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berrybearing glasswort. -bruf> n.
saltwork, saltern, -btunn, m. salt-
spring. -Hu^, m. T. salt-flux, salt-
rheum, -prufpaj /. salt-pit. -gtfl8>
n. sea-arrow, arrbwlieaded grass.
-gton , a. salted, -gutfa ) /. gher-
kin, -far, ". salt-cellar, -f ottl , «.
grain of salt. -Fattfl) /. brine-pit,
salt-spring. -lafe, m. brine. -pfljl=
na,/. salt-pan. -fju^fl«, m. salt-
boiler, -fjuberi, «. saltern, salt
making. -00, m. salt-lake, -fjon, n.
the salt sea, the sea. -fjoftfP, m. sea-
£sli. -fFum, TO. adarce. -flA0, «.
kiud of salt, -fleff) 'w. y. place
â– where sail is given to animals to lick.
-fpmtU8, m. spirit of salt. -(lEttj m.
rock-salt. -tuE) m. gabel. -rata,
/.salt-provision. -perF, n. salt-work,
-ort. /. salt-wort. - ©isit, a. salt.
—\)ttjf. saltiness, saltishness. -a, t". n.
to salt, to corn, tet fFfltt Hi l^Oflom
-«bt, it shall cost him sauce. -«te,
/n. Salter.
Salu, tin -, ac?. to be sold, bjuba ut
tin - , to olltr to sale, to expose to
sale. -bo&, /. merchant's sliop.
6<;Iut,/n. salute. -eta> f. a. to salute.
Salt»a , f. volley. - af f aiioner, dis-
charge of guns. flffFjuta en -, to fire
a volley.
SaU'agatbf, «. safe-guard.
Sfllriflj /. sage. St)enfF -, costmary.
©atnarfPa, a. joint heirs, coheir.
Sfltnbatlb, n. band, junction, con-
nexion, union; coherence.
Satnbrobet, m. brother-german.
Si;m^^flpt, m. concord, unity, -tg, a.
living in harmony, unanimous, -ig;
^}ity f. concordance, unanimousucss.
©atnfun^, «. society, fee ^eligae -,
the communion of the saints.
Samfalt, a. common, i -a ttt at,
three years together. -, ad. in com-
mon, jointly. [community.
6ambanf,«. society; comnion-wealtli,
Samlbattig* «• nnanimous,of one mind.
-%it, f. concord, ujianimity.
@Anifa> V. a.Xo gather, to bring lo-
gether ; to save. - fJul^ pa fig ,
contract debts.
Samfonutig) m. corcgent.
Satnfuaebarn, n. SamfuncfyfFcn
[il. children by the same father an
Samla , v. a. to gather, to collect, l
amass, to pick up, to assemble. - (in
tanf at, to collect one's self. - j
gather, to collect, to draw in. - (tp
V. r. to assemble, to meet, -te,
collector. - ©amlttjg, /. coUecti.
gathering; assembly, tongregatior
-S(ialk, n. place of meeting.
Samlag, n. concubinage, cohabitatioi
Samlefnab, /. living together.
Samljub, n. accord, harmony, conso
nance. -a> v. n. to be consonant.
Samlupm, a. clodded, coagulatec
©fltnma, a. same. ben~, the same, bt
aC bet-, it is the same, i bet-, at th
same time, -lebes, -luflba, ad. hkc
Satnman, ad. together, -hanb,
Sambanfe. -bitiSa, *•. a. to bind to
gether, to connect, to join, to fastei
to knit together, -blatlta, t-'. a. 1
mingle or mix together, to commij
-blanbfltng,/. commixiou, commix
ture. -bragt, a. -bragta barn
children that a married couple ha^
liad by a former marriage. — brufj i
mining for common account, -traj
n. compendium, abridgment, con
tion. — fcraga , v. a. to contract, I
abridge, -btagtltlig , /. contractioi
contracting, abridging, slirinkii]{
-fattfl, V. a. to comprise, to con
hend. -flyta, v. n. to run togt
-flytntlig, /. confluence, -flyttnitlfl
f. junction, -foga , v. a. to join to
getlier, to conjoin, to associate
unite, -fogning, /. conjunction
-faflning, / T. accolade, -gabbt
fig, V. r. to conspire, -gabbtlittg,/
conspiration, combination, conspiracj^
-gjuta, V. a. to found togclll*
-gyttrtlig, /. concretion. -l^Atlgf "i

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