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600 £,an
gion. -fTapemalninit) /. -(lycEc, n,
landscape. -fpoIe,m. halcyon, -fiisa,
V. n. to land, to disembark, -(lig^
ning, /. landing, descent, -fltyf atf,
m. vagabond, -jlanbetj n. pi. the
states of a province, -fflttfl, v. a. ti
set asliore, to land, -fiitttung, /. set-
ting ashore. -Ptrtb} m. landturn
breeze of the land.
£.on&fl) v. n. to land, to disembark.
&,a,ni-, m. lance. - ianfett, m. lancet.
iantetnA) /. lantern; - (ifltctna))
magica, magic lantern.
£.app) 771. piece, patch, botch, shred.
— dj V. a. to patch, to botch, to cob-
ble, -fltf) m. patcher, botcher, -iflj
a. full of botches.
S,&Vi(t\-, n. trifle.
fi-flppfTflta) /. ring-o-wsel.
itirf) m. mask ; caterpillar.
ilACm, 72. alarm, bustle, noise, -flotffl,
f. alarmbell. — fl, f. 7z. to make bustle.
Jlarome^a, /. the tenth of August.
£afr, m. scarf, -a, ♦-. a. to stitch.
&«#, 7j. load, cartload. -«, f. 72. to
load. -« flfj to unload.
ifi(l, 771. lading ; burden ; charge, -ita-
gfltf) 7ra. transport, storeship. -^ry0)
a. of great burden. -0atttmal ) u.
over-old. -pott) m. raftport. -«,
v. a. to load, to lade.
&<l)l) 771. vice. -l)«r> a. vicious, wicked.
-i&t\)tt-, f. viciousness. -fuDja. full
of vice. [rer. -,a. blamable.
iajta, V. a. to blame, -rc, 77t. slande-
&at, a. lazy, idle. -\tt, f. laziness,
idleness. -^Utl^j m. a lazj fellow.
£fltill) m. latin.
AflPA,/. lava.
£<tpeii&fl) 771. lavender.
Jlapett, 771. carriage, gun-carriage.
£..-.):, 7«. salmon. -Fat, 7Z. -ti|l«, /.
salmon-pipe, -otittg, tti. trout.
S,a^n&t f . o. to purge.
Aftjatett, 7z. lazar-house, hospital.
AfiJUC, -(lett) 7n. lazrile-stoue.
&e, f . 71. to smile, to laugh.
Jlecttott, /. lesson.
&.(ij a. odious, detestable, abominable.
offensive, cross, i'itc fig -t at,
behave indecently, i Ijuft od) -t,
prosperity and adversity.
&ei>, Tz.thegate of an enclosed gioimd
rank; degree, order of lineage, gen€
ration, descent. flagtiTaps- , degr«
of consanguinity.
Jteb, m. joint. -b«rtb, 71. leading
strings; ligament, -brott, tz. dislo
cation. -pan0,77z. articulation. -Ftiyl
tltng, / rickets, -fnut, 77!. autumn
lly. -Pfltten, 77. synovia. -prJtinin|
/. luxation. -Par? , 77i. pain in tb
S.e'iyf. way, course. [joint
S.c'iAff. loathing, disgust,
-9, V. d. to grow sad. -9 pi&, 1
loathe a thing. - £,e^fam, a
dull; tiresome, -l^et, /. irksoments.
trouble. - £ebfen , a. weary,
sick for. - bfper, angry for. - geit
tlfl, V. n. to grow weary, -b, j
5,eb«, V. a. to lead, to conduct
convey ; to deduce. — ftf, to carry ofi
- iftarii to lead from, to derive from
- ifran fljj, to clear one's self of.
Jlebning, /. way, direction, canal.
Aebflte, 771. leader, guide. - Acbfaflfl
V. a. to conduct, to guide, -nit
conducting, guiding, -te, m. con-
ductor, leader, guide.
Jtebatnet, m. member.
Jtebbanb, n. leading-strings. - {ttV
-fnorre, 771. articular disease, arth "
ty. -fnytinj, /. rickets. -(ljetn#
/. guiding -star, -(latlg, 77i. raU
-trab, m. leading-line.
iebig , a. vacant ; at leisui
gaged; easy, flexible, agile, ft
-flora, v. a. to exempt, to discharj
-^Ct, /. vacancy; leisure;
straint freedom ; easiness ; flexibilil
fi-c&fam :c., f. un&cr Jf cba. [agility
&efnab , /. life, -slepp , n. course o
hfe. -gfatt, n. way of life. - Jiefoa
V. n. to live. - af, to live upon
of. - eftet naflon, to outlive. -
tipp, to live to see. - upp ifleit
to revive, to return to life. lef pSI

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