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Revieto of New Puhlicatlonu
V. Arrangements propofcd for car-
rying into execution, and giving tffcft
to, the corn-la>.\'s,
Thefe are followed by two fupple-
meiitarv letters, on the fame fubjefV, by
Mr. Mackic ; and an Appendix, con-
taining vaiious tables of great impor-
tance, illuftiative of the general pro-
pofitions aiTumed in the body of the
On the whole, we regard this vo-
lume as a valuable acquKiiioii to the
publick ; and heartily recommend it to
all thole who wifli to attain accurate
ideas in regard to the commerce of
233. Chrift the true Mejftah. A Sermon
preached at Sion Chapel, Whitechapel, to
God's <ini:;ntUtzs\, the Japs, on SuTtdayf
j3ug.z^, 1796; ivith the Vraytrs before
*nd after Sermon. Bv William Ccioner,
MiniJIer of the Giffel. Accurately taken
in ihort-hand hy E. Hodgfon, il Tears
Sh:rt-hand If'nter at the Old Bailey.
A young apprentice, en the day on
which he attained his 20th year, made
this extemporary addrefs to fo great
an audiecce, that Sion-church, though
«ne of the largeft places of public wor-
fliip in London, was fo exceedingly
crowded on the occafion, that immeafe
multitudes, both Jews and others,
were not able to get within hearing,
but were obliged to return difappoint-
cd. This has induced the publisher
to print this difcourfe as it was deli-
vered, being entirely extempore, ho-
ping it may fall into the hands of feme
Jews, who, perhaps, would not go to
hear it preached ; or into the hands of
others, who, alter hearing it, v.ould
wifh to examine whether it was really
a^reable to the prophecies or not. If
any perfon (hould be ltd, by reading
this difcourfe, t<i fearch tlie Scriptures
cnncrrning the MefTiah, and the blelT-
ed Spirit of G.d fliould convince any
one of them that Siiiloh is really
come, this puhl. cation may have an-
I'wcred a good purpofe ; an<i that it
may be a means, in liie hana of God,
of aJTilliDg to convert the Jews to Chrif-
tianity is the hearty prayers of die pub-
lifher. VVe join with him in recommend-
ing this plain cunnefled view of the pro-
piiecies relating to the Melliah, by a
youth who difciaims any language but
Li$ own.
2J4. The Prindples and Duties of Chrlftianity
incalcaled and explained t a iiermw f teach'
id at Suijisiir/, MiUdisleX, «/i tV&dnef'
day, May 15, 1796, heing the Aumver-
fury Meeting of tiuo F'iemlly Societies of
poor Trad f men and Day -labourers in that
Parifh, injiituted for mutual Support in
Cafes of Sic inefs, Accident, 6r old Age. Bf
James Cowe, A.M. Vicar.
THIS feafonable and well-written
difcourfe mufl; not be hadily confound-
ed with the mafs of occafjonal fermons,
whofe exiltence and period are fo neir-
Iv allied, in point of time, that they
fcarcely can be noticed before they are
forgotten. With learning fully ade-
quate to the moft abftrufe fpeculation,
and powers of language to adorn the
moft barren fubje6\, the author never
lofes fight of thofc whom he parlicu~
larly addrefles. A fubjeft more im-
portant cannot be delivered from the
pulpit, or that comes more <• home to
men's buficefs and bofom'i." To fiich
of the higher ranks as are engroiled
by the formalities of life, diiSpated ia
the tumults of bufmefs, or atriidft ths
vicifTitudes of pleafure, it is not ad-
dreffed; to fuch we do not recommend
it : but, while to thefe il would be
" foolifnnefs," it will teach the fericus
well-difpofed Chriftian to be " wife
unto falvation." The author com-
mences his difcourfe by enforcing
with confiderable ability, the efScacy
of Chriilianity, as the vital principle
that animates the duties of focial Jife^
After a critical and faiisfactory eluci-
dation of the text (Philip, i, 27), h=
conftders the principles of the gofpel
as they affeft mr.nkind \n gsnsrel-, ar,d
evinces that the advancement of man-
kind in civilization and moral duties
was commenfurate to the progrefs of
Clififlianity- He explains the parti~
cidar duties v/hich our religion re-
quires of us as neighbours; uiider
tltcfe heads, he dtfcribes the light of
the gofpel in the tivofoid property of •
tight, as it eniigbletis the underftand-
ing and ivarms the heart. He next
adverts to cur conduft towards thofe of
a different religious perfuafion; and
here we found the conciliating fpiriE
of Chriftianity divefled of that norrcw
bigotry, which fo arbitrarily " judgeih
anothsr man's lervant." The author
pnceeds to expatiate on the influence
of the gofpe! on our demsfic concerns ;
and, under this head, ftront^ly recom-
mends family-prayer, indufiry, frooa-
lity, temperance, and domeUic harmo-
nv j and, as conxitfled with the hft-
mentioned duty, the neceflity of re-i-
g^ious education. Aft^i; teptobatir^
4 tlie

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