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\2 Ohilttary ef remarkable Perfam ; w'tih 'Biographical Ar.tcdoitu [0(5^.
tl)« ftsMv^er pf his a^e, Mr. T. Hernpfta.!,
of Bvini^htoP, CO. HtintJ^gilon, furgcon of
5he Bridgewater hofpital Slup.
■Ill t»ie \Vrftl-In:i;es, Mr.W. Poller, 2 J
f^a cf .-he Rev. Mr. F. of Ry.-iU, Rutla.u!.
A£ Lynii, co. Nivfolk, Mr. SincI nr,
formerly a coiifi-'erabb f .rmer at Bartvick.
At Lcsds, in Yorkihire, afer aa illuefs
•which fhe bore ukh ui^'-iatripletl fortiuule,
Mr?. Carruthers, w.fe of bieut. C. of the
marines, and ilHnglitcr of F. Wooldriilje,
efq. of Ply«ioath, cnptain in the royal na-
vy, iind at prefcnt c^>nimaiider of the For-
turte floop of war, on a cruife. She was a
wom.m of extr-me cl*erfi;hici's and viva-
city, tempere-A by manners at once eafy
and tir^affe(5led : an e.Kempl.iry dauglvter,
and an atfedtionate wifo.
In his 2 2d yc-ir, Mr. Benjamin,
furgerm, of Mill Pnfon.
At Eaft Dfrehano, a^td S4, Mrs. Mary
Eenp, mother of tl-.e late Sir John F. knt.
. At his haui€ at Brompton, M ijor-gen.
William Roberts. He loll his leg at the
battle of Foritenoy.
After a long iHnefs M^. VV. L. Wil-
li.ims, of Greenwich, in Kent, one of the
coroners for that county.
Aged 80, Mr;-. Statford, wife of Mr,
J*feph S. and mother of thtf Rev. Mr. S.
«f Wy!-.iondham, Norfolk.
•Mn. Colvill, wifs of M'-. C. timber-
merchant, Portf«r,i, Hawts.
At Richmon I, Surrey, Mr?. Lswes', wi-
«!ow of the Ute dean of Olli-rj-.
At Dover cadle, aged 71, Capt. James
Wiggan, id reg. of Weil York militia.
Far advanced in yenrs, Mis. Crofts, of
llton, in Humingdonthire.
At PlymouWi, after a very lingering
illnefs, which he bore with great refigna-
t'on, Mr. Thomas Reynolds, for many
years lati p?.{l oroner for the Southern
di£lri(5l o^S^ror. : an ofliee which he fil-
led with gieat ability and integrity; and
was fiippcfsd, by thofa verfed in the fub-
jetl, to have a more comyvteni kncwlsi'ge
of the corunotorihl Lw ihap any coroticr
In^the kingdom. At the i .-vmnxsncement
of this war he was appointed by the Sck
Bad Hurt Bo.irJ, tlirough the inteiett of
liis Grace the Drtke of Riclimond, to the
oifice of commilldry for prifoners of t^-ar at
this port; but, ikuiing his health declining,
and the duties of his llatinn become more
fatiguing, about 14 montlis fnice lie ic-
ligned liis filiation as commilfary, prefer-
ring the more eafy and tr.^oquil pleafuies
of private life. He was tiie early friend
ind companion of the celebrat&J typo-
grapher Mr. Andrew Brice, of B^eter. He
WIS chct^rful and entertaining, full of
aaecd^»;e, and had a familiar .nnd pleafing
m inner of reiaiing ilie firigular aJ\en:urfs
of the euily par: of his life. He h:id three
■fous in the Britifh navy.; .all of whom be
-)»3d the misfortune 10 lofe in this war iti
the fervice of their country. This fevere
flroke, added to increafing mfirmities, put
a period to his life, at the age of 70, in his
cottage in Nut-{lre©t ; leaving a wife and
three <;V>ilJren to lament his lof .
At Fareham, in H-iriiplhire, Mifs Legge,
elcieft daughter of the late Capt. John L. of
the royal navy.
At Startforth, Co. York, the Rev. Gen,
Fi Iding, M. A. reftor of Longliton, Bucks.
The Rev. Luke Lf^.ke, rcdtor of Great
Blakenham, and vicar of Offton with Bri-
cet, CO. Suffolk.
Oi-f. I. At the Briftol Hot Wells, in h'ef
SStii, after a linpering illnefs of up-
wards of two years, Mrs. Slicphard, wife
of Charles S. elq. of John-ftrcet, Bedford-
row. She was the laft furviving child of
the late M. Hinch.lifT, of Covent- garden,
in Scotland, Mr. Speare, bnokfell.-jr, iti
HoHiourn, partner with Mr. Ogilvy.
At Gainftjorough, co. Lincoln, aged 60,
M. Robert Price, watch- m;»ker.
At CliYpolc, near Newark, aged %x
Mr.--. Ifabella Barber, wife of Mr. \Vn». B,
At Kincardine lodge, Scotland, Sir Ed-
ward, bait.
2. AtAQihorne, co. Leicefter, ageJ 61,
Mf. John Howard, brazier.
Richard Vann, .Jq. of Belgrar-e, co. Leic.'
At Town Mailing, in Kent, Mifs Ge.ry^
dau. of the late Adm. Sir Francis d. bart.
3 In 3eaiimont-ftreet,Devnnfhire-p!a(
Miis Fedley, eldell filler of Stanhope
efq. of Tetworth, Huntingdonfliire,
Mr. Combes, attorney at law, of Oa
ham, and clerk of the peace for the cou^
of Rutland.
Mils Hales of High-flreet, Lynn.
At Ditchleys, Elfe/, Mr?. Pickett,
t'f Mr. Aldermim P. She was buried 0!
the iithi.T S"oke Newington chnrchryati
with her daughter ; of whofe melanchdil
fate fee "voL Lf. p. 59.}. ; and of her fon'
fate, fee this ye ir, p. 515.
AtUT a fhort illnefs, Mr. Gilbert Be.?
ford, of New land, near Ramfgate. ,
.\. Agetl 66, of a paralytic flro'lsl
Mr. M.>.thirell, formerly c
trador for frefh beef for his Majefty's
vy, and in this war principal alfiftant »i
that bufmefe to Meff. Hole and Dilling, tl^
prefeut cnntradlors. In the various an
extenfive buhnefs iu which he was engage
he prel'erved the moil incorruptible ii
integiity. His employers luid a very fiig
value and cfleem fOi; hiiin, as he alwai
endeivoured to adyance their infjrcft \
fair and hoi:eft mean?. He was firmly a
taehed to the King and Conftitution \ an
wlicn feized wiih the f ital ftroke of t
palfy, had jail drunk " Suceefs to His M
jelly's Arms by Sea and Land." Hew,
curried home, and never foukc afteiXvarc,
, After a few days ilLnei>, Mr. Harrif*
furgiiou and apothecary, Lcicslkr.

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