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fOtt«|le, with all speed, -ffltfl, v. n.
to continue, to persevere, to hold on,
to go on. -fatatlbe, a. continuate, pcr-
severant. -fat«n^e,5. n. continuation,
duration, perseverance. -gS , f. n.
to go on, to continue, to proceed.
-gSng) m. progress, advancement,
-tjelpaj f. a. to further, to forward.
-Eomfljm. advancement, prefemient,
promotion, success, -planta, v. a.
to propagate. -pUtttnittg, /. propa-
gation. -fJafffl, v. a. to forward, to
transport. -fFy^^«) v. a. to hasten,
to forward. — fflttaj f. a. to continue,
to pursue, to carry on. —^AttninQy f.
continuation, pursuance. — P«t«) v. n,
to continue, to dure.
^ortepiane, n. piano-forte.
5orutn) n. jurisdiction, tribunal, resort.
5o#> a. impertinent, impudent.
^O^iltet) pi. fossils.
So<iet> n. embryo, foetus, child ; pro-
duct. -t>«rn, n. fosterchild. -bte=
^etJ OT. fosterbrother ; companion of
arms. -Jiygbj /. fosterearth. -tot=
tCt) /. fosterdaughter, adoptive
■ daughter. -fabeC) w. fosterfather.
-tnobec, /. foslermotlier. -fToIfl, /.
niu-sery. — fotl) m. fosterson. — 5*=
fltrt) f. a. to nourish, to foster, to
support. - «|jp, to educate. - So|lTA0>
f . c?. to grow up ; to thiive.
5ot, m. foot; basis, till -S , on
foot. fl2 fottettifl unban en , to tiip
up one's heels, taga till ^'htttXi ■> to
take to one's heels, pa flacnbe -, in-
stantly, fatta ett. fiatta tn pa fri - >
to set one at liberty, jag taget bet
pa ben -en, I take it iliis way. fatta
en pa fottet, to make one a man.
-angel, w. crow-foot, caltrop, -bab,
n. bath for the feet. -Hab, n. tbe
sole of the foot, metatarsus, -bunf e,
m. washing-tub with legs, -fad, n.
prostration, -falla, v. n. to prostrate
one's self, -fatten, a. unable to walk ;
toplicavy. -folf, n. foot, infantry.
-fafle, n. footing, -gangare, m.
footman, -jetn, n. iron fur tlie feet.
-jagate, m. chaser on foot, -fi
m. ankle. -Iag,rt. ankle, tarsus. -
m. joint of the foot. -lo8, a. feetl
-patt, m. footstool, -pafe, m, i
for the feet, -jib, a. reaching dn
to the feet, -f juf a , /. gout" in
feet, -fpjern, «. foothold ; stretcl
-fpar, re. footstep, trace, track, -fl
n. footstep, -fiytfe, n. socle, -jl
ning, /. pedestal, socle, basis. -fPi
m. sweaty feet, -fala, /. tlie sole
the foot, -ttab, n. foot-stall.
($Ota, V. n, to found ; to get a footii i
to rely upon.
5ta(f, m. frack, coat. I
5tabga, /. foam, froth, spume. -9,
r. to foam, to froth. - ^rabgig,
foamj'-, frotliy.
5taFt, m. freight, ga fOt -, to be I
der a charter-party, -btef, n. i
-fcbel, 772. biU of lading. -fTepp,
merchant-man. -pagn, n. canyir
waggon, -a, V. a. to freight. -«■
m. freighter.
5ram, ad. forward, forth, onwai
langre,l>attte-, further, forwai
anba -> straight forward. - i retf a
in the course of the week, -till, u
til to. tatt -, upright, frank, -ap,
m. fore-axletree. -ben, n. forcfoc
-bog, m. forequaiter. -bel, m. for
part, face; T. fore. -bele8,a^. som
time hence, -fuflg, a. pert, forwar
saucy, daring, -fufig^ct, /. temerit
forwardness, -fatb , m. progret
-for, /jr/>. before, above, -fct
above all. -fore, "C?. before, in tl'
forepart, -gent, ad. for the futujii
-gang, m. success. \a^t& -gang, I
succeed, -j^jul, «. forewhecl. -ifril*
ad. from before. -Ealf e , m. foro
sledge. -lajt, m. load before.
prp. hy, over. — fiba,/". foreside, fac*
front. -fFeppet, n. forcsliip. -(taW
77J. stem, -flcg, n. progress, profi
cience, advancement. -(itganbe,a. ap-
proaching, stepping out; ])rorainent
-(lupa, a. fatta -ftupa, to fall dowi
upon one's face. Itgga -(lupaj

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