sequestration, sequestring.
Seralj, m. seraglio.
Scraf, Scrapb> '«• seraphim.
Serpentin, m. serpentine-marble.
Seitret, m. napkin.
SerPIBj m. service.
Sefeli, n. cicely.
Serenbom, m. savine.
Sej;, a. six. -bubbel, «. sixfold.
-falbifl, a. sixfold, of six sort
-fattt, m. hexagon, -fatltifl,
hexagonal, -(iafrig , a. having
syllables, -atifl, a. six years <
-a, /. a six. -tern, m. six writti
sheets, -tto , a. sixty, -tioartft,
sixty years old. -tiottbe, a. sixtiel
-tott, a. sixteen, -ton&e, sixteentl
«ey, m. a kind of haddock.
Si, ^■. lo, behold.
©iate, ni. seer, prophet.
SibyamfP, a. sibylline.
Sifffadf, "1. zigzag.
j Sx*t, «. sieve, -a, f . a. to sifl.
I Sit, a. training; wide, full.
SJba, /. side. Hank ; party, cause, fa
to, banberna i -n , to set one's arn
a kembo. tajja ffetlbcn »-tl,tochar|
the enemy in the tlank. pa -n ,
the side, a mitt-, for my part. ,
^ctt -n, to this side, rara pa ens -
to stand for one, to be one's part
brinpa naflon a fin -, to drav
over to his partv. - t Cn bcf, sid
page. - (Site) -Cfflttt, /. second
view, -arf, n. estate left by
collateral degree of kindred, -at
Pinp, m. collateral heir, -birr,
side-door, -gerar, m. iidc-ai
-linie, /. collateral line, -ilynp,
pleurisy, -flot, m. thrust in llii- llanl
— tal, n. number of a page. -ra{T, n
side-waj-, by-way. - Si&POtbliab,,
-%vant of respect, contempt.
Siben, n. silk-stuff, silk, -arbetafi
m. worker in silk, -fabttf , /«.
manufactory, -fabtifot, m. silk
manufacturer, -fargarc, m. di
silk-stuff, -l^anbel, m. -Fram, '
silk-mercery. -fatS, ". satin. -fralU
m. -bohemian or waxen chattcrei
-tyg, n. silk-.stuif. -rarer, /. j»
silk-ware, silks, -pafrate, "i. si||
StJ'lanb, a. low; marshy, fenny. ._
Silraa, m. marshy giound. - Sfl
rr-Osang, m. marshy meadow.
Stffra,/. ciplier. - Siffcrfarl, m. ac
counter, reckoner, couipultr.

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