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CC'XVIII. Lady Balmerino to the Chevalier de St George, I5tli June, I75I. So-
liciting pecuniary assistance^ . . . . , , .83
CCXIX. Prince Charles to Lord Marischal, same date, . . . . tjj
CCXX. Note of instructions,— Prince Charles to Colonel Goring, 21st June, 1751.
As to meeting with Lord Marischal, . . . . , ,34
CCXXL Young Glengary to the Chevalier de St George, 15tli July, 1751. Slate
of affairs in Kngland, .... .... 84
CCXXII. Mr John Grajme to the Chevalier de St George, 24th July, 1751. On
becoming a Roman Catholic, . . . . . . . S5
CCXXIIL Lord George Murray tothe same, 30th July, 1751. Warmly tlianking
him for an introduction from the Cardinal Secretary of Stiiie to the Aposto-
lic Nuncio at Dresden. Lord Macleod's outfit, , . . .86
CCXXIV. The same to Mr Edgar, same date, same subject, . . .87
CCXXV. Sir James Harrington to Prince Charles, (supposed) 6ih August, 1751.
Report of a design to assassinate the Prince, . . . . . S7
CCXX VI. Young C'lanranald to Prince Charles, 9th September, 1751. Plan to
raise money, .... . . . . . 88
CCXXVIL Colonel Goring to Lord Marischal, 20th September, 1751, . . 89
CCXXVIIl. .\ns\ver by Lord Marischal of same date, . . . .89
CCXXIX. Note in Prince Charles's hand, 21st September, 1751. Ah; ul an in-
terview with Lord Marischal, . . . . . .89
CCXXX. Instructions, 23d September. 1751, by Prince Charles to Colonel Goring,
as to an interview with Lord Maiisclial, . . . , .90
CCXXXL Lord Marischal to Colonel Goring, 23d September, 1751. Fixing a
meeting at night near the Tuilleries, . . . . . .90
CCXXXIL Mr John Macdonald, brother of the late Kinlochmoidart, to Mr Ed-
gar, 30th September, 1751. Situation of the Kinlochmoidart family, . 90
CCXXXIII. Mr ^neas Macdonald to Mr Edgar, 12th October, 1751. Peerage
to his nephew, ... . . .... 91
CCXXXIV. Short account of the Moidart family referred to in last mentioned let-
ter, ......... 'Ji
CCXXX V. Lord Marischal to tlie Chevalier de St George, 11th October, 1751. On
his appointment as ambassador at Paris for his Prussian Majesty, . . 94
v;CXXXVl. Lord Elclio to the Chevalier de St George, IStli October, 1751. Ap-
plication for a Colonel's commission in the Spanish oi- Neapolitan service, 95
CCXXXVIL Extract of a Letter, Lord George Murray to Mr Edgar, 30th No-
vember, 1751. Birth of a daughter. Negotiation between the British Gov-
ernment and his brother, the Duke of Athole, abput the sovereignty of the isle
of Man. 95
CCXXXVni. Lord Marischal to the Chevalier de St George, 8th January, 1752.
That his embassy to Paris could not be prejudicial to the interests of the ex-
iled family, 96
CCXXXIX. The same to Mr Edgar, same date, same topic, . . .97
CCXL. Lady Balmerino to the Chevalier de St George, '2d February, 1752. .\<-
knowledgment for money received, . . . . . .97
CCXLI. The Chevalier de St George to Lord Marischal, 21st February, 175'2. Ap-
proving of his appointment of ambassador to Paris, . . . .98
CCXLIl. The Rev. James Leslie to Mr Peter Grant, 27th May, 1752. In his
own exculpation, . . . . . . • .98
CCXLI II. The Duchess ol Perth to the same, 5th September, 1752. Situation of
the family of Perth, ....... . Kfl
CCXLIV. Memorial referred to in the preceding letter, .... IIH
CCXLV. Mr Edgar to the Uev. John Gordon, Scots college at Paris, 5lh Septem-
ber, 1752. Afiiiirsof the Perth family, . . . . .105
CCXLVI. Extract of a letter,— Mr Edgar to Mr William Hay, 26th Septemlier,
1752. Alleged conversion of Prince Charies to Protestantism, . . 106
CCXLVII. Extract of a letter, Mr William Hay to Mr Edgar, October, 175'J.
Same subject, .... ... 106

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