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474 5(nt)
ment, application. - Jtftranbbfltj a.
appliable, practicable. [to le^-y.
Mitpiirf niti0, / le^-J. - Mtirarfra, v. a.
3tpa, /. ape, monkey; aper, imitator. -
3tpflftiiJ,a.apish. -flnfl0te,n. ape's-
face. -m, n. mockery, -fpel) n.
mimicry, mockry, laughing-stock.
2tpel, to' apple-tree. -gtS, -E«(lfl&, a.
pied, piebald. [orange.
2tpel(irtj m. sweet orange, China-
Otpologijl, m. arithmetician.
3lpo(lfI} 7n. apostle. - 2lpc(lI«=einl>etC)
n. apostleship. -getninn«riif, acts oj
the Apostles. -3tpe|l9lifF,a. aposto-
Stpot^eft «• apothecary's shop, ttiii^
\)Wi—y dispensary, -txty m. apothi
ry, pliarmocopolist. -Een(l> /. phar-
Mppen, m. ll>e call. [macology.
2lppetit, m. appetite, stomach. -lig,
a. appetible, desiderable.
2l|?ttfo$) m. apricot, apricock.
2tpnl, m. April. rtflrr« -, to make
april-fool. -atettbCj n. foolish errand.
Jlrbfta, f. a. d^ n. to work, to la-
bour, to toil ; to drudge, totrouble;
to fret. - «f, to clear by working. -
txnot-y to oppose, to contrary. - ifcop)
to heap by working ; to knead. - i cB.
pc, to work on ctt. at. - fig titt, 1o
get by working. - ft{J ifletiom ett. Uty
to work one's self off. - fig upp> to
w^ork upwards, -uppflg, to work
one's self up. - un^an, to work away.
-lit fig, to enervate one's self, -t,
a. wrought. - fllpet) wrouglit silver.
- fllf e, manufactured silk, pal -, well
wrought, workmanlike, -ttym. work-
man, worker. - Jttbcte, «. work, per-
formance, task, laboiur ; fermentation,
fret. - Itrbetsbag, m. workiug-day.
-efolf, n. labouring people. -S^jotlj
n. journey-man. -e^Jus , n. work-
house, workjngliouse. -s{»iijlj/7i. dray-
horse. -9fatl,m. labourer, -slott, /
wages, pay. -ffltn, a. laborious, in-
Utbuty m. citrul. [dustrious.
%tifWy n. office of records, archives,
-arif, m. recorder.
3ItbAf«tS) pi. hopp-aiss.
Urea, /. surface, area.
j 2trfj n. inheritance, patrimony. —tAtV
m. hereditary nobility. -bomflre,w
arbiter. — fietlbe, m. hereditary enemy
-fbljb, m. succession, -foretitng, }
agreement, concerning a succession
-fotUfntng, / agreemei
claims of inheritance. -forpaFtatC, m
fee-farmer. -forpaFtnttig, / fee-
farm. -forfPttfniiig,/. legacy, -fut
fie, m. hereditary prince. -gobS) r,
-jetbj /. inheritance, -grift, n,
hereditary sepulchre. — l^erre, m. lor
of the manor, -j^tyantng, /. oath c
fealty. — lott, m. inheritance, portioi
-lat), n. hereditary fief, -los, a. dis
inherited, gota -, to disinherit. -Ian
fcer, hereditary dominions
ItyTi. hereditary kingdom, -tint Ay J
quitrent. -ratt, m. right of ii "
tance, heirship. -fPtfte, n. di
of patrimony, -fynb, n. origin;
-tijgt, m. appropriation of an ii
tance. -ping, m. <2/. heir, inheritor
heiress, inheritrix, bo Utfltl -PJIt
gar, to die issueless.
2trfPe, m. pimpernel.
JirfPObe, m. fee.
vehement, -lifltg, ^
-liHig^ft, /. era
-flllt, a. wrathful, testy, -fintbct, /
wrathfulness. '\tty f. anger, passion,
malice, craftiness, -t, ad. \
ly, craftily, vehemently.
Jtrgumetitcra, v. n. to argue
aria, / air. [sheet by sheet.
:trf, m. arch. - , n. slieet. -taU, ad.
Jtrfebufera, ♦*. a. to execute by shoot-!
%xUi, n. gun-room, -m'i^&ttym. quar-i
2trU, a. a ad. early in the morning.
•regn, n. momiug-rain.
Jtrm, a. poor, indigent, necessitou*.
-ling, m. a poor fellow. -ob,n. po-<
verty, poorness, need, necessity.
Mttn, m. arm. - pa m flfFnot, wing.'
banb, n. bracelet, -borft, n. cro3»-
te, bitter, shrewd,
:. crafty, con,

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