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Break in. - omfull fotj to overset. -
pay to rctoit. - iipp, to gallier up, to
receivCj to get, to take up. — tiflj to
happen. — c.t-y to lead to, to turn.
bet bet lie at, there's no opportunity.
- Wtfore, to move downwards, -n&f,
a. bearing ; fruitful, productive. -rCj
m. porter, bearer. - SaCrtittg, /.
bearing ; T. burden ; calving.
S'itnS} m. bug, puuice.
3iirlinfl, m. pole, bar.
Manila) /. barm.
3Arm(letl, m. amber.
3a|l) superl. 3ajlfl, n. best; interest;
prime ; favour, iet atliiiiiniia baflfl,
the public good, flflt tflfl fClH bajl \)'ii[
pa fltt fPcifVrt, jusl as 1 was -svritiug.
^afra tiagot titt -« > to be well to
pass. ][>«frfl till -rtj to be a little
^'attt&t f- <*• to amend, to improve,
to better. - fig, v, r. to reform. -
3attrCj a. COOT/J. better, preferable.
-fWin, further forward. - Sflttrttig,
/. amendment ; recovering. |{0t4 — )
Soiling, TH. bociing, red herring.
3o^cI, m. executioner, liangman.
3ofPcl, TO. tag tnig-n! the devil
Scgel} TO. hoop, ring ; bow of a sword.
3oja, bend, to bow, to incline.
- iltf tmbatt) to draw, to turn aside. -
3oj>, a. inclined, propense, subject.—
Soielffjy. inclination, disposition of
mind, passion, humour ; genius. Of
bens -, inflection. - SojUg, a. flexi-
ble, pliable, limber, easily com-
plying. -\)tty f. flexibility, facility,
compliance. - Sointng,/. bending,
Scffl) f . a. to root up the ground ; to
turn up, to rummage. - Softlittg, /
3bU, V. ra. to bellow, to trout; to
SiXiy TO. imposthume, tumour.
3olifl,/. billow, wave.
Son, /. prayer, entreaty, petition, re-
quest, -bof, m. prayer-book, -bftflj
7n. fastday; day of public thanksgiv-
ing. -faHa, V. n. to petition, to sup-
plicate. -\)Miy n. oratory, -botfl, v.
a. to liear one's prayer. -?)Otelfe, /.
giant of request, -pfflltrt, m. peni-
tential psalm. -fFrift, /. petition,
-flunb, /. prayer-time.
Sotlfl,/. bean. JEutftfFa tonot, kid-
neybeans.- 3otlbflltn,TO. bean-straw.
Soill^flS, TO. bungler. - Sortsfa, v. n.
to bungle, to perform clumsily.
Sor, TO. r. fair wind.
S0C«> <-■. «. ought; to be fit; lobe
tlie turn of.
3'ixtym. childbirth, delivery ; birth,
extraction; descent; course, turn.
t>flra titt -, to be a native of. -titty
m. birtli-right ; nearer claim, -f Op,
n. preemption. -fFriftet , m. pi. list
of births. -«, V. a. to claim a
hereditary right to buy any posses-
sion in the hands of another. - SoC=
fcig, a. native; fertile, fruitful, rich.
-hety f. fertility, fruitfulness.
3cr^«, /. burden, load.
3orja, V. a. to begin, to c
-II, n. beginning,
3or9, TO. exchange, change ; piurse.
2)ortitig) to. salmon-trout.
3o^fl, /. handgun ; box. - (S>'i^) -flin*
tHyf. flint, -folf, TO. bufl-end of a gun.
-las, «. gun-lock. -pipa,/. barrel of a
gun. -rem, TO. gun-sling. -tCllfflre, TO.
gun- worm. -fFott, n. gun-shot, mus-
ket-shot. -fFy tt, TO. gunner. -fme&,
cliarger. -flotf, to. gun-stock. [at.
Sojla, V. a. to tliump. - pa, to knock
2Jota, c. a, to fine, to pay a fine.
Setter, pi. fijie, mulct.
Bajrbant, 'Z. knee-band.- (Soj;) -fi(f fl,
/. breeclies-pocket. -j^angfel,". pair
of gallows. -fUfiy m. _Iud!«, /•
flap. -Iappare,TO. mender of breeches,
-linntng, /. braces, -fatfspennin^
gar , to. pi. purse-money, -fatfsiir,
/I. watch, -fpritfa, /. cod-piece.
3Joj;er, 3yj:or» 'w. />/. breeches.

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