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Vixen, t
I. ttfirn, Qtdia.
mtigen. [fetflntn.
Yizard, s. innff. -, v. a. iitapfetn,
Vizier, *. fifit, tutfijT iiiinijlet.
Vocable, s. wfal, fjetPjub.
Vocabulary, s. tit«n ottbof.
Vocal, a. rofjen tiff()5ri3; muntdg ; ro;
fiiU. -ize, V. a. bojo Ijutet tiff otb.
Vocality, s. tnlfijtmnga.
Vocally, a. jiieB t5fl«n; iiiunftigcn.
Vocation, s. faff, faffelfe ; lefnnt^ffitt ;
Vocative, s. T. sofatisug. [fV^In.
Vociferate, v. n. ti;tn, vita (a.
Vociferation, s. top, ffrinnbe.
Vociferous, a. roponbe, [orninnbc.
Vogue, s. top ; iiicS, f»>nng ; oKiuinnt
btuf. [uttopa; bfflfimiua.
Voice, s. lofl ; fliiiiinin. -, v. a. & n.
Void,*, tomt rum, ifjaligtjet. -, a.toiii,
oBe; frnftlcg; upp()aft)en; obcfntt; bti=
ftnnBc. - of, utaiT. -, v. a. & n. iif=
tonitun; upp()nftia; putgeta; blifv>n
tcm. -able, a. forii tan uppfjofpn^.
-ance, s. uttoinning. -er, «. utioiii:
iiinte; bi>tBfetg. -ness , .s. tcnifjet;
Voiture, s. ferSon. [ovi«tffaiiiOet.
Volant, a. flugante.
Volaric, a. fli)gante ; Ppgtig. [tig.
Volatil, s. f j.ibf tfii. -, a. flDgante ; flyg^
Volatility,*, flijgtigbet; utcunfining;
lattfinnigbet. [tiga.
Volatilize, v. a. gbtn Pljgtig, fi5tfli;g=
Volcano, *. v^ulfon, elBfptutnnte bttg.
Vole, s. T. nCtt fiitfen i fottfpet.
Volery, *. fagelbut, en ffocf faglnt.
Volitate, v. n. ^ati\^ta.
Volitation, s. flaDtting, ftingflijgning.
Volitive, a. riljonbe, fom Ijnr fonnas
gan art <?ilja.
Volley, s. falfsa (af ffott jc). at - ,
of en flump. -, v. a. topa ; utfn|}n.
Volpone, 3. gnmnial flippate.
Volt, s. T. Polt, ftet« (i titfonf}).
Voltaic, s. fcltaijT v«l<ite. [ingfjet.
Volubility,*. ttinbl)et_;t5t(igl)<t ; mun=
Voluble, a. ttiub; tuffnnbt ; fmill;
miiuvig. [fn, fJtom.
Volume,*. loni, banb, bel; tuKe; mof=
Voluminous, a. tjiblyfiig, beptuffnb. I
-ness, *. «ntatet of beint ; tibt^ftigf;
Voluntariness, *. ftiriffigljet. ;
Voluntary, *. uolontnt; T. fantc
-, a. ftivittig, ctrungen.
Volunteer,*, yolontnt, ftii>iffig fo(t '
-, V. n. & a. Ij<nn fnfom frisiffig ; f ,
V'iffigt bjubn.
Voluptary, *. v>n((ufling, teffing.
Voluptuous, a, vnllufjig, Vppig.
Volutation, *. tuffntng.
Volute, *. T. fnnrfoctf.
Vomer, *, pli>gj«rn.
Vomica, *. (ungbolb.
Vomic-nut, *. liftorn; putgetnot.
Vomit, *. (pott ; ftnfiiiebd. -, v. n.
a. gifvn oftfet , ftofn«; (up, out)
Vomition, *. uppfnfJning. [fptu
Vomitive , Vomitory, a. foni for
f.ifnt ftnfning.
Voracious, a. gtupff, ffufanbe ; tcf
tig. -ness, tff.
Voracity, *. glupffrjet, rofgitigtet.
Vortex, *. goJ, boitfpct.
Vortical, a. bsitfreioftig.
Votary, *. uiunf ; petfon fom uppoff
fig nt nogot.
Vote, s. toP; coteting. -, v. n. i
rotctn ; bejluta genom omtijflning.
*. tSflegnte.
Votive, a. uHofpnb, fom ffec eftft IBf
Vouch, *. utttne^botb, fotfnftan. -,
a. & n. pofla ; infnffa fafom cittr
b(ti)ga ; afloigga Vittnt^iuol.
Vouchee, *. obetopabt v>ittnc.
Voucher, ». tittne ; \iini \ qtitfen^.
Vouchsafe, v. a. & n. gifpa ; ht':iax
ga ; tiffatn ; idiai, bebaga.
Vow, *. lijfte. -, V. a. & n. gota 15
0111 nogot; lofoa; m»b eb fiitpligta f
Vowel, *. ttofal, fjeifljub.
Voyage, *. fjBtcfa. -, v. n. ofvctfat
tefa tiff \)ii. -r, *. fjofatantc.
Vulgar, *. p'obel; iiienige iiinn.
nffman; tjanlig ; offtntlig ; geiiH
bfig. -ism, *. gcnicnt uittDi.
Vulgarity, *. g»menl)et, pcbelaftigOei
Vulgate, *. D3ulgata.
Vulnerable, a. fom fan fStag. [far
Vulnerary, *. fatptafler. -, a. fail I

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