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1 ll6 Obituary of remarkallc'Perfom; with Biographical /fnecdoles, [Supp,
with friendly opinion, ailvice, or affiftance,
from any qii.iiter whatever, the whole la-
hourliic; oar of compilation, aiz-angement,
tlil'pofiMon, and the fuperintending the
preO, relied entirely upon his weak, abili-
ties. And it was not hut w ith the grealeft
tlifficuity, nnd at great difaJvantsge, that
he WA3 Ms r.t all tu fultil liis engsgement
with !:lie puhlick, and offer tiiis volume,
fiich as it is, to their acceptance. And
thofe that know belt the unfair, infidious,
and uni'eihand artifices that have been
\ifcd, the uncommon dilliculties and d\f-
cuuiacements lie had to ftruggle xvith
Ihrmigliout every ftage of this mulertaking,
will fi^ d, perhaps, juiler m;aier of for-
prize that, vvith a'l its imperfedlions, its
cxecati; n has been, opon the whole, fo ro-
lerahle <is it b, cr, indeed, tl>at the a\«hor
has been able to accomplilli its publication
jt all." — The recfory of Marks Tey is in
the gift of Baliol college by the gift of Dr.
Compton, biiliop of London, who pur-
^ihafed tho pai fonage-htuife, witl! the glebe
n>' about 35 acres, and the nthcs of all the
eiiates in the parijh except hich as belong-
ed to tl'.e then lord of the m.»nor, and made
ihis a very comfortable living. Mr. Wm.
Bree, whona he prelented to it 1721. and
who vvas alfo M. A. of Baliol college, re-
paired both church and chancel, and built a
very good paifonage-houfe, conveniently
fituatsd near the London road to Colchef-
lir, and made garden; and other improve-
ments. Ryfliclmc is in the gift of the fame
1 "t. At Caftle Donington, Leic. after a
Jew days illnefs, Mrs.Greci-i, wictow of
'Jreen, late of VVigwelt, cc. Derby, efq.
Az Wakhamftow, ttltx, in her Sift
yeui, Mrs. Catharine Goldthwair, wife of
Co". G.
At her apartments in Rath, La<Jy Co<ike,
wife of Sir Geoige C b..rt. of VVhcaily, co.
Vork, and fifter of the late Sir William
Mjddletoii, bart.
Suddenly, whan in the a£l of mdiiniins
^.ls horle, Wm. Kilbee, efcj. of SackviUe-
?ireet, Dublin, an eminent wine-merthant.
^Ir. Abraham Dufgatc, an eminent far-
mer at Falgrave, near Swaffham, Norfolk,
who liad acquired a fortune of 50,000!.
16. Aged 66-, at his houfe in bly, John
Waddington, efq.
After a lingering illnefs. at his lodgings
in B.ath, the Rev. Mr. Balfett, redor of
Lentworth, in Lincolnihire.
Aged 37, at Winkworth's-buildings,
Ciry-road, Mrs, Carr, wife of Jofeph C,
efq. landing furveyor of the Cuftoms.
17. At his hovife in Gower-ftreet, Bed-
Jord-fquare, Bryan Ccottney, efq.
The Rev. Thomas Benfon, tutor and
fellow of Wadham college, 0'x5ord,younseft
fon of Edward B. efq. connfellor at law.
What makes this event more melancholy
tv his lamily and kkais is, ttat lie was
juft upon the point of marriage vvith ;»
very amiable young lady.
18. At Aberdeen, Mifs Nancy Jopp,
dau. of the late James J. efq of Cotton.
At Ingmire-hall, Yorkihire, in child-
bed, the wife of John Upton, efq.
hi his 20th year, — — Brograve, eldeft
fill of Sir Brfiney Brograre, hart, of Wor-
ftead, iu Norf'^lk, fo created 1791.
Aged 58, Mr. John Folter, farmer, of
Dovvnham, in Norfolk.
19. At Worcelter, in his 74th year,, the
Rev. Jofeph Mence, lite of Kenthh-tovvn,
Middlefex, vicar of St. Pancras, and All
Hallows, London-Wr.ll; in whom the mu-
fical world have loll a fcientific genius,
vvhofe vocal powers (as an Englifli hnger)
remain unrivalled. The former living is
in the dean and chapter of St. Paul's, the
htter is already filled up by the the Crown.
In his 73d year, the Rev. Mr. Knowles,
redlor of Tiiiwell, in Rutland, and vicar
of Thurlby, in Lincolnihire,
At Hunti:igdon, Mr. Wm, Stephenfon,
slerk of the peace f>r that county.
Aged 71, John Taylor, of Owmby, near
Spitaly labourer. He fell from a cart
loaded with coals, and was fo much hnrc
that he died next morning.
At Biixton-hall, Mrs. jack fon, reliift oi'
John J. efq. late of Ekham, Kent.
Aged 73, of an apopleftic fit, Mr. Wm,
Robertfon, merchant, of Philpot-!ane.
At Wakefield^ the infant fon of Vv dliam
Dawfon, efq.
20. Mrs. Glover, wife of Pliiiip G. efq.
of Sedgeford, Norfolk.
Rev.Tho. Howes, R. of Fritcon, Norfolk.
Aged S4, Edw. Kuft, efq. of Fakenham.
Aged 87, Mrs. Annefley, mother of
Francis A. efq, M. P, for Re'adina,.
At Chirk caftle^ Denbighfhiie, Richard
Myddleton, efq. of Cafterton Par-, a, near
Stamford, and M. P. for Denbigh.
At Hull, Mrs. Wriae, wife of Capt. W.
21. Mrs. Pye, wife of Plenry James P.
efq. late M. P. for Berks, and now poet-^
laureat, by whom he has two daughters.
This lady was fifter to Lieutenant-colonel
Hooke. whofe death is noticed in p. 11 14.
William Deane, efq. the mayor eledt for
the bon ugh of Harwich.
Aged 71, at Lili'on-ilreet, Paddington,
Jofeph Saunders, efq.
At her houfe at Tottenham, Mrs. Clarke,
after long confinement by a paralytic ftroke.
22. Mafter E. Edward*, third fon of
Sam. E. efq. of Stamford, co, Lincoln,
25. Mr?. Grindhall, wite of Mr. G. dif-
tlUer, of Broad-flreet, Eloomfbuiy.
Aged 62, at Molefcfoft, near Beverley,
Robert JefFerfon. He was very generally
known by the name of "Bobbera of Molef-
worth," and was a very fingular charafter.
Si.xfy guineas were buried in the floor at
the foot of his bed, exaiftly three fpadea
d«ep, which he left as 9, legacy to ^ young

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