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^z6 ji Crew nearly JVhite. — Hudibras. — ^erles cufwered. [Nov.
fore no omiflions could make their
works appear fo hoftils to the efta-
bliflied faith.
I hope the attempt of there gentle-
men to bring the Doftor's Pfalrr.s and
Hymns, as they are now fang, into
difrefpeft and difufe, will only ferve
to expofe their own vanity, and more
endear to his admirers the jrenuijie
produflinns of a Divme, who has fo
ably affifted to excite the praifes, and
elevate the devo'ion, of Chriftian
worfliipers.— Kow Dr. Doddridge h'S
fared m the hands of theie compilers I
cannot fay, not having any of his
Pfalms in my polTeirion.
An Enemy to Mtjreprtfenlailon.
Mr. Urban, Nov. 15.
YOUR candour in admitting into
the Gentleman's Magazine for
September laft, p. 732, an anony-
mous account of a variety of the Ciovw
nealy white, feen at Bowthorpe, in
Norfolk, on the Sth (not on the iS)
of Auguft, feems to impofe ir as an ob-
ligation on the writer of that article,
in vindication of himfeif from an im-
plied imputation of either ijilnorance,
or impudence, and of you, fir, from
that of credulity, to notice the affer-
tion, at once brief and bold, of Am-
bidexter, p. S33, that it was, undoubl'
tdly, the Royfott Crow, or Corvus Car'
nix, of Linna;iis.
To one foconvesTantin Natural Hif-
tory as your correlp.indcnt, from the
previous paragraphs of his communi-
cation, fliould feem to be, it can
fcarcely be unknown, tliat what is
commonly called the Royfion Crow is
a bird of paifage, but fcldom to be
feen here in the warmer months; or,
that a bird of that fpecies, with a white
head, throat, wings, and tail, in firort,
without any intermixture of black pki
tranfmitted to you the account alluded
to, but bv others alfo of the firft credit
and refpcfldbility in that diftriit.
Dear Urban,
I beg your pardon for turning ferioua
things trto jeft : but, when I read
your Reviewer's account of Anaxago-
ras Idft month, I could not, for my life,
help thinking what Hudibras faid of
the PhiUfijpher, and I now fend it
to you.
" For Anax'goras, long agone,
Saw hillf, as well as you, i' th' Moon :
And held the Sun was but a piece
Of red-hot iron, as hig as Greece ;
Believ'd the Heav'ns w as made of flone,
Becaufe the Sun bad voided one :
And, rather than he would recant
Th' opinion, fufFer'd banifhment.
Canto II[. part 2. 1. 737 — 746.
Yours, &c. A. B.
would itfelf be a curiofitv full
luch deferving the aiteiuion of the
iNdturalift, as any variety of the com-
mon kind, if indeed a diftinSion could
be made betwixt thcro on acafual view.
If, however, Mr. Urban, your ccr-
refpondent will condei'cend to ha<ve any
doubti upon the fubjeft, he may pro-
bably remove then) to his failstaSion
by paying a vifu to Mr. Pakinfon's
JMuI'eum, wheie he will find a fpeci-
men of this variety of the Crow, in
good prefervaiion, and fimilar in al-
moft e»ery refpeft to that oblsrved
near Norwich ; which allow me to add,
was ieen occationally for many wctks
together, not only by the pet fon who
Mr: Urban,
TN vol. LXV. p.
Hon). 5.
292, col. 2, 1. 13,
for acceptable, r. acceffiblt.
P. 370 One of thefe antient paint-'
ings of Chiill is engraved in the Anti-'
quarian Repertory, vol. IV. p. i.
P. 458. I. L. Jepherfon is informed,
if not too late, that the play of " Cor-
nelianum Do'ium" tvas, moftprobably,
written by Thomas Randolph, author'
of "The Mufe's Looking-glafs" and
many other theatrical pieces, of whom'
an account is given in Baker's " Eio-
graphica Dramatica." Part of it is
borrowed from one of Boc^ce's Novels.
Vol. LXVl. p. 635. One is a good
deal futprized to fee an F. S. A. afking
whether Muratori has been trar.flited.
It might have been alked, "iih equal
propriety, whether Rymer's Fcedera, or
Gruter's Infcriptions, had been tranf'
P. 650, col. ,. Is it meant that a
Nun, or Abbefs, was ever addrtlTed
by the title of " Forfootb Urfula, &c."
inilead of " Dime Urfula ?" and, if To,
what is the origin of fuch an extraordi*
nary appellation ?
lb. See more concernins; the etvmo*
logy of Nun, in Du Cange's GloiTary,
V. Nonnus ; and Menage's Ditf. ety-
mol. v. Nuunain.
P. S26. R. has very properly vindi*
cated the monks from the ignorance
utijuftly imputed to tht:m by Drake and
Anftis. 1 think the inlcriptions in
qucrtion mean emphatically to fay,
•' thcfe are the heads of heathen Dei-
ties, Philofophers, and Emperors ; but
our heads are Cluilt and the Trinity."
You IS, &c. K. O.

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