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S<ICII) 1. child, ^j/. children; infant,
gft me& -) to be with child, to Lc
pregnant, (jralias mE^ -> to he in
labour, fa -■> to be brought to bed
of a child, osgtfl -, bastard, -fltf,
n. patrimony of children. -bAfttj «•
grand-cliiJdren. -bontj m. childhood,
infancy. -^0}) ) n. christening of a
child, -f'itit^ay /. childbedwoman.
-fifrlo^ate) m. manmidwife. -fbt=
leaning)/ deliverance. -'^ue>n. or-
phan-house, -f«mmare> m. nursery.
-f libet) pi. clothes of a child, -f ac>
a. fond of children. -lef, m. bawble,
gewgaw. -Uta-,/. pedagogy, cate-
chism. -laratC} m. pedagogue, cate-
chiser. -Io3> a. childless, issueless.
-mot&, n. infanticide. -motfPa,/.
midwife, -mot&atc, m. -motbetfPa)
/. infanticide. -|jig«, /. maid for
children. -(Tap, n. adoption. -fJatt-
tA> / coral.- -fF0C» /j/. shoes for
children. tr«mpa Ut - , to be past a
child. -fFok, /. school for children.
-fiinp,TO. childbed, lying in. -sborb,
m. cliildbearing. -slig , a. childish,
boyisli; filial. -?)et, /. childness.
-snot>, TO. labour, travail. -etJarfflt)
pi. pangs of a woman in labour, -atj
n. childhood, -ol) n. entertainment
at a christening. [fir, pine &c.
Sart) n. leaves of fii' or pine, -tt'dby
3arfF, a. stern, fierce, terrible.
3a0> TO, base ; pedestal, -flol) m. bass-
viol, -tofl,/. base. - »flfi(l> m. who
sings the base.
SaS) «. wliipping, beating, flagging. -
Safa, u. a. to baste, to wliip, to beat,
to flog, to lash ; T. to stove.
3a6t>atf , m. Saspantta,/. stove, boiler.
^afalt, TO. basaltes.
:5aulifa,/. basil.
Safiliffalra, /. basilicon,
Safllif?, TO. basilisk, cockatrice.
Sarong, TO. bassoon. [-, hasten.
Sa(l) n. bombasine, fustian ; bast. «f
Safla o4> billSa? f. a. to shackle, to
;»H|lailt, a. strong. [bind.
3,\fttbim, n. bomljasin.
Safun, TO. trumpet, -a, f. c. to soun
the trumpet.
3atali, TO. battle, -ett, m, battalioi
33attcti, «. battery,
^ajra, f . a. Sajias, v. rf. to box.
^aynas, v. d. to startle.
Scatbrta) fr". a. to work, to manage.
Scblanba fig, v. r. to enter upon, 1
engage; to have carnal knowledge (
a woman. - Sftlanbclfe j to. engag
ing; carnal knowledge.
ScbOj V. a. to inhabit, to dwell ii
occupy, to tenant. — dig, a. habitabli
3cbygga, f . a. to build upon ; to cu]
tivate, to people.
3cb2ba, v. ". to announce, to bod.
to portend. -tC) m. annouuct
3eba&elfe, /. amiounciation, presagt
matiii beba^EIfe^ag, announciation
3Jetf, n. pitch. -aCtig, a. bitumiuoa
pitchy. -Henbej «. iron-blendi
-blomjler, ". viscous catchfly. -btar
natf, TO. pitch-burner, -bytta, .
pilch -hut. -banb, a. tliievisl
-f tang , TO. pitched hoop , garland
-lufra ,/: pitch-cap. -pUjiet,
depilatory plaister. -qpajl, m. pitch
mop. -fom, TO. slioemaker's seam
-tocf, TO. bituminous torf. -tta^, m
shoamaker's thread, -a, v. a. to pitch
SecEct, TO. (b09 barn) meconium,
^ebagat, a. aged. [-ig, a. pitchj
3ebata, f. n. T. to becalm, to cle«
3eba8, V. c?. to beg for. [up, to hill
^ebia, V. a. to pray, to beseech, ti
treat, to beg, to ask, to request, %
say prayers.
SeScaga, f. a. to deceive, to cheat'
to defraud,, to impose upon, to trepan-'
to trap, to ensnare, to cozen , ti
lude, to bilk, to begxiile, to trick, t«
bite. - fig, V. r. to mistake, to b>
under a mistake, -te, to. cheat, ii
postor, deceiver, sharper, bite. — 3Jt(
bragert, n. deceit, deception, fraud
imposition, imposture, cheat, delu-
sion. - Scbcaglig, a. deceitful, fran-
duleut, illusory.

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