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INDEX to the ElTay^, Occurrences, l^c. 1796. Part IL
Lfver^oo/, remains of a foreft
near 548
Loan, debate? on 917. of 18
millions by voluntary cor,-
tribotioa icji. Mr. Pitt's
letter to tbe lord- mayor
md governors of the Bank
on 1051
£,5->, Join, MSS. of 735.
^■s 830, 1009
b^ikion addrefs to the king on
aa » the negoiiation far peace
^f.,875. lord- mayor's day at
tJ. 1050. vote of cenfuie of
?r minifiers for fending mo-
ney to the Emp<-ror 1051,
vote of approbation of it
1051. tncoiififtency of the
vote of cenfure I 178
Lovaf, Lady, biographical
account of 963
Lwe in high life, lingular i ale
of 632
Jjuctrnal mtcrojcopt 898, 1080
Lucia, St. intelligence from
f>Ol, 692
Lulwortb cajile 565
;>r M.
iiVDOWALL, Capt, account
of 1114
Mackenxie, Kennt:b, account
of 1053
Maipbcrfon, Mr. ac«. of 1048
Malcolm, Col. account of 617
Maimcjbiny , Lord, his entry
into Paris 871. return
1051. declaration of the
ciicismftances of his tr.?aiy
I for peace nil
l"^ManiJi;/d, Earl, biographicsl
.» T' account of, and char. 795
March, Mr. takes the nana
r.f\Vee:ey 871
Margate hojpitti for fca-'"-
thing • ., 6q8
Martina, Duke, acepunt of
an exhibition of his flocks
j,i: and herds 665
il.-B Matrimony, difcouragemenls
■- ro 817
■■Mubcmitical- profcJTon at
Cdmbridire, their lace 637
Miwfin, Mathiai, epiiaph on
M aid, account of the boufe
of 58S
MdUp>, Cba. account of 1117
Mthon Mi'iohray, ceremonial
of prefenting colours 10 tiie
volunteer infantry 6c8
M'liirohgical obfcrvajlont on
ihe cold of Ohnllmas-day
1071. in 1787 at Nice
l.Utbidipcjtl places of wo I ftii p
i» London 816
Mexico, ravages of the favajes
there I'ifo
MicTofcotr, luccrnal, improve-
ments in 898, 1080
Middlejix hocfe of correflion
Middhton, Sir Hugh, defcend-
Mildtnhall (Suffolk) church-
notes t,/^X
Miles, Mr. his political prin-
cipi«3 examined 673. bis
attack on Mr. Tickell 674.
on Mr. Buike 674. his
defence fi^r his lenfion 675.
char^iilers of Mr. Piit and
Mr. Fox 854
Mihtia, riot at Boftoi\ (Line.)
in oppofition to 104H
Mill, Uumphny, enquity alter
Miller, Jjbn, ace, of 1053
Millers, proceedings for regu-
lation of 7^1
Milton, his obligations ro D«
Barias and Fietchtr 648,
900, 918
Minijiers, proceedings on Mr.
Grey's motionforinnpeach-
ment of 929
Mireiclet, Jate, pretended in
Italy 853, Jc)99
Mr. and Efq. on propiiety of
nfing 838
Moira, Ejrl of, his new Go-
thic manfion at Donington
park 983
Mmumertal jigurct, query re-
fpefling 1 1 04
il-Zosr^, Mr. account©/ 11,53
Marell, Dr. account of 823.
^..for/on, ^oi/j, epitaph on 571
Mortuaries expiained 544
■M'-firop, Mrs. ac. of gjo
Mother killed by an infane
daughter 785
Munn, Rev. ;?iV/i. account and
ciurader of 790. Mrs.
charafter of 1059
ed _ 635
Murder, trial for the murder
of theM^rq.deMoncrce6c 9
Murr.iy, bookftUcr a: Ley-
den 716
Naples, account of the kieg-
dom of 6C5. licentious
depravity of the inhabi-
tants 933. frequency of
•affafTi'iations 933
Nation, ihne of, proceedings
for an enquiry into 751.
Fox's fpet-ch on 931
Naiionui Dehr, o^jfervations
. reflecting 58 j. rife, p;g-
grefs, and difcharge of 764
Natural Produiliini, propofe4
clalTificatiou of roco
N.i-ual Aliont. L'Athoniennc
taken by the Albacore6o4,
778. La Vulcan taken by
ihe Spencer 604. L'Eveille
taken by the La Trom-
peufe 604. four
taken umicr the b«iterie«
of Lo.^na by Com. Nclfon
6or, the Morgan taken
by La Suli'ifante 691. Lx
Legcre taken by the Apollo
771. vcfl'cls of wiv ap.i
tranCports taken by Com,
Nflion 777. L\ Rrvan-
che tflken by the M".>l|>o-
meiie778. L'i/iiln* rakea
by ths SiiUiharnpton 77 S,
gallant one of Capt. Trol-
ii>j>e 865. /e\eial priv?.-
teers taken 86v, 860,870.
La Revofutionaire taken by
■the Alfred 870. L" A.i-
dromaque and crhi"r v< iTels
birrnt by Warten 953. va-
rious pirivi'.tcers trkcii 95^,
957. L' Enterprize taJiea
by the Unicorn HOC. La
Va'our tskcB by she Dryad
1 105. Dutch fleet taken
at the cape 1107
Na'uy, m-dals fcnt to ti.e
cilicers in the aftion of
June r, 1704 _ 1050
Nfwington (Oxf'jrd(hire), rec-
tors lince 1ISS4 809. bt>«jle
defcr'hed 809
Newton, St IjMtc, commc-
moraii >nof, propofci 1098
Nile, hulb«ndry on ths 547
Noir, Abbe, vindicatiOH of
the ladies 6^'j
North, Lor<f^ family 5^1
NonkcattfRiif'.irdfK. of 1061
lyoj-.tvorth'/, M . trial for hi«
lanuson a| Itaof idir<tcy694
Nunne-yfiliei up at Winchcl-
ter ic7ii
Ouh trtes at Ampthill, di-
menfioDs of 641. fiurni
under ground 964
O;.' t hole garment of Henry
V. 741
One OUa'.ion defence of 720
Optra, Cjifes in 643, 741;
Orchidia, clafs of plants 560
Organ at Hae rlem 909
Ovidjt'ii tomb rcprobated5b4,
O.xford, enquiry coneernini^
fellows of All Suuli 919
Pai.'m;v(Bj< k»;)defcrlbed 844
talkjtr, Sir U^gb, anecdiite

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