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480 23 eg
2Jcgtff|>) n. nolion, idea ; apprehc
»ion , judgment; sense; corapai
conception, perception, comprehe
sion. fort - , compendium, abridg-
ment, i - att, about to. - Sfpripfl,
f. a. to comprehend, to conceive, to
apprelicnd, to understand ; to gather ;
to comprise; to include, to contain.—
aSegripltf}, a. intelligible, ob\-ious. -
SegriplisUty /• conceivableness,
Seflrun&aj v. a. to meditate, to ponder ;
to consider ; to deliberate, to reflect ;
to pause upon, -ti, 3e{iruiifcnitig, /.
meditation, contemplation, reflection.
35tQt&ta-, f. a. to -weep for, to deplore,
to lament, to mourn for.
^efltiinfA, V. a. to limit, to confine.
SegyiinA) v. a. &n. to begin, to com-
mence, to come up, to enter upon, to
pict, to opeu, to set up, to fall to,
to take to. -te, m. beginner. - Se=
gynnelfe> /. commencement, be-
3f B^ ) *•. a. to commit ; to celebrate,
to commemorate ; to manage. — ftfl)
V. r. to be well to pass , to make a
sliift to live. — i\ia-) to be poorly
off. -en&ej n. perpetration, cele-
SegofPfl) v. a. to bestow, to present,
to grace, to endow. — &» a. gifted.
Segattpelfei /. celebration.
;»egi;tj n. desire, appetite, tliirst; re-
quest. -0) f. a. to request, to crave,
to ask ; to court, to covet, to demand ;
to cry, to call for, — fln> /■ request,
entreaty, petition, desiie, demand,
-elfe, / desire, appetite, longing,
lust, carnal desire, concupiscence,
-liflj a. desirous, fond, greedy, cove-
tous. -Itg^tft, /. demand.
Scgiirbnilljt, /. border.
»C^«tffl, V. a. to dig about.
Se^ag, n. will, pleasure, delight;
grace; relish, gota m till -, to hu-
mour one. -Iy(len,a. wanton, -fiuf,
a. cocquet. -fjufC) /. cocquctry. -fl,
V. n. to pkase, to charm, to like, to
contented. -ligj
grateful, acceptable, proper, pleasant,
delightful: entertaining, engaging.
-lig^Et,/. pleasantness, delightful-
ncss, sweetness.
3fl).;nbl«, f. a. to treat, to use ,
manage ; to handle; to make a b;
gain. - 3fl)flilMtng, /. usage, tre
ment, agreeing.
3ctcmetj m. hippopotamus.
SfictCfPa, V. a. to rule, to sway,
reign. -Ilbej n. domination, sw
-tfj m. ruler, domiuator. -tinn&y f.
SeF>)eIpa fig, f. r. to make shift.
Se]&jflplig,a. aiding, assisting, help-
ing, accessory. I>cn vav mig - t mtrt
cnfofntng, he backed me in my ap-
S>ti)\ttt&t V. a. to mind, to pity, to
compassionate, to deliberate, -bj a.
stouthearted, resolute, courageous,
-tlbfj n. compassion, consideration. —
Sc})]<tten\)et t f. courage, boldness,
3ft>0fi n. want, necessity, need, use,
occasion, call. - 2Jeli0flig, a. neces-
sary, needful. - ^t\)'i\V>ay v. a. to
need, to want, to have need of, to ad-
mit, to have only to, to be required. —
Seiicfranbe, a. needy, wanting, in-
St^tugga, v. a. to hew, to lop.
Sc^ctt, n. clcargain; sparing, saving;
reserve, j^an &t i QOH -, he is in
safety, he is well provided for. fi
l«nge jag l>ac vctttt i -, as long as,
I keep in my right wits, -fl, v. a. to,
retain, to keep, to continue. - fOt_
ftg, to keep secret. - faltet, to witt'
the field, -m, a. safe, substantial,
slanch. ctl - Pflt.'., a stanch c
dity. -nittg , /. residue , rem
^c\)'Mta.iy a. afflicted, incumbered.
3fbailbig> a. handy, dexterous, cle^
-l^et,/. dexterity, h-iudiuess, ni
Srt^anga, v. a. to liaug 'with.

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