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riasnévole, ari], (see Pian-
Piapiistéro, nwl l'iagnistéOjm,
PiaKiiucoUre, lo cry a little
Pialla, j: rt cariieuler's {liane
Piallrftai f. a stroke n'ith a
VìMóne, m. a moulJlng pian.
Piamente, atlv, pioutly
Piana,^: a plank, a board
Pianamente, adv. softly, fru-
Pianare, to make even,
Pianella, f. slippers; mules i
slates; tiles
Pianellaio, m. a shoe-maker
Pianeta, /. a priest's cope, a
rianetto, adv. fair and soft-
Pianézza,/, a plain
Piangere, to weep
Piangévole, adj. deploratile ;
piangévoli onde, tears (in
Piangolare', to cry a little
Piano, ,». a plain, or floor
Piino, adj. plain, smooth,
flat, clear, (also) affable.
.'. softly, gently,
piano d'una casa,
of a house: al
11. piano-forte
plant : the sole of
oo[ ; plan, draufrhl, mo-
igginc, /. plantain (an
iménto, m. a planting
(also) offspring, descent
Pianura, f. a plain, or r
metal ; a dollar, (also) a dry
Piastvmia,/. tiles, ora qvoit (to
play rvitUJ
Piastrello, m. a jnece of cloth
to spread plasters
Piastr(ccio, m. a hodge-podge
Piatfre, to plead, to sue at law
to contest, contend
PJatit<5re, m. a pleader, a quar
reliome fdlorv
Piiito, m. plea, suit in law ;
(also) a dispute, debate, ai
affair .work
FiAna.f aflat boat
Piattafórma,/, a platform
Piattello, m. a >
Piatteria,/, a set
Piatto, m. dish.
Piàttola, /. a crab-louse: egli
è un^'^attdla, he is a miserly
PiattoliSso, adj. lousy
Piattonare, to strike with a
Piattonata, /. a blow with a
Piazza,/, a square, a fortress ;
la pia-ila ? horì) goes market t
far il bello in piazza, to be
idle ; piazza d'arme, a for-
tified town
Pica,/, a magpie, a chatterer
Picca, /, pike, spear, pique,
dispute. Picche, spades (of
Piccante, adj. sharp [cards)
Piccare, to prick, sting; to
offtnd; piccarsi, to pretend
tv ; si pfcca d'essere un ga-
lantuòmo, he pretends to be
Piccata,/, a hit with a pike
Piccatigiio, m. hash-meat
Picchemao, pai t. spotted
Picchrtto. 7)1. game at piquet
Picchiare, to knock; to beat;
picchiarsi, tojigl.t
Picchiata,/: a blow
Picchiato, adj. stricken.
Picchière, m. a soldier armed
wilh a pike
Picchiettare, to speckle
Piccl-.iettatdra, /. spots
Picchio, m. a bloi", a stinke:
(also) a woodpecker (a biid)
Pfccia, f several loaves tvge-
Piccfno, adj. little, small
Ficcio\ézzà,and Piccolézza,/.
Picciolo, adj. little, smalt
Piccioncino, m. a young
Pici <5so, adj. easily angry
Piccòzza, J', a hatchet
Ticé?i,f. the pitch-tree
Pidocchieria, f stinginess,
(also) idle stuff, trijle
Pidòcchio, m. a louse; (a!so>
a miser scorticare il {pi-
dòcchio, lo be stingy
Pidocchióso, adj. lousy
Piede, and Pie, m. a fott;
(also) the stump, the steiH
of a tree ; support, basis
ground; levarsi in piédi-
to get up ; sono restiSto in
piedi, / sat up ; questo va
co' sudi piedi, that goes
in course : officiale in pi-
edi, an officer iu full pay :
èssere in jjiéde, to exist ;
.■de, 01- appiè, adv. e

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