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i795.] Englifli CoHrge at Donay.« — Coins minted at Duiham. 8g7
to oljfervc, if any gentleman (not a
dele'- in coins), whofe; feries of Eng-
Mr. Urban, Ar.g. zi.
INCLOSED (Plate I.) >..u have
thfi gnrdtnfiont of the Eng (h col-
lege at Douav, in Flanders ; a place
from \vh ch rhe unjuft ruleis in France
expelled our countrvmen, and lately
fold tiie buidiiig, and ext -nfive ground
on which inlands, »o a perfon fiom St.
Qiilntnin's ; who has flfo bought the
Eng ifli monks' fine college in the fame
town, and the great or metropolitan
chuich of Ca;iibr-ty. Ufelefs as
churches and ecclefiaftical things now
are, the r.icrileoious tyrants reckon high
npon thetn, and mai;e thvir profit to be
returnable in nine months. Amongft
this, the Englifli. who lavifhed fuch
vaft ("urns on buildings of the kir.d you
have inclosed, lo be turned out and
robbed is hard, and in a century hence
•fill bf fc^rcelv credited ; but, to add
t-he money in their funds, and eftates
app opriated to the . f'upport of thefe
places, what number ftiall I give the
thoufinds thus loft to this country in
the moment of heated religious bigo-
try, wiiich for two centuries and more
divided this nation ? I wil not blame
the Roman Cathol cks : they [\?,d no re(ource, till the> prefent Father
3 peopie and the benevolence .of a
:! legiflature opened otiicr views
■n at home. But the time was
!t to recal their property, It was
; ibie to make mot.ey oF their
!.. ;ngs before thev were robbed cf
ihc \vhole. Jf (o mucli was dore in
mere tiian two centuries abroad, let us
then hope, through the wile meafutes
of our welj-guidtd couv.tiy, en union
3t- ,iii ranks in the common cauie of
libttty and the Br:tilli conftitution, and
I for-ever adieu to intolerance and re-
igious anim fity, which pervades every
bicjll j and then, by (uch an union, in
^vo centuries more, tliis nation will
lave laved millions of its c.ifli, and its
)e<.i)le become ilrnoft invinciule.
i iiope iome of yourhteiary readers
vi!l, une diiy or o;htr, give an ample
itco'jnt of tne placi )ou now enarave.
You.s, &c. X;Y"Z.
Mr. Urban, O.?. 4.
'N the delcription of Buckfafl ab'ocy,
p 195, in my Ramble on Dirt-
loor, 1 (iffcribed the com from which
inclofcd Jig. 2. is taken. As you
c engraved ont; of Richard's pen-
'ies, p. 639. 1 think this ui 1 prove a
;o()d to.up-.nion for h in. I beg farihsr
I i^EHT. mac. No'Ve.yiifir, 17 j'.
lifli pennies is in this a; tide incom-
plete, by addrefTing a line to me it is
at their lervice, as it is more than pro-
bable the com (which is in excellent
prtfervation) will by that means be
handed topoftetity, which, otherwii-;,
in my fm.sll cabinet, mriy be buried
with the prefent owner in oblivion.
If not difpofed of in this manner, on
my next vifit to London it is my inten-
tion to prefent it to the tiuftees of the
Biitifii Mufeum if ir is wort"v their
acceptance. It is muerially different
from the one you have engraved ia
many parts, and the face has a young-
er appearance. The S on the breaftof
your engr.^ving plainly points it out to
he of the mintage of Joljn Sherwood,
bi.liop of Durham, duiing this reign.
Your intelligent correfpondent R. "in
his defcfiption of the coin, makes a
trifling miilake in the fpeliing of the
reverfe; it flioii'd be niRHAM inftead
of DIRRAM : the difference o'f form in,
the two letters is verv vifiblcon infpec-
tion It affords matter for the Anti-
quaii.^.!-. and Med ■liil to account for the
Buiiieious and diffsienr Ipellin^'.s of tiie
prelaiical mint of Durham, while, oa
the contrary, thofe mints of the cities
of Cante.bury, London, and Yoik,
are fpeit nnh little or no variation.
For inftance, we find it dureme du-
ring the re'ign of Edward !.; DUN ELM
Edward il.j DUNtLMiE Edward III.;
DUNOLM and DQNOLMI Henrys 4th,
5th, and 6th, DERame. Donoli, du-
vv:;rd iV. ; DUKflAM, (this the
firft time tiiis tiue ipclling of Duiham
appears, is on the coins of B. Fox) ;
Hinry VII. dirhamj Henry VIU.
and by Cardinal VVoKey on his coins
,iii the fame reign, I)U;;ram,
the only fpeliing wherein the two R's
arc found toge-.her. V</e alfo find on
antient records, DURESME, DUNEL-
Your., &c. J. Laskey,
Mr, Urban, (Veils, Norfolk, Od. g.
'T^'^ME Lucernal be;ng geoerany al-
JL iL;wed to i)e the moft pe.feft mi-
ciolc'jpe, and of the moft estenfjve ufe
of any yet made, and a very material
impjovemcnt in the conitru6ti"in of
that d:fcrihed in the JVlicroicopical
Effays ..f that indefatigable artilt ind
worthy man the latsf Mi".

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