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Recall, 3. ntftfoITelfe. - , v. a. f)fms
(ada, tnlfa tiUbnfn; uv>pf)oft;n. [fig.
Recant, v. a. auxtnUn, f«nefa; nita
Recantation, s. ntetfnKelfe.
Recapitulate, v. a. upprepa bet r)uf»
viitfiifiignrte fif I)^n6 man fnflf.
Recapitulation, s. fumnicirifrt upvte=
^.n^^e. ^ [6e.
Recaption, Recapture,*, atettagnns
Recede, v. n. vifa, gS tiabnfn; nfflS
tfcan. [toganle; qrittenS; teccv't.
Receipt, 5. infoni|l; uppbetb; emots
Receivable, a. antagtig.
Receive, f. a. <niottagn, antnga, 6«s
fouiiiin. -T,s. uppbotteiiian; eiiiott(i=
gote; ijufgommate ; T. recipient.
Recency, s. ni)t)et.
Recension, s. iivptafnonte.
Recent, a. ni), m;ligcn gjotft; incbetn.
-ly, ad. nyligen. -ness, a. nijljet;
Receptacle, s. fomling^flnffe; tiirfli;ft,
boning, gijmftalfe ; niottagning^tiini ; T.
Receptibility, s. niomigligOet. [6e.
Reception, s. cniottngiinte, befoinnian=
Receptive, «. fonilingi-plnt^. -, a.
fom fan emottfiga. -ness , s. niottag:
Recess, s. afcifanbe, aftcnte, bottgang ;
fuspcnfion; enjTigljet ; nifc^. -ion, 5.
tjifnnbe, eftttgift.
Rechange, f . a. oinbi;tn.
Recharge, s. (obMiing a ni;o. -, v. a.
Qter onKaga; laBba S nyo.
Recheat, s. I)unbatne^ tiffOafafnttanbe
nat be fijriovnt fpStet,
Recidivation, s. oterfntt t en fjufboni.
Recidivous, a. fom fott redbiu.
Recipe, s. fotefftifr, recepr.
Recipiant- angle, s. \jinfe[mQtt.
Recipient, s. eiuoitngore ; redpient.
Reciprocal, a. inbotbeS, ijnifeficig.
-ness, v. ffifte; omfefibigbef.
Reciprocate, v. a. & n. ffift«, onifa
cm ; cebergalln.
Reciprocation, a. omtfexling.
Reciprocity, a. inbotbt*, motfijaranbe
Recision, a. offfntning.
Recital, a. upytepanbe, upptiifnnn
Recitation, J. bernttetfe; upplnfon
Recitative, a. T. recitfttic. -, a. u
t?VfinCe, betiittanbe. \\itxa
Recite, v. a. upptepn, upplnfn, nnf'r
Reck, V. a. Q n. (of) gifrn aft
-less, a. obefi)nicab, forglB^.
Reckon, v. a. & n. tcifna; i'
anfe; lifltiifna (en); Itc, lila; gbta
uKrifning. - with, gora tofning i
nogon. -on, tiCtnfnn. -er, s. i
nnre. -ing , «. rofning ; flu(b ; rar
T. ginning, -book, a. tnfenbcf ; I
Reclaim , v. a. & n. onisnnba
faffn; tniiirt. -able, a. fcni fan a
fStnS eir. atetfotbra^. -less, a. ob
big, fom irfe In'et biitrtn fig.
Reclaimant, a. motfngate.
Reclination, s. lutning; T. nfiTor
Recline, a. lutanbe. -, v.a.Hn. li
Reclude, v. a. upplnfn, oppna.
Recluse, «. ereinit. -, a. intie
-ness, s. enfiinil>et. !
Reclusion, s. inflangning. i
Recoagiilarion, s. Dftning n mie.
Recognisance, a. ffriftlig forbinC
infer ratien; igenfann«nbe ; unberpi
Recognise, v. «. tnnnaigen, vibf
n(xi\ refcgnofera.
Recognition, a. erfanfTa; tjibfann.
be ; nionflring.
Recoil, J. tiabnfnflubSning. - , v.
fiota (om ffjutgerar) ; ftubfn; rifa.
Recoin, v. a. mi;ntn om. -age.i
Recollect, v.a. nterfnmln ; erinrn, ef
finna. - one's self, fanfa fig. -i
s. fonfning, efteriiinfe, befinnanbe.
Recollet, s. franci^fanermunt.
Recombine, v. a. nterforenn.
Recommence, f. a. Sler begynna.
Recommend, f. a. onmatn, nnbefo
refoninitnbcra; tiffflvif". -able,'
lofr.irb. [bft"
Recommandation, a. beferbrnn; \
Recommendatory, a. befcrbtai

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