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-igheUf. delicacy, niceness, difficul-
Binf, m. - i ttt tAfl, kink. [ty.
Bi?A , V. a. T. - «nf «trt, to fish the
aipHocEj «• snatch-block. [anchor.
Bippa, f. a. - fPocnai to slip the
ihoes, - BippfFotbj a. slipshod.
Btuij -(letlj m. pebble, pebblestone,
-icrt, /. silicious earth.
Bi(ia,/ chest. -Biflbettcn, Isgga
(ilia penningar pa -» to keep money
by one -without putting it to use.
Bi8C0^ ) a. pinkeyed. - BtSOJCtt , n.
pi. ogles.
Bitti n. cement. -Ay v. a. to cement.
Blttfl, m. kettle, -ffiffate, m. tinker.
Bittdilm, /?/. tuff.
l&ittl^-, lMtt^t.1 V. a. to tickle, -te,
OT. clitoris, woman's yard. - TXitt-
lig, a. ticklish. -l)it, f. ticklishness. -
Bittling, /. tickling, titillation.
Bjortel, m. petticoat. -fa(f , m. wo-
rs pocket. -P«lf, TO. fardingal.
Blabajatj/j/. r. battens nailed under
Blabb, m. log. [the beams.
Bla«, m. heel. -lapp, w. heelpiece.
I V. a. to underlay heels. [book.
BIa^'^) m. wastebook, memorandum-
BluStaj V. n. to tamper, to dabble, to
do a thing in a slight manner. —
BlatJmalare, m. dawber. - Bl«&=
tcti, n. bungling work.
BIafben> m. collar-bone.
Bkif, m. flap.
Blafpatej m. backbiter, slanderer.
BlafPe , m. an iron or wooden collar
to fasten cows and oxen to the crib. -
Blafputtten, a. f lafbunttts not, neat
cattle, black cattle. [bone.
iBIafatcC, m. T. vein of the coUfir-
Blaga J V. a. to complain , to lament,
to bewail, to bemoan. - foc eQ. ^09
nagoil, to complain to one. - :fl tia=
gottj to complain of one. - ofret nl-
got, to complain of a thing, -n , /.
complaint, lamentation. -tliC) Jn.
plaintiff. - (Blago) -i^i^-, m. lamen-
tation-day. -bift, m. elegy, -gtat,
772. tears of lamentation. — Ijub j n.
lamentation, wailing. — tnal) n. com-
plaint, grievance, -top) -fTti, f.
-Ijub. -fFtift, /. bill of complaint.
-fatig, m. moui-nful song, elegy, -ri*
fa, f. lamentation. - Blaglig , a.
mournful, lamentable.
Blamp, m. block; T. cleet. -fot, m.
cloom-foot. — ig, a. clumsy.
Blatlber, «. censure, blame; objection,
exception, -fri, a. irreproachable.
-fjuf , a. censorious. - Blflllira, v. a.
itt fop, to object to
Blsttg, m. sound, -at, n. jubilee.
Blapp , m. hand-stroke; knocker at a
door. -|)0lt$, n. clapboard, -iiif n.
batlet, battril.
Blappa, v.a.Xo clap, to knock; to
stroke, to pat, to chuck ; to drub ; to
beat. WtXtiX -t, the heart throbs.
- ^l. borren, to knock at the door. -
Ut, to beat out. [of a lax texture.
Blapper, -(Ictl, m. roimd rough stones
Blar, a. plain, manifest, bright, clear;
ready, -fynt, a. clearsighted; judi-
cious, discerning, -cgb, a. clear-
sighted, -i&et, /. clearness, bright-
ness; perspicuity, -a, v. a. to clear,
to defecate, to fine, to refine, -att,/".
T. tlie Aland's eye. -itA-> v. a. -ita.
in ffuli', to clear, -na, V. n. to clear,
Blartnctt, ttj. clarinet. [clusters.
Blafe, m. cluster. - BUstals, ad. by
Bla$, m. class, -tti^t V. a. to class.
-ifF, a. classic. [clash.
Blatfd), m. clash. -<j, v. a. to flap, to
Blattert>crf , n. channel.
Blarer, «. harpsicord.
Blent , n. cockering, faddling. -ft, v.
n. to cocker, to fondle, -i^t a. 62*6-
minate, womanish ; too much indul-
gent, -ig^iet, /. effeminacy.
Bleu, a- weak, crazy, thin ; slender,
slight, -mobig, a. pusillanimous.
-liet, /. cowardice. -fme&, m. lock-
smith, -ttogett, a. incredulous.
-og^, a. tendereyed. -]()et, /. crazi-
ness, littleness. -t, ad. weakly,
thinly, slightly.

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