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id. liiUier. font -, come this
way. - 6i) tit) hither and thither.
- tort, - City this way. - fratji) - in-
tiO,to this place, hitherto, to th'
- l«,
1 this side. ■
here. - Ofpetj over here,
way. — tittS) ud. hitherto,
Jitf om(l, m. arrival. [to this time.
Jitta, - pa, ^. a. to find, to discover ;
to invent, to hit, to find out, to solve. -
p5 fliaiett , to hit the mark. - ftAm,
to find tlie way. - (igitte) -batll, n.
foundling. -bfltttsl^USj «• foundling-
hospital, -loit,/. trovage. - (^itt)
-etJ, n. sally. -Otbifl, a. witty, in-
Jjdm, m. helmet, helm, -gattet^w.
tiitfe, n. ornaments about
the helmet.
fielp, m. help, aid, assistance, suc-
cour, remedy ; subsidy. -los, a. help-
less, -mebel, n. expedient; remedy.
-Sitby n. suppletory word. -<?te|l, m.
substitute, -rebft, /. helj), clew, guide,
direction, -fam-, a. ready to help.
-fflmt)et, /. readiness to help. -fan&-
nit1{J) /. sending of succour. -trop=
pat) m. pi. auxiliary troops. —Vi-
tenffap,/. aiLsibary science. -«, v. a.
to help, to aid, to assist, to relieve;
to further ; to correct, -e (3ub I God
bless youl -a ftAItt) to help forward.
-A lip fratn, to make a shift, -a tia,
to contribute, -fl un&ft , to support.
-arei m. helper, aider. -Itg, a. pas-
Jjelte, m. hero, -bebtiftj -bwijb,
-&at) OT. heroic exploit, -btftj m.
epic poem. — lif, a. heroic, -mo&j
n. heroism, -mobig, a. heroical. -
gjeltitinAi /. heroine.
SJerilA , /. brain, litla -n, cerebel. -
(^iern) -branb> m. inHammation of
the brain, -btott, -bty, n. raking of
the brains, -biftj m. -fpof e> «. fancy,
phantom. -^>tnil«)/. meniux. -^Parf)
n. vertigo, giddiness, -fammfltc, m.
cell of the brain. -I8s, a. brainless,
thoughtless. -fPalj". brainpan, scull.
Swedish - English Diet.
*5ju 561
-vid&y f. whim, vertigo.
^ierpCj m. hazelhen.
^jerta, «. heart; mind; heart-shell,
lijgga pa -t, to take to lieart. -tl«,
ad. -ti8 gctna, with all my heart, ttt
-tisbatn, a sweet child. -nsottfTan,
heart's desire. - (^jett) -bftlfrttn, '/J.
cordial. -bUi-, n. heartleaf ; tendril,
-tlcb, n. heart's blood. -ftfltAtlbe,
a. heartbreaking, -gtop) ot. heart-
pit, -^irma, /. pericardium, -ins
tterlig, a. hearty, cordial, -faitl*
mate, m. ventiicle of the heart.
-flappning, /. palpitation. -flatn«
fling, /. oppression of the heart,
-log, a. heartless, -pttlsabet, /. the
great artery, -rot, /. heart-root, -ro*
ranbf, a. pathetic, moving; heart-
breaking, -fotg, m. anguish, -fpcaiig,
n. eclampsia, -fprangegtas, n. petty
mullein, longwort. -jlotf, m. crown-
post, -(lyng , n. stitch in the heart,
-(iytfanbc, a. cordiacal. -(lot, m.
thrust at the heart. — fatf , m. peri-
cardium, -unge, m. darling, sweet-
heart, -angflan, /. spleen, melan-
choly ; vapours. — angflig, a. me-
lancholic; low. -Ota, n. auricle of
the Iieart. -lig, a, cordial, hearty,
-ligcn, a. cordial, -tt, m. hearts.
^je#e, m, crown of the head, top,
^jOrt, n. person, -elag, n. matrimony ;
married couple, bygga -elag, to en-
ter into matrimony. [ture-giound.
^jorb, m. flock, herd. -t>att, m. pas-
^joirt, m. hart, stag, -brunjl, m.
-branab,/. rut of harts. -\jf,n\\ty m.
stag, buck, -^orn, n. hartshorn,
-l^ornfalt, n. volatile salt of harts-
horn, -ffllf, m. fawn, -fo, /. hind,
roe. -frona, /. antlers, horns of a
stag. -fPtif, n. braying, troating.
^jorttOtl, n. cloudberry.
^jul, 71. wheel, -bent, a. bandyleg-.
ged. -efra, /. spoke of a wheel.
-tafte, n. trigger. -linie, /. cycloid.
-lot, m. felloe. -m«f flCf, m. wheeler.

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