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179^-1 ^^'i'^^^y- — ^^'^'^ Promotions, —'ical Pfefermtnts. S85
Mr. Dooily^ of the W^ioipnck public-
houfe, in Dii;bctli. He (utKltuly dioppexl
down dead. A few nioinlis fmccj his bro-
ther ditd in the f:imr- niannei-.
'.'6. At Btoni'.ey, in Kent, Mrs. Scott,
Iwife of Ma>:T y-Mw S.
At. the I.!:;t \\'c!l>;, Brido], nfier along
illiief?, the Countefs of Aheipaveiinv.
37. A: VV;Milie;ul, aget' 6-, Mrs. C; gg.ui.
At. 4rflty.houk-, t', the Hon,
Pettr-G- orge !':uhui.(l-, 3d f"n of E rl B.
X)\ 111 hei 24' h year, riAtr a Lonp. and
feveie ulnst's, Mis El'z.ihetli Baylfy, of
Little Stiiicf^.iey, co. Hiiniino'lou ; wl.ofc
difpofi'.ioiis 'verc aniialils, milJ, huiiiane,
»iitl chiuitablc
Civil Pro-motions.
"1^ t R- Gurncy, of tit. Temple, eleifbed
IVi recnnler- of Bi;ii!p>'rr, co. Doret.
Charles Earl of N-'ribauii)ton, eledled
rfc i\ler of the borough of Noithampion,
■^•;.^ I'.is fatliei, (Jec.
S.r Chriflopl'.er Hawkins, hart, elefled
recorder of the borough of Tregony, co.
i, Henry Hulton, efq. of- Lincohi's-inn,
elcfled reconlcr of Lynn, co. Norfolk,
vice Pi efton, d:c.
. William Petrie,efq. M P. for Eaft Ret-
i forci,x* Nottingham, eleclej liij,!i ilew;.rd
, , of that borough, njicc the late Duke of
[i- Newcaftie,
!Mr. Freer, aftorney, of I.eicefterj elefted
coioner of the county of Leicefter, -eke
Tilly, reagned.
'1 Rev. R. \Vr:?hr, of Wrangle, co Line,
appointed furrognte.
. Rev. Tliom.iS D.ivie?, vicar of Stanton
^ Jtlaiodurt, and curats <;f CuJvitfilen, ap-
!i _ poiiited on.-? of the funogaies for the d 10-
' cefe of Oxfurd.
REV. Willium Wlicrlcr, B A. Lacock
R. and Roche R. iioih o.Cornwaif.
Rev. James Bovvyer, B.A. lateof Hinck-
ley, CO. Leicefter, St. Roche R. co. Corn-
,' .>vall, agrecrtl^ly to the l.ift will of t!;e la'n
i John 1 hornton, efq. of Ciap'iam.
Rev. VVni. Becher, M.A. prehendary and
( vicar-geneialol South -A-fl!, \\'!i:ttingon R.
CO. Derby; Rev. Thom.i-. Cair, (;f A'fre-
» toil, fou of the vicar, Hf-atii V ; and R>:v.
[ John Morevvaid, Wuigerworth curacy ;
all vice Pegge, dec.
. Rev. Francis Blick, M. .'i. of Sutton-
ColdfielO, ramworihV.
! ■ Rev. Mr. Farrer, Thurnby V. with
I Stoughton chapelry, co. Leicefter, via
'•■preer. dec.
Rev. G. B. Oliver (fon of Pner O efq.
■; of Leicefter), Beigr.ive V. with Biiriiail
I .«hape!ry, co. Leicefter, vice Clayton, dec.
^T Rev. Richard Turner, collated to the
prebend of Empinghani, in the caihedriil
of Liua'i.'i, vice S.'.lilbary, dec,
Rev. Thomas Bevnon, redtor of Per.bnyi-,
CO. Carmartlien, collated to the prehencl or
cannnry of Carvay, in tlie cathedral' of
St. David..
Rev. Robert Maikham, Southwell pire-
benil, c>. Nottingliam,' aiul Bolton Percy
R. near T^ulc.ifttr, boili vice 'Vlarfdeivdec'.
Rev. Henry Poller Mill-;, M.A. foniii-
law of the Archbifhopof York, Barton-i^ti
F-ibisR. ne..r Nottingham; and inftsUcd
prebendary of the prebend of Oxiin, fe;-6nfl,
p.irt,in [tie collegiite cliurch of Southed],
vice Marfden, dec. ' •
Rev. WiHiam Coxe, M. \. rerfor cf B.?-
inwiTon, KittOM R. near }!•, ijlol.
Rev. Dr. 3ouve't, Wimh'rn V. vidt
Royce, dec.
Rev. Cenrge Shelton, M.A. Cleve Prior
V. CO. Worcefter, vice Nevi-, rerrgned.
Rev. Vincent Fdwanls, M.. A reilor of
Dar'.fton, co. St.iffnrd, Isioomfield R. neat
Chelmsford, co; Elfex.
Rev. Thomas Giibei t, Little Gaddcfdeh
R. Hots. T';Ve Jackfon, dti:.
Rev. Charles Wakf, B. D. Fenny Cotnp-
ton R. C'. War'.>.itk, f//V^ Di( kenfon, dec-
Rev. William Moore Neivnhani, B". D.
Eafmgham R. co. Line, vice Skinner, dec.
Rev. V/dliam Benwell, M.A. Chilton R,
Rev Kd'.vard Cannon, R. A. appointed
one of tlie priefts in ordinary ty tlie Bil'hap
of Lon.'.on, vice Waring, dec.
Rev. Lewi."! Marftiall Clufe, B.A. War-
leggin R. CO. Cornwall.
■ Rev. Mr. Drummond, ^Raverlberg R.
CO. York.
Rev R. Lloyd, Avenhiirg R. Kerf:. '
Rev. Robert' Young, Great Creaton R.
near Northampton.
Rev. Mr. Davie'-, Stock !and-Bdftol V.
CO. Somerfet, vice Rl ke, dei;.
Rev. T. Matthews, Oli.w=11 R, in the
diocefe of Ely.
Rev. James Nafmith, reRor of Si^ale-
vvell, near Newmirliet, UpweJl R. ct>.
Noifollv, and Leverington 'R. near Wif-»
bech j the latter vice £yre, dtc.
Reu. joli.i'G. Newhnry, M.A. Ufton
prehciid m the cathedral of Lichfield.
Rev. M ithamel Palirver {ohnlon, reflor
of St. Anne's, S'lttoii-Bonnington, Afton-
upon-Tient R. co. Derby.
Rev. Robert D .vers. Little Welnetham
R. nenr Bui v, vice Cockfedge, refigned.
P.e/. Willi im Bker, Lyndon R. co.
Rutland, vice Fieeaian, dec.
Rev. Jofepli Colboriie, M.A. Syde R. in
the dio^ele of Gloucefter, vice Chap. nan,
Rev; Samuel H.-.r£,M.A. ffeitow cf Exe-
ter-coUei^e, Vertoii V. eo. Oxford.
Rev Malhy Beckwirh, St. Dennis with
St. George cum Nabura R. in York, vice
Barret, dec.
Rev. Angnfline Biilvvsr, S.iHe R. co.

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