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|jyQ6.] Interejthig Intelli^encs from the London GiJzettes. 7S1
\Geo Gen. Nicholls, in his le'ter of the
filth of Jijnft. rep >rts to me Uiac the com-
' manJant of the Kreiic>» f oops at Goyave
li;id furrendered himfelf, with part of the
force under his co.nmaiid ; and tha: the re-
mainder, U'lder Fedon, had retired ro their
flroiig hold in the high mountains above
Goyave. He likewife inf n-ms me that of the moft guilty of the old French
5nh bitants had lurrendered thenifelves.
In this part of our operation'^ we liave to
regret the lofs of M:ij. De Rmyne';, of
the royal artil'ierv, who was killed imme-
medi.itely after the thfeniharkatioii of the
troops at* Goyave. The fortunate iii'ue of
the bufmefs at St. Vinceni's permitted me
to vifi. Grenada, where I foui.d Fedon 'n-
veftei ; his lorce i-. fi-pp fed nut to exceed
300 men, wirli.)ut any regular fiipply of
provifions, hot ii> a fitu itio'i very difh- olt
ofaccet. M.ij. dn. K'C'.uA'.t w.s direiSled
' to ftraiten hi;ii as naich as poi5iSle, and not
to grant him any terms, (liitt of uncondi-
tional hibniifll in. Tht, h'rcc-'y of hi'> cha-
been giuity, rei; 's- t iP.; >;iiMs to treat
■ with him upt) 1 ^-.y ■■ riicr terms. B ("ore I
left Gi'inada, tlwre i»p|)eared a gpnerai Uif-
pofition in the revoltf^d to (ubmit, and to
ihrrw thcmfelves upon th^^ mcicy of the
Bri'i':h Government. I cannot forbear
nienti'.ning: that Brig. Gen. Hope, with
his ufual zeal, offrred his fsrvicej in tiie
opeiaf'oi's at Grenada, and very much
cutitribir.fd to the fuccefs which followed.
' I have hitherto received no return of the
' kilk-d ;uul wounded ; but am hippy to
fay that tlie number is incoafider.ible.
■ Capt. Scot!, of his M.ajef^y's fliip Hebe,
coniJu''Ud t!ie d'fembarkaiion, and rave
ge 'eral f.itibfaftioiu This letter will be
delivered to you by Caj^t. Hr.y, of tlie
- royal engineeia, wht) cair.e outuith tiie
: expedition as a vuluntedr; h- has afled as
' my aid-de-cmp, ami as chief nigi.ieer at
\ the attack of St. Luci u R •. Abe«cromby,
[ Sm-, Si. F:',ccnt'^, Jum i3.
' Since 1 had the honaur to vvrvts to' you
, yefterday, 1 h-ive received the foU(Vvymg
'{ inclofures from M;,j. Gen. N:ci'.oIls at
Grfnala; which c.m'ain an aJditional
proof ..£ the good conduft and fpirit of the
otticers and n:en of his Majelly's troups
' employed on 'his iervxs. vVe may now
flatter ourfeW-s that the infurre^lion in
i the dland of Grenada is nenriy, if not al-
j together qu-l!ed. Ra. Abercromby.
\ Miij. Gen- Nichr,!h to Uiut. Gen. Sir Ralfb
\ Aoerc'omhy, Gouyuve, June 21.
■| Your txceliency knew, thai the weath?r
! teii'ig favourable, the morning of the i-'.th,
I Brig. Gfn. Campbell's brigade, and the
brigate commanded hv C.)l. ^^ount D'Hei!-
limer, had marched frona their pofiuons
: on Maunt St. and Chadeans ; the
j former to force a poft the eriemy had.ef-
• cabliflied at Michslls, .and afterwards to
proceed acr:>in1 their camp at Aches;
while tlie Count's brigade were to iiy to
get ab,>ve the, enemy, and at the b-ck of
their rvdoiibts on M ii ne Q^iaquo, Li ur.
Col. GledAanes, wtio waj po(1ed with the
7tli regiment at the head of Grand Roy
Valley (which is on the oppi^fire fide of
M'-.rne Qjiaquo to IIkv on which C lunt
D'Heilhnier was to attack), was defired to
fend a f'rong dctachmtnt on 'he hack of
the mountain, and, if he found the ene-
my's rtd"uhr , alfailahle, inltantly to attack
thtm ; hut, if too fl'fi 1^ to be entered with-
out fprtlier prepar'tioii, t<i take poft as
near rhem as p'dHble, and thei wait far-
ther in(>ru(5ti MS. Such was the general
difpofiton made for the attack ot tiieir
two (tn in; poruions op Morne Quaquo
and F(>r< t Noir (commonly cniled Aches
Camp) ; whils a fm^dl detachment of three
conTjianies of the colonial bLtck corps, and
tlie grenadieif of the 38th regiment, went
a,5ainft a pofl the enemy had at the head of
Beau-Sejour vaUer- The troops wsre hic-
cefsful every where; and, nearly at the
fame hour on tne morning of the 19th. we
Were in full pofTeffion of every eftabliihed
poft we heaid the enemy had in this
illand. We were divided in fearch of the
M-jrifleri in every dir?r6l;on ; I can call
them by no other name, a", when they fa\\r
our men on the point of fi)rciiig what they
thought their iin|iregnahle poils on Morne
Q^aquo, thty kd out, a number of white
p.'op'e thf,- ha-l prifooer?, Urippsd them,
tied their hand^ behind their b-jcks, and
than murdt^red them. Above twenty were
put to death in this barbarous manner.
The conduct of Biig. Gen. Campbell and
Count D'Heillimer has been offi.:er-like
and meritorious, and, as fuch, f take the
liberty of pieiitioning them to your Fxcel-
lency : indeed Co\int D'Heillimer's difpo-
fition for the attack was fo juJicio -fly
mavif, and fo well exPCuted by L'-wen-
flein's Yaugeis in particular, and the Royal
Etrangers, who go: up to the top of the
mountain ;n fiv nit'bt, that when the cno-
my'f 'V/ tdem, foon after day-light, in pof-
fedion Kf their ui^per fmail poft at the Vi-
gie, the-.r irfiilance was afterwards feeble;
and as ou I, oops advanced Uiey abandoned
ll eir works, and fled into ihe woods, where
the Yagcis foon followed them. 1 cannot
fpeak with any certainty of the enemy's
lofs on the 19th; but yeflerday Count
D'rieiUimer informed me his different
parties in the woodi killed 100 brigands.
1 lend a lilt of the killed and wouniled of
our troops fmce they landed the gtlj infl.
T hs French inhabitants, who, through fear,
or compuifion, as fome of them, fay, or
through inclination, :.s is gener.dly believed
here, had joined the inlurgents, have come
in, and given tleir.felyes-up to rne. I
have feiic them all to the Lfeut. Governcir'S,
to b«s tried by Hic cinl'power. If we have

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