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I liave uotliiug to do with lier.
; (Ptant) a. luitamed, imbroke.
<Pti^, arf. i -) uiitimelj, imseasona-
I bly. -ig, a. unseasonable; untimely ;
j indiscreet, impetuous, exaggerated.
en -ig bott*, abortion, -ig^ct,/. in-
seasonableuess. [—ffttj f. indecency.
(!)ttnt>orlig> a. improper, unbecoming.
(PttDfre&SJlaHSij a. unsatisfied, uncon-
(Ptiaganglig, a. inaccessible.
(Ptiatiicf Ug , a. insufficient, -\tttj.
insufficiency. [ble.
(PtlQ^tlig, a. not allowed, uuallowa-
(Ptjenlig, a. unfit, improper, unsuita-
ble ; inconvenient ; inexpedient, -^etj
f. inexpedience, impropriety. -
(Ptienfl, m. ill office, -dftig, a. un-
willing to serve otliers.
(Dtro, /. unbelief, incredulity, -get!,
«. incredulous ; faithless, false, infidel.
-tet, /. infidelity, unfaitlifuluess.
-Itg, a. incredible, -lig^et ,/. in-
(Ptrygg , a. unsafe, unsure ; timorous.
(PtrAtlflt, a. needless, unseasouabJe.
(PtrilHig, a. inconsolable.
^it&'i f. morning-hoiu-. - ((Ptt) -tnAlj
n. -VCX'iy m. the first meal in tlie
morning, -fftttg, m, matins, morn-
(Ptuft) m. imchastity, fornication, -ig,
a. unchaste, whorisli.
(PtPageil) a. unwashed. [certainty.
<PtPJfPelflftig, a. undoubted. -\)<ty f.
(Ptrungen, a. unconstrained, uncom-
pelled ; easy, unafiected, unforced.
-\)it-, f. uuconstraiut, unafl'ectedness.
(PtyMtg, a. obscure, dark, inauditjle.
-l^Ct,/. obscurity, want of perspi-
(Ptyglftb, a. unrestrained, licentious.
<2)taHg , a. impatient ; angrj , indi-
gnant. -\)tt, f. impatience.
(Dtaf , a. loathsome ; illfavoured. -A-,
f. nasty wench, slut, -^et, /. filtlii-
ncss ; obscenity.
<t>tiift, a. not covered, not roofed.
<[>ilt, a. leaky, ftdl of clefts, -^ft, /,
slate of being leaky.
(i)tOt(ltg, a. not lliirsty. "^XxHi. fig - ,
s thir,
(i)uml»ArIig , a. indispensable. -\it-,
f. necessity.
(Pumgangffim) a. unsociable.
(Dunbganglig, a. inevitable. -\)ttyf.
unavoidableness. [ble.
(Dim^pif Itg ^ a. inevitable, unavoida-
<Du|>}??>orIig) a, continual, incessant.
tPuppIcsIig, a. indissoluble; inexpli-
cable, -^let, /. indissolubility.
(PupymarFfatn, a. inattentive.
(Pup^?oMtI^, a. not cultivated.
(i)lip;?rattHg, a. irreparable.
(Puppfatlig, a unpremeditated.
(PurfaFtltg, a. unaccountable.
(Dut??IailIJg, a. indelible. [trable.
(PutrailfAflig, «. inscrutable, impene-
(J)llHliHtg, a. not to be worn out.
(Putfliitflig) a. unquenchable.
a)utfaglig, a. unspeakable, ineffable.
<DuttrbttItg, a. indefatigable. -i)tU f.
uuwearieduess. [mable.
<!)tltoblig, a. undestroyable, unconsu-
^Utoslig, a, inexhaustible.
(Trail J a. luiaccustomed. -A) f, bad
custom ; want of custom. — lig, a, un-
common, unusual; odd; abstruse.
-USUhf. uncommonness, strange-
ness. [-l)ft) /• Iransitoriness,
(Dt>ar«ftig > a. perisliable, transitory,
(Prarfflm) a. incautious, heedless, im-
wary, careless, -^et, /. carelessnes
unwariness, [testable
(Drefeerfagltg , a. indisputable, incou
(Trelbig , a, impartial, -j^et , /. im
partiality. [-^et) /. inactivity,
(PrerffAtn, a. inactive; inefficacious.
(Df erf jlaDbflt ) a. impracticable. -
<I)t>CCf ii.inig]&ft, /. imjiracticableness
<!)petailfce, (PPet«n&e9» ac?. unkijo-ning-
Jy; imcousciously. - (Preteit^et) /.
ignorance. - (Ppettetlig, a. iuikn(
(!)t>ett, n. abuse ; rude language, !
rility, abusiveness. -ig-, a. abu
(PrttTOtlig, a. imtouchable.
(!)rtg> a. lieavy, clumsy; awkward,

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